Clay Asks Rep. Lauren Boebert: Will You Go to OnlyFans?
21 Nov 2022
CLAY: We are joined now by Congresswoman Lauren Boebert from the great state of Colorado. Lauren, we appreciate you making time for us. I want to start with this question. MSNBC thought that you were going to lose your reelection bid. You have won. You are going to be part of the House majority. And when they were bragging about you losing, they said that you should start an OnlyFans account. I’m curious what you thought about that, one. Two, have you looked into whether you could start an OnlyFans account and like just post holding like briefing books and stuff like that? Because I think you could probably raise millions of dollars that you could donate to charity and also, you’d be ridiculing MSNBC in the process. But I’m just curious what you thought about that entire storyline.
REP. BOEBERT: Well, my biggest strategy right now with OnlyFans is keeping my mother off of it. So, that’s step one.
CLAY: (laughing)
MSNBC’s @JoyAnnReid: “What job will Lauren Boebert have if she loses?”@kurtbardella: “I guess it might be a gain for OnlyFans”
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) November 10, 2022
REP. BOEBERT: And second, you know, it’d be great to throw that back in their face and, you know, erase something for like, say, one of these groups, international human trafficking groups that actually help women stop human trafficking, you know? Something like that would be fantastic. But isn’t it hilarious that liberals aren’t even good at feminism? This is something that they have created and they suck at it. So, this is just the irony of the left. They are constantly attacking women who do not agree with them. And, luckily for me, my values do not come from them. I’m not defined by what they say. So, I’m going to keep on moving forward and I’m going to do so in the House majority.
BUCK: Hey, Lauren, it’s Buck. Thanks so much. Congresswoman Boebert, I should say. Thank you so much for being with us. And I wonder what made the race now… it’s great that… it’s worth pointing out, by the way, that you, as more votes were counted after Election Day, were one of those rare Republicans who won more votes and therefore won the election. So, it is not, because people keep telling me, well, every time there’s additional counting we lose. Usually, that is the case. But in your case, it obviously was not how it ended up. Why was it close in your district? And just for… we have a lot of people listening. Colorado. We’re on Freedom 93.7 FM in Denver. So, what exactly was it about your state and your district that made it, you know, such a close one?
REP. BOEBERT: Well, what made it close is there were no third-party candidates to steal votes from the Democrat. In my first election, the 2020 general election, I was up against a Democrat running, defining herself as an independent to try to deceive voters. But there were several third-party candidates in that race as well that took thousands of votes away from the Democrat. And so that race was able to be called right away because it was mathematically impossible, even if you use Common Core for her to come out victorious. And, in this election, I was head-to-head with my Democrat opponent with no third-party candidates.
I won my 2020 election with 51% of the vote. And now I have won this 2022 election with 51% of the vote. Our district is very mixed. We have a heavy amount of unaffiliated voters. And unfortunately for me, all of the local media outlets here in the district allowed my Democrat opponent to define himself. And just as my 2020 opponent defined herself as an independent, he was able to define himself as a conservative. They were calling him a conservative businessman, a conservative Democrat, when they would rarely use the word Democrat.
And he was running on Republican policies, as many Democrats were throughout our nation. These are the crises that they have created, and somehow, they’re going to campaign on closing the border and slowing down the flow of fentanyl and reducing crime and lowering inflation and interest rates when they are the cause of the problem. So, I’m looking forward in the majority to actually working with these Democrats who campaigned on these issues and bring them to the table and say, you broke it. You campaigned to fix it. Now, let’s actually do it because this is what we want to do.
But these local media outlets here in in the district, I mean, they would go to great lengths to cover for my opponent, to not expose corruption in his history, to not expose the liberal stances he took as an Aspen City Council member. And then they would blast me any chance that they got and lie about me and try to make the voters believe that I had not done anything for them in the district, which is an absolute lie. So, you have all the media running cover for him. He’s running on Republican policies saying that he is a conservative and we even had one of our biggest newspapers endorse him. And, Buck, the reason they endorsed him, they said, was because they didn’t know him. Now, that’s just lazy.
CLAY: Congresswoman, you’re getting blamed, as is often the case. I’m sure you saw AOC come after you because of the shooting that happened in Colorado. What do you think about AOC coming after you there and accusing you of being to blame for the shooting?
REP. BOEBERT: You know, this is typical of the left. It’s very, very disgusting. You see this with AOC, you see this with Eric Swalwell. They never want to talk about the rhetoric that they have that causes so much problem in our nation and even the policies and the votes that they take to cause destruction. But they’re quick to point the finger and pass on the blame. There’s one person responsible for what happened in Colorado Springs, and that’s the disgusting, horrible, evil shooter that did these things. Nobody is talking about the two heroes that stopped him, that risked their lives to stop him.
