
Trigger Warning! Clay and Buck Respond to Joy Behar’s Sex Strike Threat

CLAY: Our good friend Joy Behar from The View has called for a nationwide… (laughing)

BUCK: You can’t even get it out.

CLAY: I can’t even get it out! (laughing) Some people might say that ties in well here too. She has called for a nationwide sex strike as a result of the leaked Roe v. Wade overturned opinion by Justice Alito. Now, I’m gonna play this clip for you. We have not heard it. Kurt Kretzschmar, who is amazing at signing up affiliates for this show and, by the way… I’ve meaning to mention St. Louis for a while; thanks to all of you listening in St. Louis right now.

BUCK: I’m going out there. We’re going to see the folks, in St. Louis.

CLAY: Buck is gonna make that trip to see you guys, so we appreciate you guys carrying the show. But he texted us and he said, “Joy Behar calling for the nationwide sex strike. You guys are gonna love this.” I have not heard it. Buck has not heard it. This is… We are reacting to it just like you guys are. Joy Behar, sex… (laughing) By the way, before I even hear this, I don’t know if Joy Behar is married, but I bet her husband is like, “Thank the Lord!” I cannot imagine that there’s somebody excited to be sleeping with Joy Behar on a regular basis. But she is saying, it’s time for ladies to strike. Listen.

BEHAR: Women in the world have conducted sex strikes in history. In 2003, a sex strike held to end Liberia’s brutal civil war, and the woman who started it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In 2009, Kenyan women enforced a sex ban until political infighting ceased. Within one week there was a stable government.

CROWD: (screeching cheers)

BEHAR: Okay. We have more power than we think we have, and some of it could be right in the bedroom.

BUCK: (laughing)

CLAY: By the way, this is not new, and I’m gonna go old school here, Buck. Do you remember the Lysistrata? The entire premise of the Lysistrata, which was —

BUCK: Ancient Greece, yes.

CLAY: — Ancient Greece, was that women go on a sex strike to end a war. So, I mean, Joy Behar may not have ever heard of the Lysistrata. I would imagine most people haven’t unless you are sort of a nerd, and it comes to details like that.

BUCK: She’s more of a Euripides person, Clay.

CLAY: Yeah, yeah. By the way, this is ridiculous. But I think this would be really intriguing because liberal women refusing to sleep with liberal men, first of all, most people I would think… (laughs) There’s so many jokes could be made here. Let’s start with I’m not sure that liberal women actually have sex with liberal men ’cause I’m not sure that liberal men under current Democratic politics are even allowed to like sex. Like, that seems like it might be toxic masculinity on their behalf. But I would think that the blue states are gonna fall apart in a hurry and really quickly here —

BUCK: Can you imagine going around with this, Clay, this became like a real thing? (impression) She’s like, “Shut it down, ladies! Shut it down!” and going all over the country. They can beg, they can plead, but shut it down. I don’t know if it’s gonna have the intended effect.

CLAY: Yeah, I think it is certainly not going to have the intended effect because the big. First of all, this is a ridiculous — no pun intended — plan of hers. But how many mixed couples actually are there, politically?

BUCK: How many like Republican, Democrat?

CLAY: Yeah, where you would have a guy who was so desperate to sleep with his wife that he would be like — or girlfriend or whatever else — that he would be like, “I’ll completely give up on whatever political beliefs I have”? I don’t think it would actually be that successful ’cause I don’t know how many people would actually impact.

BUCK: You haven’t been single in a very long time, Clay —

CLAY: Almost 20 years.

BUCK: Yeah. So I know what it’s like out there. Let me tell you, Clay, I’m coming back with stories, my friend. It’s rough. It’s like trench warfare out there these days, okay? You get caught in No Man’s Land on a date a girl finds out that you voted for Trump and she’s not ready for that, the heavy artillery comes in; you lose a lot of guys out there. Bad news.

CLAY: You’re living in Manhattan is such an aberrant wasteland rest of it for you ’cause when I took you to the Ole Miss-Alabama game, you walk around and say that you voted for Trump and women are just enthralled to be able to talk with you if you’re in the SEC footprint on a regular basis.

BUCK: Voted for him? I’d seen him like a couple weeks before and he told me I had the best hair in TV, Clay! Come on. Voted for you.

CLAY: I mean, I’m telling you, this is an incredible, incredible opportunity that you have missed by living behind enemy lines because you’ve got a great girlfriend now but you were for a long time there, what percentage of women do you think would not date you because you voted for Trump just in Manhattan?

BUCK: In my single life, I screen for conservatism ’cause it just won’t fly. They Google me. First of all, they Google me and they find out stuff very quickly. It’s true of everybody I know who works in conservative media who lives in New York which is a very rapidly shrinking pool as you know. A lot of them have moved. A lot of the New York conservative media folks have moved to Florida in the last few years, a lot of them.

We could sit here and go down the line or go down the list. But, yeah, I’ve had people — and you always know, too, ’cause look, you know, you go on a date I don’t know if you’re gonna get a second date, you’re gonna ask whatever, and sometimes if it’s about politics, not only do you get shut down on the second date and they’ll say it’s about politics, but then they often sometimes will be like, “And you should be ashamed of yourself for voting for that misogynist Nazi Trump!”

