
Clay Wishes His Wife Happy Birthday at Double Speed

CLAY: My wife might well be listening to the podcast right now at 2.0 speed, so Buck and I are talking very fast. I want to tell her happy birthday today. We’ve been married 18 years, almost, and today is her birthday.

BUCK: Do we sound like Alvin and the Chipmunks when your wife listens to the show.

CLAY: Yeah, we do. I actually have listened to it. I said, “What do we sound like when we go 2.0 speed?” because she says she can listen to the whole show in basically the time that she drives to and from work. I don’t know what that total distance is, but like an hour. Yeah, 2.0 speed. So, yeah. “Happy birthday” faster.

BUCK: So, Mrs. Travis… Are you taking her out to Chez Fancy Place tonight or something, Clay? What’s going on here, buddy?

CLAY: We are having Italian food at the house, and we are gonna have a romantic evening. I’m not making this up. We are finishing Stranger Things season 4, episode 9. We’ve got one episode left tonight. So that’s gonna be the wild activity for the birthday girl. A little Italian food and Stranger Things 4.

BUCK: Sounds great, by the way. (laughing)

CLAY: I’m pretty excited about it.

BUCK: Gonna be great food, relaxing, good show. I have a new show for you.

CLAY: Yeah. What is that?

BUCK: Not for the kids, so the kids cannot be in the room for this one. But The Boys on Amazon, have you seen this?

CLAY: No, I don’t know anything about it.

BUCK: Oh, man. It’s a very… Now, I want to be clear. There are clear anti-right-wing — themes. More anti-Hollywood and famous people themes. It is super… I can’t really explain to you. Like it’s violent but at a level that is cartoonish, almost, in some places.

CLAY: I’ve never even heard of this.

BUCK: Very well done. Have you guys heard of The Boys on Amazon? It’s on Amazon Prime. It’s very good. It’s about… Imagine if superheroes were all like Hunter Biden basically, in their private lives.

CLAY: Oh, interesting.

BUCK: Imagine if Superman was actually like a crack addict who was impregnating strippers, and they work for a corporation almost like Disney but they are actually these horrible people and they’re trying to control them. It’s actually… It’s very entertaining, I find, for what it is. So, I’m just throwing that out, ‘cause you won’t watch my Peaky Blinders.

CLAY: Well, I’m going to get to it. I was just saying, we finished Stranger Things. We’re now home for a while. We’ve been on the road a lot. So, Lara has not watched Peaky Blinders, either, but she has similarly heard it’s phenomenal and we are preparing to start it.

BUCK: That’s a better show. Peaky Blinders should be higher in your queue, but I keep talking about this one, and, you know, I’m wearing myself out on this.

CLAY: We’re gonna start it. This has been an agreed-upon, and the challenge is — and I’m sure a lot of people out there understand this — when you already started a show, you want to keep up to date on it. But then when you dive in, there’s like five seasons of Peaky Blinders, right?

BUCK: Six now, actually, it’s so season 6.

CLAY: So, we’re talking about like 60 hours of commitment here to dive in.

BUCK: It’s gonna fly by. You’re gonna come on the show in a few weeks, be like, “Hello to Peaky Blinders.”

CLAY: (laughing) I can’t do accents. You’re the accent guy.

BUCK: Yeah. Great, man.

CLAY: I can barely pronounce anybody’s name correctly.

BUCK: It’s such a good show. Very dark, but very good for what it is. You’ll enjoy that one. I’ve actually… I’m actually… Carrie’s got me watching The Time Traveler’s Wife, just so you know.

CLAY: Man, you’re engaged and married already.

BUCK: I’m really putting in the work here, team.

CLAY: I didn’t even know men watched The Time Traveler’s Wife.

BUCK: I don’t feel like a man while I’m watching it, I can tell you that.

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: I don’t know what I feel like.

CLAY: Are you tearing up sometimes?

BUCK: I sit there, like, “Oh, it’s all so romantic!”

CLAY: I’ve not watched any of this.

BUCK: Lara’s not gonna make you do that, but when you’re still in the trying to get the ring on it phase, sometimes you gotta watch the show. So, there you go.

CLAY: Everybody have fantastic weekends. We love you, we appreciate you, and we’ll be back with you on Monday.


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