Covid “Vaccine” Approved for Kids with Statistically Zero Risk

BUCK: Here’s this covid vaccine approval for young children and the Democrats are — some of them, there’s a subset of Democrats that are — very excited about this. And what this is showing — and this is really troubling — is that the Democrat mind-set for a lot of parents has turned into, “Anything that I can do that makes it seems like I care the most about protecting my kid from covid is inherently justified.”

Clay, I know you had this New York Times piece. You pulled some quotes from it from over the weekend. What is it now, the rate of…? It’s children under 5, vaccines for children 6 months of age up to 5 years old. Rochelle Walensky of the CDC has signed off on this, and there are parents who are singing hosannas, singing praises — they couldn’t be happier about it — and saying some pretty crazy things.

CLAY: Yeah, and I want to read those parents. It appears about 20% of parents are eager to get these covid shots for their kids who are 6 months to 5 years old, and I think these people are crazy — and, by the way, I want to open up phone lines because I want to give people an opportunity to share. I don’t want names, obviously, but other parents and maybe family members and what they have done with young kids during covid, 800-282-2882. Just parents. That’s who I want to hear from.

Because I was reading these quotes from the Sunday New York Times yesterday morning as I was flying back from New York City, and some of these parents I feel so bad for their kids based on their inability to analyze risk. And here’s one: “In Alexandria, Va., Erin Schmidt, 37, said the news was ‘life-changing’ because her family has been living in a ‘sort of alternate isolated reality.’ After vaccinating her 2-year-old daughter, Sophia, she plans to pop open a bottle of champagne, take Sophia to a museum and ‘blow her mind about the world.’”

She has been living basically in a home prison with her 2-year-old who had statistically almost zero risk, and she’s so convinced that this covid shot which, by the way, offers very limited protection in her kid — 75% of kids have already had covid. Here’s another guy. Brendan Kennealy of Richfield, Minnesota, has a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old. He says he and his wife are finally going to take their daughters out to restaurants and attend an outdoor concert. The family has canceled tripped to the state fair, canceled swim lessons, and given up gymnastics for their young kids because of covid.

And so, Buck, when I get so angry when I read quotes like these, it’s one thing if you’re an adult and you are making choices to self-isolate yourself. But these people took their kids out of swim lessons because of covid. Your kids are far more likely to drown than they are to die with covid. So the inability… You’re not taking your kids out to a restaurant? You’re not letting them visit parents?

I feel like there is an epidemic of kid restrictions and basic home prisons in many ways that have been going on for two years. And I can’t believe that anybody made this decision with young kids based on the data. But I know our callers are probably gonna have a lot of people telling the story, and it appears to be about 20% of parents have completely lost their mind over covid fears.

BUCK: Covid mania and belief in the Democrat apparatus, there’s a straight line between these two things, right? The more likely you are to think that January 6th was an insurrection, to think that gender is entirely malleable — go down the list. Put six Ukraine flags up. So many of these people that were putting all the Ukraine flags up seem to have forgotten the war is still very much going on.

CLAY: They’re only good, Buck… We talked about this. They can handle it for about a month of caring about Ukraine and now they’re totally done.

BUCK: They got tired of running around acting like the heroes of the Ukraine resistance by putting up an emoji. But all of that is there’s a direct correlation between that and being somebody who is essentially a covid lunatic, and there are a lot of them. I live around them in New York so I see this all the time. People still have this belief in the mask. They still have belief in the double mask. They still think that the vaccines work really well.

And this is also why with someone like Dr. Fauci… I don’t think that Dr. Fauci is “wrong on the science” and that’s it. I think he’s wrong on the science and he’s a cowardly, bad person because he has to know. He has to be aware of what’s going on and specifically in this case the abuse, the child abuse that is an epidemic among left-leaning, NPR-listening, MSNBC-watching, New York Times subscribers.

And instead of saying, “Hey, libs, stop being crazy with Little Petey and Little Sally and not letting them do gymnastics or go to restaurants. Their odds of getting hospitalized or dying from covid are similar to their odds of being struck by lightning — and that is not an exaggeration, okay? They need to stop being crazy and top stop abusing your kid,” Fauci has said nothing like that. Rochelle Walensky is celebrating this, is acting like…

This is the problem: They are feeding into this delusion, they’re feeding into this neurosis, they’re giving the neurosis a stamp of approval from the CDC, the CDC which is so incompetent and so just bizarre that as of last week they were giving people advice about how to satiate their sexual desires when they have monkeypox without giving other people monkeypox. And there were cartoons and everything. And I can’t describe it on the air, but I gotta tell you, rule one of libido when you have monkeypox is let the monkeypox pass. It’s crazy. By the way, that was completely real. The CDC put out an advisory —

CLAY: I saw that.

BUCK: — on how to protect yourself while you have monkeypox but also “getting stuff done.”

CLAY: Buck, 75% of kids have already had covid. Many of parents never even knew their kids had covid. I’m reading from the New York Times story about these kids now being able to get the vaccine. It ain’t a vaccine, people. The vaccine, according to the New York Times, causes fevers in one in five kids. That’s the Moderna vaccine. Your kid had covid, and you probably didn’t even know it, and now you’re going to give them a covid shot when one in five of them is going to get a fever from the shot? I honestly feel so angry that people putting their kids through this. And you know as well as I do, Buck, that tomorrow when these shots start rolling out, all these crazy blue check lunatics are gonna be posting videos crying of their 2-year-old.

BUCK: They’re crying with joy.

CLAY: Yes, crying with joy over the fact that they now can give their covid shot to a 2-year-old so they can go is to restaurants again or visit with family members.

BUCK: We are in the midst of the most massive denial wave I’ve ever experienced in my lifetime about what’s really going on in the country from people who think they’re really smart who think they have good judgment and who think they’re the good people. And in fact, they’re the cause of — and their ideas, I should say, are the cause of — all of these problems, effectively. And it’s not just we’re arguing for who’s more compelling at this point. They were wrong.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: The facts show they were wrong. All these people who thought, “I’m just gonna mask up and I’ll be safe and I’ll get four shots, I’ll get five shots, and we’ll all be safe,” they were wrong. They have a neurotic disposition, and they have a neurological mental health disorder right now, and they need to get help. They need to actually get treated for it. But instead of facing the fact that there are a lot of… I mean, the parents you’re reading quotes from there who have locked their kids away for two years, they have engaged in child abuse.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: And their children may never be developmentally normal. That’s a very hard thing for parents to own up to. They’d rather just live in the fantasy that Fauci was right.

CLAY: Which is why I’m so furious about it, because it’s one thing if you make poor choices and it only impacts your life. If you’re an adult and you were convinced that everybody is gonna die of covid and you decided you were gonna limit your social activity and interaction, I think you’re an imbecile, but at least it’s just you that you are impacting.

When you’re not letting a 2-year-old go to a playground or interact with other children because you are convinced that covid is too dangerous to them, you have — to your point, Buck — developmentally disabled your child for a lifetime to protect them from a virus that they had zero statistical danger from. I’m curious how many people have friends or family members who have made these choices.


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