CLAY: Yesterday, we brought you the news that the Democrat attempt to enshrine Roe v. Wade in a Senate vote had failed because Joe Manchin failed on his Democrat colleagues and so by a 51-49 vote that attempt by Chuck Schumer failed. But as a part of that failure, we’re already starting to see the argument now be made, Buck, of, “This is not only about abortion. It’s going to spread beyond abortion,” and during the commercial break I was reading the Washington Post.
They are doing direct, agenda-based journalism. Buck, they have got Washington Post reporters obsessively calling every video game company to find out what their policy is going to be, what their statement is going to be in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned. This, of course, is not journalism. It’s a pressure-mounted campaign to try to get all of these companies to issue woke statements relating to abortion. Meanwhile, so far, most companies seem to be avoiding making these comments.
And what is this telling us? What are we learning from this obsession coming from the leak from Justice Alito potential opinion — remember, still hasn’t even occurred, potential opinion — overturning it? It’s that Roe v. Wade by itself isn’t enough. There has to be more associated with it. So this was Chuck Schumer after the Senate failed to advance what they were calling the Women’s Health Protection Act. Here in cut nine. He says and follows along what we talked about yesterday, the slippery slope argument of contraception is next.
Listen to Schumer’s litany of what’s to come in the wake of this opinion.
CLAY: So far that it has come to fruition anywhere, right? That’s the slippery slope argument. But, Buck, what you’re seeing, actually, is that Democrats have enshrined that they believe abortion should be legal up to and including the ninth month of pregnancy, which is a radical proposition that is overwhelmingly rejected by the vast majority of the American public.
But this campaign is underway, this Washington Post “journalism” — I’m putting it in a quotation mark — of calling a company and wanting to know what they’re going to potentially be doing and then writing about “a failure to act,” which is what they did in the newspaper is advocacy direct and straightforward, and this is all part of the campaign that is underway to define this Alito opinion.
BUCK: I think they’re just trying to mobilize corporate America the way that they did with BLM, which we just talked about in the last hour. They’re expecting the same genuflection and begging for forgiveness from corporate America now. And then there’s also a lot in corporate America who are just open advocates for this, a lot of major companies. But the difference is with BLM in the initial days, I think there was a bit of… There was a moral panic.
But there was also a sense of, “Well, maybe this is a time for a conversation.” Half the country doesn’t want to have a conversation about whether or not women should be able to abort babies for all nine months of a pregnancy. They want this to stop. They wanted this to stop for a long time. They’ve wanted this to stop for decades. They’ve set up organizes. They’ve raised a lot of money. They’ve been engaged in advocacy.
They’ve been helping women who are, you know, unplanned pregnancy, setting up unplanned pregnancy centers for women to have babies. There’s been a lot that’s been going on here. So this isn’t just one side gets to have their argument and no one else is going to stand athwart them and say, “Well, hold on a second,” as was the case… Remember with BLM nobody…? There were very few people who were willing to say early on — I will say that I was among them — that this was not going to help.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: This was a bad idea. This is rooted in lies. On this issue, I think that they underestimate the strength and the solidity — is that a word? I think it’s a word — of the pro-life movement and how it’s been waiting for this moment in time to now take it to the states. You notice, the panic among the Democrats is, “Oh, my gosh! What if people can vote on this?”
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: What if states actually have to deal with the intricacies and the gray areas and the differences in opinion? The Democrats need this cover, this fig leaf, this fiction of Roe, and now they want it at a federal level. Think about how obtuse this thinking is as well. When Republicans come into a majority, they can just remove it. You’re gonna have a federal law that is saying, “You have this right/no you don’t have this right,” that’s going to ping-pong back and forth depending on who’s in charge?
They’re violating my constitutional rights, but we live with all kinds of differences among the states. That’s where this is heading, and that’s where it should have been all along. And I just think the Democrats know that their arguments are weak and there’s also a sense, this is not going to be the mobilization…
Yeah, of course if you’re left-wing. The people that are outraged by this — the blue-haired, nose ringed, shrieking banshees outside of Kavanaugh’s house and outside of Roberts’ house — were all voting Democrat, anyway, Clay. I really don’t… Now, there will be some people that maybe see that things you’ve been talking about, the email that say, “Oh, it’s gonna go after –”
CLAY: “Take away your contraceptive rights.”
BUCK: Exactly. But I think there will also be a lot of people who say, hold on a second. Chuck Schumer really believes — and we’re not making it up. He does, and Beto O’Rourke and what’s the Senate candidate, Tim Ryan?
CLAY: Tim Ryan, Ohio.
BUCK: Would-be senator from Ohio, nine months, you don’t want to have a baby anymore, doctor should take it out of you and kill the baby. That is what the Democrats believe. People are gonna realize what that actually means too.
