BUCK: As we’re looking at the way forward here, I’ve gotten word that… So, I’ve got my brother’s wedding next week, which Clay knows about. I’m very proud of my little brother. He’s gonna be getting married. But the restaurants and venues in New York City starting next week are requiring vaccine proof to go inside, vaccine passports.
CLAY: This is crazy.
BUCK: I’m sitting here telling you right now, I’m in a situation where I have my three siblings — older brother, little brother, little sister — all fantastic human beings. And I got my little brother’s wedding next week. We’re all so excited about it. But I’m not missing my brother’s wedding. I’m going to my brother’s wedding.
CLAY: Of course.
BUCK: Obviously, right? They would have to take me in the hospital bed with the IV in my arm to the ceremony. I’m going no matter what. But I feel like, Clay, this is what they finally gotten to the point of now where they found a way to turn the screws on people to coerce people. I know people are gonna say to me, “Oh, Buck, but come on. Do the…”
What choice do I have? This is where the rubber finally meets the road here. I’ve got my brother, who I would take a bullet for gladly, getting married next week. It’s a joyous occasion, couldn’t be happier about it, and de Blasio is now praising all these restaurants that are getting ahead of the official enforcement date.
They’re saying, “Fine, if you’re gonna make us do this.” Now, there are some places, Clay, in the outer boroughs here in New York City. Someone sent me that article from outer Brooklyn, Bay Ridge. In the Bronx… By the way, the Bronx, more than half the borough, the entire borough —
CLAY: They can’t go to restaurants or bars or gymnasiums.
BUCK: — is unvaccinated and cannot go to restaurants. So this whole thing is gonna be a cata. But I can’t play games. I can’t roll dice with going to my own siblings’ wedding. So, Clay, I’m sitting here telling you as somebody who… I have it on my desk on top the proof of my infection. I have antibodies.
CLAY: Yes. You have your antibodies.
BUCK: I’m gonna have to probably go get a shot now because — and I know everybody’s saying, “Buck, don’t do it!” What am I gonna do? I’m not gonna miss the wedding. So, this is the kind of coercion they said they would never do. It’s now, “Get the shot, peasant, or you miss your own brother’s wedding.” That’s New York City right now.
CLAY: And you’re in a tough spot. And we talked about it off the air, and you’re saying, “I don’t know if I even necessarily want to have to share this story,” and I said, “Hey, everybody who does our job, you have to decide at some level how much of your private life do you put out there in the public arena.”
So we were talking about it privately, and I said I thought you had two options. I said, “Do it, ’cause you can’t miss this.” Let’s start here: Like every decision that you make you have to decide, “Okay, what’s the end result here?” The end result is you can’t miss your brother’s wedding.
BUCK: Hundred percent. No chance. No chance.
CLAY: There’s no chance of that no matter your politics, and I think most people out there would agree with that. If you had to analyze something if I heard you say, “Hey, I care so much about this I’m gonna skip my brother’s wedding,” I’d say, “Your brother’s wedding is, to me, by far the focal point.” So you have to go. I think you’d be a total imbecile, in my opinion.
BUCK: So my real options, Clay, are basically get the shot or somehow find a way — and I’m not advocating this.
BUCK: Did you have a good fake ID? Fake IDs when I was growing up here in New York were huge. It was a business, man. They were everywhere. People would pay real money for fake IDs. It was crazy.
CLAY: I got two good fake ID stories for you. So, first of all, I went to college in Washington, D.C. So lots of people —
BUCK: I thought we were talking about covid and me getting a shot. Now we’re talking about fake IDs?
CLAY: I want to circle back around to how this plays in. So they had what was called a D.C. Walker’s license all right? D.C. Walker’s license because a lot of people didn’t have driver’s licenses. So I got a D.C. Walker’s license, which was total garbage. It worked everywhere. So much so that when I actually got my real license, it was Tennessee, and it was one of those old laminated ones.
They wouldn’t let me in the bar because my real ID looked faker than the D.C. Walker’s ID. So I think you have to explore — surreptitiously, pretend that there aren’t millions of people listening right now — what would a fake vaccine ID card look like to allow to you attend your brother’s wedding.
BUCK: I cannot abide, man. I’m a rule of law fellow.
CLAY: I’m looking into it.
BUCK: I would rather… Look, by the way, I have to wear a suit, go through the whole thing. So I’m thinking I gotta go Spider-Man and find a way into these venues back door, through the kitchen.
