“Can’t Cancel Rob Smith” on Woke Left Madness
12 Jul 2022
BUCK: We’ve got our friend Rob Smith in the house, and he is the host of Can’t Cancel Rob Smith, which is particularly true if many of you subscribe ’cause then they Can’t Cancel Rob Smith. He’s also a veteran of the United States military, he’s an author, he’s a friend of mine, friend of Clay’s, with us here actually in-studio in New York City. Rob, great to have you back, man.
SMITH: Great to be here, man, in-studio in New York City.
BUCK: Yes. While we still can have in-person things in New York. I’m starting to get a little worried. Here is “The Fauch.”
BUCK: You know, they also at the CDC say, Rob, time for your fourth booster, in advance of the new variant that will certainly come about this fall and Pfizer saying we’re gonna have an updated mRNA for whatever that is. It probably there will be a year behind nonetheless. Fauci is saying the pandemic is still here, folks, get ready for boosters forever. And the Biden administration is extending the emergency because there’s a lot of money involved in all this. I know you’ve been digging into where some of the money’s been going.
SMITH: Yeah, you know, look, there’s a lot of money involved in it. There’s also a lot of control in this as well. I cringed when you played that clip because I thought that I’d never hear that sort of scratchy voice ever again. But this is very interesting where some of this money has been going, right? And remember, when Joe Biden was pushing this to the American people and Republicans and some conservatives were saying, “What’s up with all this money we’re spending?
“Maybe we should slow down,” they said they want to get in the way of, you know, us saving lives. Okay, let’s talk about where some of this money has gone. $15 million in the American Rescue Plan project grant to institutions across 49 states, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, okay, right. So the Rochester Museum and Science Center in New York got $50,000 for a field trip for third grade students “that would utilize the take-it-down exhibit which tells the story of a community-led effort to remove racist artwork from an historic carousel as a tool for anti-racism education,” right? So this is the CRT stuff and all of that stuff that our taxpayer dollars are going toward.
BUCK: So money that was covid relief money from the government went to taking kids on a field trip to learn about the racist carousel?
SMITH: Absolutely. Oh! Oh! And it gets even better. So the Studio Museum in Harlem — and I’ve actually been there. It’s a great place, right? But they got $50,000 to build a nine-foot bronze statue in Marcus Garvey Park that quote, “addresses black masculinity, stereotypes, and shared diasporic experiences.” So, look, I don’t care that these institutions are doing these things or whatever. I do care, but that’s not the point out. The point is that all of this money that we were told was going toward “saving lives” is going towards this far-left CRT-based absolute nonsense.
BUCK: You know, Clay, that’s why the fact that the Biden administration is formally extending the state of emergency, a large part of this is Medicaid funding. There’s like a Medicaid… Effectively you can’t kick anyone off the Medicaid rolls anywhere, as I understand it as long as this covid state of emergency exists.
CLAY: Yeah, no, it’s wild. And, Rob, by the way, I don’t know if you heard us talking about this earlier or if you’ve seen the stories, but Josh Hawley, senator, was questioning a UC Berkeley law professor, and she said he was being transphobic when he said that only women can get pregnant. You’re a gay guy living in New York City.
CLAY: I’m curious. How much conversation is there in the gay community about how crazy the transgender community has become? When you guys sit around and talk and you hear, “Hey, you’re supposed to be saying men can get pregnant as a part of the transgender agenda,” what is the gay community conversation like, just among yourselves about things like this?
SMITH: Well, the thing about it, Clay, is that — and I’m glad that you delineated the separation between gay and trans. These things are not the same, at all. But what’s going on right now is this. So you have a great deal of gay people who are actually not insane. They actually believe in biological sex and all of these different things but they afraid to sort of stand up against the radical left trans activists that have sort of taken over everything, right?
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— Rob Smith 🇺🇸 (@robsmithonline) July 12, 2022
So it’s always left to the gay conservatives or the gay right-leaning people or whatever to actually stand-up and say the reality that is on everybody’s minds. And what I say to that is that it’s going to be up to the gay and lesbian liberals that are still sane. There are some of them. They are absolutely terrified to speak out about this because they don’t want to be canceled. Obviously like I can’t be canceled. It’s the name of the podcast, right?
