
Clay and Buck

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Clay Prepares to Fight the Mask Madness as a Dad

10 Aug 2021

BUCK: We’re having quite a day, Clay, with where we are on vaccine mandates and how Dr. Fauci — who, as you know, I like to think I’m the original anti-Fauci-ite. Here he is on the mandates saying, “You know what? I’m just going all-in.” We got Rand Paul joining us in a little bit, we’re talking about this, here’s Fauci saying we gotta have actual vaccine mandates.

FAUCI: We have the tools to stop this, and that’s the thing that’s so painful and frustrating. We have 615-and-more-thousand people in this country that died from this. We have to take this seriously. So when you hear people saying, “Well, I don’t really want to be told to get vaccinated,” you know, I can understand the need for people’s personal liberties. But this is a very unusual time in our history, and that’s the reason why we gotta do unusual things. And that means use whatever means possible to get people vaccinated.

BUCK: Whatever it takes, Clay! That’s what he’s saying.

CLAY: You see the numbers, by the way, too, Buck, that they double counted the number of positive cases in Florida accidentally? How does that happen 18 months into this? The CDC blew it, by the way. How does that still happen?

BUCK: It feels like it would only happen in Florida somehow, right? I know they say it’s just a mistake, but I believe that people would see a number that… ‘Cause, remember, the news story was… Clay, think about this for a second. Florida. CDC’s looking at numbers people that are compiling this all day.

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: The highest caseload they … EVER HAD?

CLAY: That’s right.

BUCK: That was believable? It’s only believable if you’re out there believing that Florida is the covid death trap of the world, which is just not true.

CLAY: Not remotely true.

BUCK: It hasn’t been true all along, but Democrats are obsessed. Oh, and that also brings —

CLAY: They’re trying to take down DeSantis by any means necessary.

BUCK: Right. Ron DeSantis Now we’re starting to see the so-called think pieces and the editorials on how, “Okay. Maybe Democrats said that Trump was worse than Hitler, but DeSantis is worse than ‘worse than Hitler.'”

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: You’re already seeing this roll out or you look at this and you say, “Is there anything that’s just too absurd for the Democrat-aligned media at this point? Are they really gonna pretend that Ron DeSantis is such a bad guy?” The answer is yes, by the way, because he threatens them.

CLAY: They’re terrified.

BUCK: Ron DeSantis as Joe Biden? If I’m a Democrat, I don’t like that contest.

CLAY: They’re terrified because DeSantis in many ways gets to the same results as Trump, but he’s not as much of a bull in a china shop to get there. That scares Democrats, because they couldn’t really attack a lot of Trump’s final results, but they attacked, oftentimes, the process by which he got there, as much or more.

BUCK: Yeah. As you know, a lot of Trump voters, they liked that the bull was in the china shop. (laughing)

CLAY: They like the bull in a china shop.

BUCK: Well, they just plain liked it.

CLAY: Well they liked just fighting, but I think that DeSantis would fight, too. That’s why next year’s Florida gubernatorial race, Democrats are looking that as their opportunity to knock DeSantis out for ’24, ’cause if he wins, he’s one of the most viable candidates.

BUCK: It’s still amazing that Andrew Gillum was almost the governor of Florida an as we discussed.

CLAY: Terrifying.


BUCK: Here’s Senator Rand Paul saying when it comes to these mandates and lockdowns and all the rest of it, it is time for resistance.

SEN. PAUL: It’s time for us to resist. They can’t arrest all of us! They can’t keep all of your kids home from school. They can’t keep every government building closed, although I’ve got a long list of ones they might keep closed or might ought to keep closed. We don’t have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and bureaucrats. We can simple say, “No. Not again.”

BUCK: I like where his head’s at, Clay.

CLAY: Amen.

BUCK: You’re going to this school board meeting tomorrow in your own community —

CLAY: Tonight! Tonight!

BUCK: I’m sorry, tonight and you’ll talk to us about it tomorrow. But it’s gonna be tough in a lot of places because there are those who this is only possible because there are enablers and petty tyrant enforcers out there among us, not even people who work for the government. In places like, New York, man, I’m getting now, “Oh, put your mask on!” It’s growing like a plague of the mind all over the place now.

CLAY: How wild is it too, by the way, Buck — you just played that clip, and as part of that said, hey, that has been banned from YouTube — that we are just like, “Oh, yeah.” His opinion about how to respond to a CDC recommendation is not allowed to be distributed on YouTube! An elected senator in the United States. You just heard that clip.

You’re gonna hear him talk with us in the next segment. But we’re so used now to Big Tech censorship that I think a lot of people heard, “Oh, that’s been banned from YouTube,” and you just kind of nod your head. That’s how outlandish and outrageous this behavior has become when it comes to covid and Big Tech.


CLAY: I am going, in the very foundational level of democracy, to a school board meeting tonight — I’m curious; I’ll tell you guys about it tomorrow — to argue against masks.

BUCK: Do you have an entourage, Nashvillians that go with you everywhere as part of a Clay Travis entourage?

CLAY: No, I’m gonna roll in solo. I get one minute supposedly to talk at this special-called school board meeting dealing with masks. I think there are gonna be a lot of moms and dads. The revolution… I’ve talked about this. The anti-mask revolution is real, and I’m genuinely curious to see what it’s gonna be like. I’ve never been to a school board meeting.

BUCK: I’m excited to see the Lululemon moms look at you like, “Are you ready, El Capitan?”

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: They’re gonna be looking to you to help lead charge here, buddy. But I think that there will be a vote, right? It will be sort of like democracy about whether or not you have masks.

CLAY: Legitimately. We all get one minute to make our case, and then my understanding is the school board members will vote on whether or not there’s been gonna be a mask mandate.

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