CLAY: That’s a funny idea too. I didn’t even think about that.
BUCK: For the actual wedding I gotta go black tie, so then I’m going full James Bond, 007, through the window to avoid the shot, or I just get the shot, but see this is —
CLAY: So how do they check it? Do you know? That’s my question.
BUCK: This is the crazy part. This is all happening right now in New York, and we have a lot of people in New York that are listening — and for the rest of the country, I keep telling you. For people who say, “Oh, that’s not gonna be a problem for me.” Really? You live in Austin, you live in Los Angeles, you live in Denver? You’re sure they’re not gonna do this to you? Because they’ve decided.
CLAY: How are we gonna check it? I think that’s where a lot of people say, “Oh, so like you got the wedding; there’s X-number of people that are gonna be there…”
BUCK: They’re asking for it, Clay, in advance to check.
CLAY: You have to email it to them?
BUCK: Yes. Yes.
CLAY: Oh, my God.
BUCK: Yes. So this is what I’m saying — and, by the way, there’s multiple venues.
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: There’s a church and there’s the rehearsal dinner place but the reality here is that places now all have their own enforcement mechanism which actually makes it even harder or their own enforcement levels. It’s basically anywhere you go now, are they really checking?
Some places accept — and these are the actual rules — a note from a medical institution or a religious institution plus a negative covid test net last 48 hours. Other places, it has to be proof of vaccination only. Other places, I think some of them are thinking about taking — and they should, obviously — proof of a previous covid test.
I don’t want to get any specifics. “I’ll lose this New Jersey health system thing unless I got the shot. What do you do?” I’ll tell this audience, you and I, one promise we make is we’ve always gotta tell the audience the truth and what we really think. I told the person, “I would not risk your pension.”
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: “You’re about to retire. You’re clearly at an age level where the vaccine has a higher upside for you.’ So I would get the shot even though she really doesn’t want to get the shot. Now I’m that person because I gotta a wedding next week and I either get the shot or I gotta pull a Spider-Man and pull into the window in my tux 007 style, which maybe I’ll do.
CLAY: Or get a great fake vaccine card.
BUCK: Clay, we cannot promote fake documents on the air, sir!
CLAY: Is it even a government document? I don’t think that it is. It’s not like it’s a passport, like a real one.
BUCK: City government document is like, come on, come on. Federal government documents, CDC stuff? That gets a little dicey.
CLAY: I don’t think it’s a federal document. It’s not like you’re, you know, like, Jason Bourne and you got eight different passports that you’re trying to sneak into a country with. That we know of. Although you were in the CIA. You may have eight different passports. You may have eight different identities for all I know.
BUCK: I can neither confirm nor deny.
CLAY: I think this is what they’re trying to do. The goal of these rules is to put somebody in such a socially awkward or business-wise difficult situation that you must comply.
BUCK: The point is force compliance.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: There’s no more choice in this. They’re gonna find a way. Everyone listening to this, they’re gonna try to find a way — the Biden administration, the apparatus, the Fauci-ites — to make everyone got the shot, a hundred percent of us.
CLAY: And let’s just be clear here. We’re not like anti-vax guys. I just want to reiterate for people who might not know. We’ve already had covid, and so when we talk to Rand Paul or we talk to Dr. Marty Makary, actual doctor experts that we have on this program, they say that it probably doesn’t make sense because you already have better immunity having had covid and survived it than you would. Natural immunity works better than vaccinated immunity. So they’re not giving you the option to use, as you said, the fact that you have antibodies, which is the exact purpose of getting the vaccine.
BUCK: I have definitive medical proof of previous infection this year.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: I am, based on every expert who’s honest, safer to be around than people who have only been vaccinated in terms of transmission risk — and yet, again, we go back to this. I think I gotta get the shot and what you’re gonna find is that more and more people are gonna be in positions where it’s get the shot or you lose your job, and unfortunately, I think this is going to stand up in court. Lawyer Hat Man, what do you think? Is it gonna stand up in court? I think it’s gonna stand up in court.
CLAY: I don’t know if it is. But the problem is, you’re not gonna be able to find out whether it’s gonna stand up in court before most people out there get put up against it. Your brother’s wedding is next week or whatever —
BUCK: I can’t wait to this to coarse through the system. This isn’t a Law & Order episode where it all happens in five minutes.