CLAY: No doubt, and I think that’s important to emphasize what actually was voted on. There is a totalitarian nature in pro-choice abortion rights argument that now requires, Buck, lest you offend them, that you support abortion all the way up to the ninth month of pregnancy. That is what they believe. That is what they voted on yesterday. That’s what 49 Democrats affixed their name to. What’s interesting to me associated with that is, the pro-life movement actually has a variety of different perspectives within it, right?
Some people out there do believe that there should have been any exemptions at all. That’s your right to have that opinion, right, for religious-based reasons, whatever they may be. Other people — and I would put myself in this category — believe that contraception should be widely available, and some people disagree with that. But I’m in that category. In terms of what the line should be for rape, incest, for how many weeks abortion should be available if at all.
There’s a wide variety of perspectives. The reason why I bring this up is, I think there is a tendency to treat pro-choice people in the media, certainly, as if they are more of a reasonable group. Think about this” Nine-month pregnancy abortions? That is murder! That is now the position of the Democrat Party. And it is one that if you are running, if, you know, Valentine’s Day Valentine’s Day is running up against Tim Ryan in Ohio. Tim Ryan is trying to say, “Hey, I’m a moderate for the Democrat Party running in the state of Ohio.”
It ain’t moderate, Buck, to believe that a nine-month-pregnant woman can decide to do away with her abortion, and that needs to be… You need to get everybody on the record in the midterms who is out there, “Do you support a woman’s right to have an abortion in the ninth month?” ‘Cause, you know what? If that woman was shot and the baby died, most of our criminal statutes would call that a double murder —
CLAY: — almost everywhere out there. They should.
BUCK: As you’re pointing out, we need to take a memo here and really think about this as a country, prominent Democrats — really the most powerful Democrats in the country — are arguing for a legal right to what is obvious infanticide.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: Full stop.
CLAY: Nine-month babies, they could be born at any moment — anybody who has gone through a pregnancy, has had a baby, knows you get to seven, eight, nine months, you get to nine months, that baby can come at any moment.
BUCK: Full on infanticide, pretending it’s a constitutional right, pretending it’s a moral right, pretending this is somehow about “women controlling their bodies.” They aren’t saying, “Hold on, let’s have a national conversation about difficult things.” They’re advocating for savagery, full on savagery. That is what they’re actually publicly demanding right now, something that we would have…
If you’re looking at a previous society… I think I mentioned this before, you know, the Aztecs a premodern, pre-discover by the West society that used to have massive human sacrifice, and we look at that and we say, “That’s so awful.” Well, they thought they had some reason for that, whether it was to appease some gods or whatever. Our reason is effectively, according to Democrats, convenience.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: It is inconvenient. You’ve had Janet Yellen say, “Hey, it’s really… We need to make sure people can abort babies because babies are expensive and it’s hard and it’s particularly difficult for low-income and minority communities.” That’s an immoral position she’s advocating for. People’s jaws should be dropping. I do think we need to have something of a moral awakening in this country.
We want to have a conversation about, you know, when does life begin and what legal protections for week one and week four, that is, I think, going to happen. And that should happen, at a political level, that should be something that goes on. If we can’t agree that a baby is a baby at nine months, what can we agree on?
CLAY: Think about this analogy, Buck. Woman goes into the hospital, headed to a hospital at nine months pregnant. Man, before she can go into the hospital, jumps out and pummels her in her stomach, leading for her to lose a baby. That’s a vile, awful, unbelievable crime to be committed. And most people would say that man should go to prison for the rest of his life.
BUCK: I’m not a big —
CLAY: That’s a direct attack.
BUCK: I’m not a big advocate for saying, “Well, what does the rest of the world do?” on a whole range of things although sometimes it’s interesting. The rest of the world gets to have secure borders to the degree they can and not be considered racist or xenophobic. Like, every other industrial country, modern country gets to try to control its borders, and that’s not… But on this issue, on abortion, you look at what the rest of the world believes.
America is only aligned in terms of what the Democrat Party pushes for, with China — which created, of course, the one-child policy and forced sterilization — and North Korea. So countries that have open concentration camps to this day and the United States’ Democrats, of course, are the ones that advocate for this abortion for all nine months of a pregnancy.
There’s no… It doesn’t get more morally clear than this, actually. Like, this part of the discussion, which is, I think, why Democrats are so… They’re enraged, they’re overemotional, ’cause they don’t want to actually think it through. They want to shout slogans and live in a land of make believe where they haven’t been advocating for evil for a very long time, and they have been.
CLAY: And this is something that they all need to go on the record for, and this is what I would say is the benefit of the Alito opinion in the event it becomes law. Because we go from debating whether Roe v. Wade should be the law to what should the practical law be. And that is why all 50 states should have a democratic process to figure out what is and what is not permissible.
Miss Clay on Fox News Sunday with Shannon Bream? Watch it here.
Miss Clay on Hannity? Watch it here.
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