
C&B Show Put in Instagram Jail for Berenson Clip

BUCK: You have Instagram and Big Tech and these companies that are clearly organs of the Democrat Party. They work to push a certain narrative. They work to assist Democrats in what they want. We know this. This is clear now. It’s been clear for a while. And they’ll slap you down if you’re a conservative, right?

Well, the great thing about radio is that they can’t actually… As long as I’m on the air — as long as iHeart keeps the show going — guess what? You can hear it, right? They can’t get in. They don’t have an algorithm that can cut off my words or can shut it down, right? We blast it out. We’re on 440 or so stations across the country, and people can hear it.

They can’t censor that. But what they can do is censor the words that we say here on this show when we then put it on a social media platform so people can hear it if they missed it or if they wanted to share it with folks who didn’t get a chance to listen in today, and so — I believe for the first time — this show was put in Instagram jail for a day or so.

Uh-oh. Instagram jail. I can just see myself now with an old metal cup kind of banging it on the bars and singing something, singing a sad tune about how I’m having a rough day in Instagram jail. But here is… I want to remind everybody: Because we’re on the radio and because there are millions of you who listen to this show, the good news is that Instagram can play their annoying games. We can still tell you the truth. We can still share inconvenient facts from their perspective, and they can’t actually stop it.

So, I want to do that again, what got us banned for a day or suspended for a day or whatever it was, from Instagram on this show? ‘Cause I feel like this show, we are family friendly. You can have your little ones listening. You don’t have any potty mouth stuff going on here. We don’t use the salty stuff on air. We can’t, because it’s radio, but we don’t. And we keep it very clean and we keep it very fact based, so how could we get in trouble? Well, this is what our friend Mr. Alex Berenson said.  You should check out his Substack. This is what he said, and this is why we got suspended.

BERENSON: Something terrible happened to Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden and the left, which is the vaccine stopped working, okay? They don’t work. They don’t prevent infection. They don’t prevent transmission. It looks like they have some efficacy around severe disease and death, but it isn’t clear how long that the lasts, okay?

And anybody who was looking at the data could see this by late summer. And in the face of this, the rational response would be, ‘All right, we tried this. We bought ourselves a few months. Guess what? Merck came out with a pretty good drug that looks like it can help people too,” and that’s it.”

“The great vaccine experiment, the great mRNA vaccine experiment for covid is over. We can all go home now.” They won’t do it. They won’t admit the truth. They won’t admit that efficacy has gone away. They’re trying to force… Fauci and Biden, in the face of the CDC and the FDA, want everyone to take boosters. And they want to drag the rest of the country over the line.

BUCK: Everything that Alex said there is true. Nothing that he said is even really debatable, as a matter of fact. Everything he said there is true and accurate. Pfizer just came out and said — this is from Pfizer — that after six months, you’re at about 50% protection. So that clearly means — and we’ve seen lots and lots of breakthrough cases — it does not prevent infection or transmission.

It might reduce but notice the word that he used: “prevent.” Everything he said there was true and that is why we aired it on this show because you need to be able to hear what is true somewhere. ‘Cause they’re not gonna hear it on CNN right now. They’re running something on the insurrection and Trump said something that was burr, burr, burr.

You know, people live in this delusional world now. Now, even though their audience isn’t very big, a lot of influence, a lot of rich, powerful people watch CNN. So they feel like as long as they’re still in control, as long as they can be the mouthpiece of the apparatus of power for the Democrat Party in this country, they’re doing their job.

This is why as much fun as it is to point out that conservative media, when there’s a free and pair playing field or even something close — when there’s any kind of a playing field — crushes some of its competitors out there. This radio show, for example, crushes any liberal radio show that exists; it’s not even close. They know who they’re speaking to on the left.

It’s people who are calling the shots, who have the wealth, who have the influence. They’re not trying to talk to the average American. No. No. But we want to speak the truth to you here. We want to get information out. That’s why I won’t allow them to get away with lying, for example, about “the bad weather” that caused the Southwest Airlines cancellations.

Are you kiddin’ me? Right? You don’t buy it. I don’t buy it. Nobody does. Oh, just Southwest is affected by this? So Delta and these other airlines, they can fly their planes just fine. Sure, Spirit airlines — for those who are feeling a little adventurous like me. Spirit airlines probably had its flights going.

But, oh, the weather just very specifically undermined a lot of flights from Southwest all of a sudden. They’re lying to you. Because why? They don’t want enough people to see that we don’t actually have to go through this forever. We don’t have to be subjected to the tyrannical idiocy of Dr. Fauci and all the rest of the mass anxiety disorder suffering libs forever.

We don’t have to allow them to give your kids the shot against your will because your kid has to go to school and they’re making vaccine mandates for that too. We don’t have to allow them to put the needle in the arm of an 8-year-old who is literally more likely to drown in the bathtub or a swimming pool than to die from covid-19.

We don’t have to allow this. We can do something about it. But it’s not enough to just be an individual who says, “Well, I live in a rural area, and they’re not gonna make me do anything.” Well, that’s good. By all means, and high-fiving congratulation. But if we’re gonna stop them, it has to be power meeting power. It has to be force on force, in a sense.

And that takes more than one individual, right? You could be the best soldier, you could be the bravest warrior in the world, you’re not gonna defeat an army alone. You need other people along with you — and I just mean that as a metaphor, of course.

But you need other people along with you to join you in this and that’s what we see for the first time really happening in a way that is pushing back on corporations in a way that really hurts them. That’s why the Southwest narrative issue is so important.


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