What is your most memorable Christmas gift? Clay, back from warm Key West to freezing Nashville, ends the final show of 2022 with some nostalgia for better times, but also optimism and heartfelt thanks to you, the listening audience. There will be fun guest hosts next week and Buck and Clay will be back in 2023.
Remember, you can enjoy some of the classics for your family movie night.
What are your favorite Christmas memories and hopes for the New Year? Tweet us your take @ClayAndBuck — or, if you’re a 24/7 VIP, send us an email.
The Kansas senator weighs in on all the hot topics after the first whirlwind week…
Imagine gambling at a craps table and the president walks up to you.
The leader of Colombia showed the world how not to deal with Donald Trump.
Miss Clay on Hannity? Watch it here.
Hundreds of AI Clay flute memes are out there now. Check out some here.