
Clay and Buck

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CDC Backtracks on Monkeypox Mask Advisory

7 Jun 2022

BUCK: I just want to make a public service announcement in case you don’t know. The CDC, over the course of 24 hours, changed its position on what you should do about monkeypox. The CDC has backtracked because they said they were telling travelers to wear face masks — that’s right, to mask up because of monkeypox. This is from the CDC. My friends, there have been 31 — that’s right — 31 cases of monkeypox in the United States so far. Overwhelmingly, these cases are traced to what you could call, because this is a family show, “close and continuing contact.” Real close contact.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Not aerosolized contact.

CLAY: Not sitting by somebody in an airplane contact?

BUCK: No, the fact that they put an official mask declaration, Clay, for a disease that you cannot get through the air and that only 30 people have gotte — and have gotten under very specific circumstances — is just a reminder, the CDC is a crap-lousy trash heap and they get everything wrong. And they also don’t even want you to eat your steaks medium rare so they’re awful.

CLAY: Is that true? The CDC says you shouldn’t eat steaks medium rare?

BUCK: They put a warning at the bottom of the menu that says eating raw or undercooked meat — undercooked means rare — is dangerous to you. CDC has to remind you, every steakhouse I go to in America, Fauci and his little acolytes are annoying me.

CLAY: I haven’t eve looked at the language at the bottom in a long time. I got steak tonight and yesterday. A lot of steak lately.

BUCK: The ultimate nanny state agency and they’re not even competent, because a nanny state is never competent.

CLAY: So, monkeypox won’t be what the Democrats run on in the midterm. That’s already faded. The monkeypox dilemma that was going to run across the country, it seems like that vanished already?

BUCK: I think it’s a safe bet. I think it’s a safe bet. The fact they told you to wear masks even for a day shows you how dumb they are.

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