But, you know, these people are so afraid to speak out. But if they don’t start speaking out and taking control of that narrative, it will never change because, gay conservative, Republican-leaning guys, whatever, like me, we’ve already been excommunicated for speaking the truth. And the most annoying thing is when some of these gay and lesbian liberals kind of come up to you and they whisper like, “Oh, I agree with you secretly. But I can never say that. Because, you know, I still want to get invited to the cocktail parties and I’ve got a MSNBC contributorship that I gotta worry about.”
BUCK: You know, Rob, Macy Gray stepped into this arena of discussion last week, and it was just amazing because she just said what we all know, which is, “Look, a woman is a woman, you can’t just become a woman. There are realities here we have to deal with.” But then the way that she had — it’s not enough to just say, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any offense. It has to be this walking around, self-shaming of, “You know, I’ve really grown and learned as a person.”
SMITH: Have to be educated.
BUCK: That’s right. Be educated. There’s a very Soviet reeducation feel to this. Like, “I didn’t realize the depths of my ignorance.” So not only do they force you to bend the knee, they also insist on humiliation for people who say what is observable fact.
SMITH: Absolutely. And it is humiliating. And I remember, you know, I had talked about this on my podcast a little bit. When Macy Gray came out with this, I said, “Okay. So T-minus five, four, three, two, one until she apologizes.” So either she is going to be forced to apologize, she is gonna be forced to bend the knee to these maniacs, or she won’t, right, because you see J. K. Rowling has not apologized.
She’s actually doubled and tripled down in her support for the protection of women’s biological spaces, and what they have done to her is criminal. The Harry Potter kids that J. K. Rowling made multi-, multi-, multimillionaires many times over, they distanced themselves, et cetera, et cetera. And so it’s sad to see Macy Gray back down on this. But, you know, this is what the activists do to people.
CLAY: Rob, last question for you.
CLAY: Buck is newly engaged.
CLAY: He’s trying to get back in great shape in time for the wedding and the honeymoon and everything else. You are in phenomenal shape. I’m not in that great shape myself, either. It’s beach season as well for everybody out there.
CLAY: You only can give people one or two exercises to do.
CLAY: Which would be the one or two you would say are the best for people to be embracing?
SMITH: Okay. So I’m a really big fitness nut. I’m not gonna give people an exercise but I’m gonna give people two concepts to sort of wrap their brain around.
CLAY: Okay.
SMITH: First is that a six-pack is built in the kitchen, not in the gym. So, work on your eating and drinking before you start working on anything else. And second, like I’ve been telling Buck: Heavy weights and high protein help. It’s gonna feel like you’re eating so much protein that you can’t even eat anything else, but when you’re doing that and lifting, you’re gonna burn fat; you’re gonna look incredible.
BUCK: So I’ve been spending months for the audience benefit here, doing things that I used to do a lot when I was in better shape — deadlifting and the bench and all these things — and what I find, though, is you’re always doing this people say, “Make sure you hit enough protein,” but you also have to be in a caloric deficit.
BUCK: I’m 40. It just feels like, wait. Eating more is gonna mean that I’m not in the caloric deficit, and Rob is telling me, “No, you just have to be very precise about the foods you’re eating so that they are full of protein and you stay within your macros,” and now I just want to eat some ice cream and give up. But, anyway…
CLAY: (laughing)
SMITH: No, that’s the thing. You got get out of the ice cream, the pizza, all of that stuff. You’ve gotta think about how amazing you’re gonna look in that tux on your wedding day, those pictures — that you’re gonna be looking at forever, by the way — and then the honeymoon, the beach, all of that stuff. Just keep that stuff in your mind, Buck.
BUCK: Can’t Cancel Rob Smith, and if you listen to his podcast, folks, Can’t Cancel Rob Smith, you also will get some very helpful workout and general life tips, et cetera. Rob, always good to see you, man. Thanks for coming and hang out in the studio.
SMITH: Thanks, guys.
CLAY: Good tips. I try to follow them. Unfortunately, beer, pizza, ice cream, 95% of my diet, Buck.
BUCK: Don’t you eat baloney sandwiches on Wonder Bread for lunch every day?
CLAY: Turkey. It’s turkey and cheese. Show some respect to the turkey business. Yes, I do eat a lot of turkey. So, I don’t know if that’s good or bad. And we were talking about Taco Bell earlier, Buck, you’re not even gonna be able to get the crunchy or the soft tacos at all in time for the big event.
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