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: They won’t just let it go with, “I don’t think our politics are aligned.” They’ll take a parting shot on the way out. So, no, I screen for it. You can tell very quickly. I think one of the great things is that even if you just see someone’s like work email, if someone has their announced pronouns in their work email are they gonna be okay with the fact that not only did I vote for Trump…? Right, there’s voting for Trump and then there’s I do a conservative talk radio show for three hours a day and a TV show and appear on Fox and yada yada yada, right? That is like… I mean, this is the mother lode of what the left hates all in one place.

CLAY: To be fair, I wouldn’t want — and I’ve been married almost 20 years. But if I find out that somebody had their pronouns in their emails, I wouldn’t want to date them. I would just be like, “There’s way too many people.” But in New York City where there’s way more single women than single men, right?

BUCK: Everybody says that. Is that even true?

CLAY: I think that’s true.

BUCK: Really?

CLAY: I think there’s way more single women than single men, plus you factor in there’s a lot of gay dudes and there’s not that many successful guys, right, who could be able to support a family. I think those women are just angry in New York City because they’re fighting for this tiny number of subset of guys that are pretending. Many of them are pretending, right, ’cause a lot of guys just lie.

BUCK: You could show up on a first day in New York City as a guy, Clay, and all you need is you put one of those little American flag pins on ’cause for a lib that’s like garlic to a vampire. So right away they’ll be like a little bit, “What is that? Why?”

CLAY: How dare you like America.

BUCK: What is this American flag? Like, first of all, as you know now if you’re a lib it’s gotta be a Ukraine flag. You better not show up anywhere with an American flag in public right now if you’re a Democrat. That’s unacceptable.

CLAY: Remember when the New York Times got mad, by the way, speaking of the flag when there were too many flags in Long Island when they wrote this entire piece about how it was an uncomfortable experience going out onto Long Island because people loved America?

BUCK: There are Democrats who think that seeing a lot of American flags in their neighborhood is psychologically damaging. This concerns them for what’s gonna happen to them. I don’t know what it’s like on Fourth of July. They must stay locked in the bunker with Fauci with three masks on to avoid all the flags. But, yeah, the man the cultural situation that exists even in social settings is now way more than it ever was in the past.

Yeah, man, I just can’t even handle it. I do like asking conservative women I know, though. I’m like, “Do you have guys who think that they’re gonna play the ‘I’m a male feminist’ card and they think that’s gonna…?” They say, “Oh, yeah. Oh no, guys…” ‘Cause they assume that a woman in New York is going to be a liberal so a guy on a date will say like, “Well, you know, I’m a male feminist and I’m a big, you know, Kamala Harris fan” or whatever, not knowing that once and in a while, you’ll get some conservative. Once in a while, you will come across a young conservative woman.

CLAY: Even if you were liberal, Buck, wouldn’t that be such…? Like, I don’t want a guy to be pretending that he’s like me. Right? Like the idea… I know the idea of a male and a female sex is foreign to a certain percentage ’cause you got all these 88 other genders now.

BUCK: We used so much gendered language, Clay. This really needs a trigger warning, this whole segment. It’s really been rough for people.

CLAY: But I don’t think the vast majority of women want to sit down with a dude who is saying, “Oh, I’m a male feminist.” Like, I think that… If you’re just… Hang out with chicks, right? Like, wouldn’t you want to be with somebody who’s different than my girlfriends? Same thing for guys, right? Like, I don’t want to date a girl who acts the exact same as my guy friends, right? Like, it seems (laughing) the difference between men and women, male and female, I think’s kind of an important thing.

BUCK: I always tell people this. What your friends think… When you’re out there dating, what your friends think, ignore that. What you need to see is how does this person interact with strangers? That tells you everything. Do people that meet, you know, your boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever it is, your date, do they — you know, obviously preboyfriend, girlfriend, you think your date — “partner” I think is now the term that everyone uses instead of boyfriend or girlfriend, right, at least in New York, by the way. You’ll corrected by people on that that.

CLAY: I think it’s boyfriend, girlfriend, where I am.

BUCK: Regardless, how someone interacts with people who have no power over them and who can give them nothing is the single — that and, I mean, do they like dogs?

CLAY: (laughing)

BUCK: That’s really all you have to know, and I think you have a pretty good sense of what’s going on. And you know those two things and the chances are if they’re really mean and people feel uncomfortable around the person, there’s a chance that, you know, they’re a huge lib who wants to burn down the country. So you kind of figure it all out right away.

BUCK: To anyone that thinks I’m too harsh on the Fauciites, just remember, folks, there were real public service announcements that when you were — trying to think of the proper term — having relations, you want to make sure you stayed mask so that you did spread covid. That was a real thing, folks, let’s all remember that.


CLAY: Our VIP member Tracy — encourage you to go sign up for the VIP at ClayAndBuck.com — said Behar’s solution to have a sex strike will literally shut down the need for abortion. Yes, way to go, Behar.

BUCK: There we go.

CLAY: It’s true.


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