
Clay and Buck

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Clay Makes the Case for Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

15 Apr 2022

BUCK: Jesse Kelly there, a little bit too vociferous in his love of the eighties at the expense of the nineties. I mean, look, the movies, I think you could make a case for either one. I think you gotta say eighties music is superior to nineties music.

CLAY: You like eighties music more?

BUCK: Yeah. I’m not a grunge person, Travis. Can’t do it. Can’t do it.

CLAY: Even, like, the rap in the nineties was so great, the early days of Snoop and Dr. Dre. If you like the guys who performed if you watched the Super Bowl, that’s kind of my era, my generation. I think you had a great melding of rock and rap in a way that didn’t exist in the eighties. And let me say this, by the way.

Movies. I disagree with you there. I think the eighties movies are vastly superior. I think you could make an argument the greatest movies to ever be made in the history of moviedom occurred in the 1980s. You talk about — just think about it — the Back to the Futures, the Indiana Joneses, Goonies, in terms of big audiences. Star Wars, by and large. I know the first Star Wars came out in ’77, vbut you had Return of the Jedi.

BUCK: I’ll raise you Braveheart, Gladiator, The Matrix. Please.

CLAY: Were those all nineties movies?

BUCK: The Matrix I think is 2000, to be fair. I can’t believe I know that off the top of my head.

CLAY: It’s like 2002.

BUCK: And I think Braveheart’s ’95 or ’96. Am I right about this, team? And then Gladiator may be 2000 as well so, okay, that’s getting a little far.

CLAY: A lot of those movies — and those are great films. But you can’t watch ’em at families. I’m biased because I have kids.

BUCK: I don’t have kids so, yeah, you gotta watch things with the kids.

CLAY: My argument, greatest movie ever made in terms of appealing to everyone — I’m not talking about, like, Citizen Kane versus Schindler’s List, right? I’m not talking about films. I’m talking about greatest movie ever made, in my opinion. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, my number one draft pick. My number two, Back to the Future.

BUCK: I just don’t understand how you can put The Last Crusade ahead of Raiders of the Lost Ark. I don’t even know. Are you paid by The Last Crusade or something? Are you a spokesperson for The Last Crusade?

CLAY: Last Crusade is a work of cinematic art.

BUCK: (laughing)

CLAY: Every sentence in The Last Crusade is like a Shakespearean play. It is perfect, and it appeals for everybody aged 8 to 80. New I loved Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was 8, but it doesn’t stand up when you see it when you’re 40.

BUCK: Are you kidding me! The Nazis have their face melt at the end! It’s amazing; the whole movie is incredible.

CLAY: Oh, that’s Raiders of the Lost Ark. Oh, I was thinking you were arguing Temple of Doom.

BUCK: Whoa! Whoa! You think I’m a Temple of Doom guy?

CLAY: I was a big Temple of Doom guy when I was 8.

BUCK: It’s like e’tu, Travis? It’s like you don’t even know me. Temple of Doom? Next, you’re gonna say Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is my favorite.

CLAY: No. Crystal Skull is a disaster. By the way, 1980s movies, you’re a New York City guy. I should just be able to say “Ghostbuster films,” and you shouldn’t be able to argue otherwise.

BUCK: So Ghostbusters is an amazing movie that I celebrate with my entire family. I will say, however, it’s actually a little spicier as I’m older now.

CLAY: There’s a lot of sex appeal in it that you miss.

BUCK: For kids ,there’s some stuff like, I don’t know about that one as much. I feel like there should more a PG version of it.

CLAY: Sigourney Weaver sneaky, super hot when you actually hit puberty. When you’re 8 and you watch it, you don’t really notice it but there’s a lot of sex in the original Ghostbusters.

BUCK: Yeah. Yeah. Later on in life, I actually got to know Rick Moranis a little bit. Random.

CLAY: I’ve heard he’s a good dude. You told me he’s a good tennis player.

BUCK: Yeah, good tennis player. Very good at squash, which I can’t play at all.

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