Dig this tweet thread from Dr. Vinay Prasad, as the left declares Forever Vaccine America.
We’ve moved from, “Get two covid shots and you never have to worry about getting it or spreading it again,” to, “Booster, booster, booster, booster, booster, booster, forever,” to Dr. Jha saying this is God’s design.
What Democrats are trying to avoid is a reckoning on their wrong-headed, damaging covid policies. It’s on us to get the word out.
We have to deliver retribution at the polls this November, and we will in Florida, where Governor Ron DeSantis was the nation’s most successful covid governor.
There’s a stark contrast offered between DeSantis’s sanity and his unhinged opponent, Charlie Crist, who has been a Democrat, an independent, a Republican — and now thinks he’s the messiah.
If Charlie Crist were a six PhD-holding former Navy SEAL super Ninja that was working on a cure for cancer, that answer should still disqualify him. Remember, this is who Democrats told you would be a better governor than DeSantis last election.
If Andrew Gillum was willing to say that he’s opposed to vaccine passports, though, we’d probably take him over Charlie Crist.
Remember, these Democrats wanted to make you choose “shot or fired,” and who stood up to them?
We lost firemen, cops, nurses, doctors, members of the military because of this authoritarianism.
How is it that this is not a bigger issue going into the midterms?
We’re gonna keep diving into all this ridiculousness, beating this drum through to the midterms, because the people who did this must pay with their jobs.
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