BUCK: There’s still some talk about the so-called whistleblower. Haugen, I believe is her name. I haven’t heard anyone really pronounce her name one way or the other. So we’ll say Haugen. She’s been on Capitol Hill talking about how we need to protect the children — and as I’ve told you, whenever a Democrat — and she’s aligned with a Democrat PR firm.
You can just tell the Democrats who are questioning her on Capitol Hill are particularly pleased to see her and hear from her. You should always be cautious whenever a Democrat says, “It’s for the children.” Nancy Pelosi loves to do that, by the way, whatever the issue is. She wants to raise your taxes? (impression) “It’s for the children.”
She’s got some reason for why it’s for the future generation. But really what they want — and I think this became clear if you listened to testimony. What they want is to put a super-regulatory authority, which would be within the federal government, right? So they create something like the TSA for Facebook so that they can make sure everyone’s safe. This is what they’re saying. And she said something like it.
HAUGEN: I also believe there needs to a dedicated oversight body because right now the only people in the world who are trained to analyze these experiments, to understand what’s happening inside of Facebook, are people who, y’know, grew up inside of Facebook or Pinterest or another social media company. And there needs to be a regulatory home where someone like me could do a tour of duty after working at a place like this and — and have a place to work on things like regulation, to bring that information out to the Oversight Board that — that have the right to — to do oversight.
CONGRESSMAN: A regulatory agency within the federal government?
BUCK: Not even legislation she wants, Clay. She wants the TSA for Facebook, basically, or she wants the SEC if you want to say for Facebook. Oh, okay. That’s gonna really protect from us politicization and censorship, right? That’s gonna work out great.
And one way that would be significant would be in allowing the government or an agency of the government — even worse, almost — to be determining what is true and false, what is correct information and what is misinformation. Because, as we have seen, so much that has been labeled false for the last four or five years has turned out to be true and so much that was labeled to be true has turned out to be false, right? They’ve gotten things so fundamentally wrong that literally we’re living in an upside-down world.
BUCK: We often talk about a root fallacy or root weakness of the left is hypocrisy. And now we’re at the point where I think they just embrace hypocrisy where they can as a manifestation of their power. But another one is always hubris. You notice this among leftists. They really think they got the answers to a lot of things when they don’t know squat. And there’s a different word I would use if we weren’t on radio.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: But they don’t know squat. They like to walk around and tell everybody else… You see this with covid. You see it with everything, right? This is why they are the never-ending busybodies who want to tell everybody else what to do about everything including Facebook. By the way, if people are on Facebook too much, their parents — if kids are on, their parents — should say get off of Facebook.
CLAY: That’s why we’ve kept our kids off of social media and I’d encourage everybody out there to keep your kids off social media as long as you possibly can.
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