CLAY: Obviously Will Smith smacking Chris Rock has gotten a lot of attention, and then you have Stephen Colbert — who, by the way, getting beaten now by the Gutfeld show on a regular basis in the evening. The most watched evening show on ABC, CBS, NBC, and Fox News is now on Fox News. More people are watching Gutfeld in the evening than are watching Stephen Colbert, who had been winning the nightly contest. He said (summarized), “Hey, Fox News Channel’s Peter Doocy, he deserves a slap for asking about Russia.” Listen to this.
BUCK: This is Soviet style.
CLAY: He should be slapped, Buck, for asking a question, which is a hundred percent a valid question.
BUCK: Yeah.
CLAY: Like, why would you not want the president to answer a question? He may not answer it; that’s fine. But you should as a journalist be asking, “What is a ‘significant response” to chemical weapons going to look like?” I mean, that’s the number one question. If I told you, Buck, “Hey, if I tell one of my kids, ‘Hey, there’s gonna be a significant response if you don’t follow directions when it comes to taking over your brother,’ it’s the natural response of the kid to be like, ‘Okay, what’s the significant response?'” I mean, that’s the number one question that should be asked, and it’s ridiculous.
BUCK: It’s actually worse than that, though, because what he said initially… They’re making fun of Doocy for asking for clarification, “Oh, yeah, like we would tell you.” He was asking for the clarification because the initial Biden gaffe which they admitted was a gaffe ’cause they walked it back right away was “respond in kind.” If someone —
CLAY: Meaning you were gonna respond with chemical weapons.
BUCK: If you tell someone, “If you stab me, I’m going to stab you back,” that is responding in kind.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: And when you’re talking about chemical weapon usage, that’s what that phrase would mean. Now, this is one of three things Biden said, although I will say the only one that I thought — and they did walk it back, too, but was a little… When he said, you’ll see with your own eyes the Ukrainian people who are gonna stand up against the Russians.
You could say that that you could see it on the news or whatever. So that one I thought… The big problem was obviously the regime change comment about how Putin can’t stay in power. That was the biggest. But this one about chemical weapons was also clearly sloppy. But notice what’s happened here. This is just cleanup crew on aisle, “Oh, my God, Joe Biden just said something again!”
CLAY: (chuckling)
BUCK: You have Colbert making it seem as though the person who’s trying to — in this case, Doocy at Fox — get clarity and therefore accountability for a blundered statement from the president. The person asking the question is the problem, not the clearly not up for the job, senile commander-in-chief who is making these gaffes. He’s not the problem.
That’s the whole point of this, and that’s what he tries to achieve with laughter. They’re just propagandists for the regime. I mean, it’s gross. It’s unseemly what Colbert and these others do — and under the banner of comedy? Ha-ha-ha! Yeah, whatever makes us the most effective toadies for the Biden regime. It’s not funny.
CLAY: This is also unseemly. OJ Simpson — who killed two people in cold blood with a knife and got away with it, Buck — weighed in on Will Smith’s slap (chuckles) and said: No, that was inappropriate.
BUCK: Well, to be fair, Will Smith didn’t step on stage with a bloody butcher knife —
CLAY: — and stab people to death. By the way, I’ve heard this, Buck. I was out in Vegas for the NCAA tournament. I was out to dinner. There are women throwing themselves at OJ, like, desperate to date him, desperate to sleep with him, young women, according to the people that I was with.
BUCK: Come on.
CLAY: Yes. And you heard the music in the background there, OJ is evidently out and about at restaurants and clubs all the time in Las Vegas where he lives now, and he is swarmed by good-looking young girls who want to be with OJ Simpson. If you’re listening to me right now and you’re like, “How upside down is the world?”
Can you imagine if you got a call from your 22-year-old daughter who was in Las Vegas and you’re like, “Hey, who you hanging out with?” and she’s like, “OJ Simpson! He’s such a great guy.” This is how upside down the world is, either these girls are all so stupid that they don’t even know he committed double murder, or they think because he’s famous.
He’s certainly not rich because they took all his assets — but they think because he’s famous they want to spend time with him. I couldn’t believe it, but they swear that it’s true, Buck. So I just… I know we got a lot of listeners, by the way, heard that we are now number one in our time slot in Las Vegas; so some of you out there who are listening to this right now definitely may be saying to yourself, “Hey, I’ve seen on just out and he’s pulling lots of tail.” I know it’s crazy to think about but that may be the world we live in, Buck.
BUCK: You know what they say in Vegas, Clay?
CLAY: Yeah?
BUCK: “Always bet on Clay and Buck.”
CLAY: (chuckling) It also doesn’t always stay in Vegas if you get stabbed to death by OJ. Just a tip for those girls out there.
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