They’re not talking about enforcing laws that we already have on the books. We have red flag laws here in Colorado. And the shooter had his own mother turn him in for a bomb threat. Now, this is someone that the red flag laws could have prevented from possessing a firearm, but those laws failed, just as we said that they would. Enforce the laws that are already on the books, stop trying to create all of these new laws to stop things and actually get crime under control.
We’ve done away with the death penalty here in Colorado. We’ve removed qualified immunity away from our police officers that prohibits them from doing the job that they swore to do. We have reduced so many different infractions. Fentanyl, it used to be a felony to have four grams of fentanyl. Now it’s a misdemeanor.
And so, they’re decriminalizing all of this stuff and making it easier and more incentivizing for people to actually commit crimes. And I’ll just end on this. You know, I’m hearing all of these folks say, you know, “Is this a hate crime?” You’re darn right it’s a hate crime. Any time someone opens fire on innocent people, that is hateful. It doesn’t matter what group it is pointed towards or taken out on it, that is hateful, that is evil, and it needs to be punished.
BUCK: We’re speaking to Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, who won her race some days after Election Day. It was finally called in her favor. The media was saying that she was basically out of it, but she managed to pull it off in Colorado, a rare win for the GOP in Colorado in this cycle. Congresswoman, now that you’re going to be in the majority, just wanted to know, what do you think is most important to focus on? What’s going to be top of of the agenda as you work with many of our Republican friends in Congress, you know, Jim Jordan and all the rest of them? What are you going to be getting done?
REP. BOEBERT: There’s a whole lot of things that we want to do. Certainly, investigations are at the top. You mentioned Jim Jordan, and I know that he and Jamie Comer are going to bring folks in like Secretary Mayorkas. They’re going to open investigations into that the Biden crime family and so much more. But we have to start getting the reckless spending under control. We have to make people’s lives easier again and lower this inflation and lower the cost of gas, lower the cost of groceries. It is so difficult right now for families to just get by and it starts with reducing that reckless spending in Washington, D.C.
We now have the power of the pen, the power of the purse. We have the gavel. We can do that and we have to get our domestic energy going again. We could be exporting freedom all across the globe. And, instead, we have lost our energy independence. Biden, he drained our strategic oil reserves in the name of a midterm election. And then, of course, we have to secure the border. We have to secure the border and stop the flow of fentanyl and ultimately reduce the crime that’s in our states and our communities and all across our nation right now. So, these are just some of the top items.
But one thing that I think is really interesting is just looking at leadership and having that conversation of what needs to take place with leadership. One thing that I believe needs to be done on day one is, the speaker needs to declare that we have single subject legislation. That is not something that you have to pass a law to do. We don’t have to pass that through the House, through the Senate, wait for the president to sign this into law. The speaker has control of the House floor and what comes to the floor and can enforce single subject legislation.
So, gone are the days of 3000-page bills when members of Congress only have 22 hours to read them, knowing that it’s going to spend $1 trillion or more. And then somewhere in the mix is this wonderful piece of legislation for our veterans that you have to vote against because you’re not voting for something that you don’t have time to read. You don’t want to pass it to find out what’s in it and further our nation’s debt. So, we need single subject legislation on day one.
CLAY: Last question for you, Congresswoman. We appreciate you taking the time today. I’m sure that you have seen that CBS News, after two years, has suddenly been able to authenticate the Hunter Biden laptop, which, as we said, anyone with a functional brain has known since they saw the New York Post story two years ago. What do you think’s going to happen with that investigation of Hunter Biden and Joe Biden’s connections to it? And what do you think of CBS suddenly deciding after two years to finally tell their viewers, “Oh, yeah, this is real.”
Right before the 2020 election CBS News brought a Democrat operative on to say that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation.
Two years later they decided to check if the laptop was real. These are the type of people who want to tell us what is and isn’t misinformation.
— Maze (@mazemoore) November 21, 2022
REP. BOEBERT: You know, it’s just really sad that this is where our media is. You know, if you were to bring up Hunter Biden’s laptop just two days ago or a year ago, well, then that was Russia disinformation, and you were crazy, and you were a conspiracy theorist. And this is where the mainstream media has failed the citizens of this country. They continuously lie to them and they prop up all of this propaganda rather than just allowing us to speak the truth and look into things. I’m absolutely looking forward to the investigations.
I look forward to serving on the Oversight Committee where we will be having these investigations and I’m going to dig in deep. And if anyone else wants to know more about where I stand, what I’m fighting for, what we’re doing, or wants to join my team, We saw how close this race got and I’m going to need all the help that I can to stay strong in these next two years to effectively represent, not only my constituents here in Colorado’s Third District, but really everyone across the nation who loves this country as much as I do and wants to see the Biden family exposed and held accountable for what we have been lied to for all of these years and so much more.
CLAY: Congresswoman Lauren Boebert. We appreciate the time. Fantastic, as always. Congratulations on the reelection and good luck keeping your mom off OnlyFans.
REP. BOEBERT: Thanks. Yes. (laughing) Pray for me.
CLAY: Thank you, as always.
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