
Covid Distracted Us from the Spending

CLAY: Candice in Wisconsin, what you got for us?

CALLER: Hi. Congratulations on the show, guys. I became a conservative during the first year of Obama’s presidency at the recommendation of my late father. He told me to start listening to AM radio, listening to Rush, ’cause I knew something was very wrong with this man. So, I’ve been a volunteer in the GOP for quite some time, about 15 years.

I’m really… (sigh) I’m really upset to see this infrastructure bill coming so close to passing because I think it’s the hammer to implement a lot of tyranny that the Democrat Party and states have not been able to go through with because they don’t have the money and the foot soldiers to do, and I’m very angry that AM radio hasn’t done a better job framing this for people and keeping this bill from going through.

We spent way too much time on covid hysteria for a year and a half, and it’s been a distraction also. It’s been a lot of things, but it has also been a distraction from other things that we’re doing, and we should have spent a lot more time on this infrastructure and what was in it, and I think it went through because we didn’t spend enough time on it. I think it’s gonna go through.

CLAY: Well, it’s gonna pass.

BUCK: Clay, what do you got?

CLAY: It passed 69-30. So I understand people can be upset with the infrastructure bill. We talked a lot about the infrastructure bill yesterday. And I think the biggest take-away is, it’s a gamble by Mitch McConnell that Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema — two of the moderate Democratic senators — are going to be willing to dial back in a big way the $3.5 trillion budget bill. That’s the gamble that they are making.

BUCK: Wants to vote for stuff he thinks were popular.

CLAY: Well, he also was in favor of infrastructure for Trump.

BUCK: Infrastructure was… I don’t think this is a tough call. I don’t think there was a tough sell for a lot of those people in the GOP. Republicans like to spend money, too — and they like to buy sneakers, too.

CLAY: (chuckling) Yeah, and I think it is a good point, but I think the risk is what is gonna happen with Sinema and Manchin, and we spend a lot of time on that.


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