C&B 24/7 VIP Gives an Update on Chris O’Donnell

BUCK: An update as well, important news update here from one of our VIP subscribers, Julie, who is pointing out that Chris O’Donnell is in fact thriving on NCIS Los Angeles, which is one of these shows. I don’t watch NCIS, just saying this. Have you ever looked at the ratings of these shows?

CLAY: They’re great.

BUCK: NCIS gets like 15 million people. It’s crazy how many people watch it. So, Chris O’Donnell’s doing quite well. Maybe we’ll get invited to the hacienda some time.

CLAY: Yeah, not Leonardo DiCaprio well. Just tossin’ it out there.

BUCK: Good point. He didn’t fade off into total obscurity.

CLAY: How much different would Chris O’Donnell’s career have been if he had played Jack in Titanic? Also, how different would the movie be.

BUCK: I’m not sure he would have been that good. I don’t think that’s really his sweet spot.

CLAY: I’m wondering how much different DiCaprio made that role, for everybody out there, spoiler, yes, the Titanic sinks. But it was Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio and that movie became so massive… That’s still the most-watched Oscars ever. That year when Titanic won Best Picture, that is the most-watched Oscars that has ever existed. I think like 1998ish.

BUCK: Oh, it was in the nineties, Clay?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Not the eighties. I’m saying. You know, nineties movies…

CLAY: You’re nineties movie argument?

BUCK: I think you’ve given short shrift to the nineties movies a little bit. I’m just gonna throw that out there.

CLAY: I’m not anti-nineties movies. I’m just saying I’ve got kids now, and we don’t watch that many nineties movies compared to eighties movies.

BUCK: Yeah. Well, just wait ’til the teen angst age.

CLAY: They have more lasting power in the eighties.

BUCK: They’ll start wearing a lot of, like, oversized flannel shirts. You know, all of a sudden, they’ll be watching — what was it — Frasier. There you go.

CLAY: They’ve gone back, by the way. They’re not oversized. When we were young everybody wore the oversized jeans and the saggy pants and the huge flannel shirts. Nowadays, kids wear clothes so tight, you can barely breathe. I don’t know how some of these guys… You’re still single. I don’t even know how you try to compete out there on the streets. I see these boys…

I say boys, ’cause they’re like 16, 17 years old. Their jeans are so tight, I don’t even know how they breathe. They play in the John Stockton shorts for basketball. That’s why we’ve got all sorts of issues with sperm count. Guys can’t even wear jeans anymore and be comfortable in them anymore.

BUCK: How did we end up talking about this?

CLAY: (laughing)


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