CLAY: I’m actually fascinated. the next time I come up to New York —
BUCK: I won’t be able to take you find out for steak — which, by the way, you should pick up the check. I won’t be able to take you out for steak because, if you’re not vaccinated, Clay, no steak for you.
CLAY: Are you gonna be embarrassed if we go out to a bar or restaurant and it’s like when the guy doesn’t have good enough shoes to be able to get in the bar? For a long time, I would always be the guy who was in shorts and flip-flops and my buddy would say, “Dude, you couldn’t just have worn normal shoes? They won’t let you in the bar here.” Is that gonna be the situation for you?
CLAY: Buy me in.
BUCK: But you’ll probably say, “Hey, here’s some Super Bowl tickets” or something ’cause you got the hookups.
CLAY: (laughiung)
BUCK: But anyway, point is, we gotta figure out what’s going on here.
CLAY: I’m sure there are a lot of places out there where we have restaurant owners that would be ecstatic to smuggle us in next time I’m in New York, if I otherwise wouldn’t be able to get in.
BUCK: There needs to some kind of a symbol outside for that.
CLAY: That’s a great idea.
BUCK: Actually, the symbol is let people in without checking their vaccine passports, but Clay we should go back to the Texas Senate passing the election bill remember when they fled?
CLAY: I gotta figure out the House right the House has to balance it out.
BUCK: Right, but they’re gonna lose all their tweeting out their sad salads and their little soy macha lattes and all the rest of it.
CLAY: Ali just sent us, by the way, “Covid-19 cases surges as do sales of fake vaccine cards.” They’re around $100, Buck. That’s a story. It’s out there. Just saying.
BUCK: Law & Order man, Clay.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: But we’ll talk offline.
CLAY: I’m not trying to sell you on this specifically, Buck, but as you make the decision about what you have to do Spider-Man/Batman style to get into your brother’s wedding; you’ve already had covid, you’ve got antibodies, but New York City is implementing an aggressive vaccine passport. They’re requesting that everybody prove that they’ve been vaccinated.
This is the research of Ali on our staff. The headline story here is: “Covid-19 cases surge as do sales of fake vaccination cards – around $100 for something you could get free.” Here where some of the quotes: “The availability of fake vaccination certificates has risen, too. Since March, there’s been a 257% increase in the number of sellers using the Telegram messaging app to advertise fake vaccination cards…”
I’ve heard that the Telegram messaging app is a good place to go if you don’t want your texts to be able to be examined. I’ve heard. So they’ve using it “to advertise fake vaccination cards to ‘those who do not want to take the vaccine…’
The company said there are now more than 2,500 groups on Telegram trying to sell fake vaccination certificates … As anti-vaccine groups have grown, the price of fake vaccination cards has dropped, from $200 in March to about half that today,” which obviously would reflect that there is a lot of demand on these. So far, no one has been prosecuted for one of these.
BUCK: What does the FBI say about this?
CLAY: What did FBI say?
BUCK: The FBI put out a statement. “An FBI spokeswoman said, ‘using a government agency seal without permission is illegal. You could face a fine and up to five years in prison.'”
CLAY: Five years in prison! That doesn’t sound likely.
BUCK: I gotta tell you, they’re gonna lock people up five years in prison for using a fake vaccination card? First of all, federal statutes usually you end up getting much less ’cause everyone ends up pleading guilty.
CLAY: They might lock you or me up for five years.
BUCK: Well, that’s the problem. They want to make an example of one of us.
CLAY: They’d Marth Stewart us!
CLAY: I’ll say this too. California evidently did arrest someone in May. They arrested a bar owner for allegedly selling fake vaccine cards. So you can go in the bar and try to order a fake vaccine. I need to know more about how this ends up happening.
BUCK: They wear a trench coat. “I got the fake Moderna. I got the fake Pfizer.” They got everything for you.
CLAY: (laughing) I’ll have an old-fashioned and also, please, could you give me a fake ID?” I’m reading this story now.
BUCK: What are they gonna say when — I really believe this, and maybe we could mark this down as a Buck thought or prediction for the future — when within 60 days they’re telling us, “Oh, yeah, guys. For the winter season, you need to get boosters — and, by the way, that’s obviously because the vaccines are wearing off and not effective enough.” What are they gonna say then about all of this?
CLAY: Already the boosters are gonna have to happen, right? The question is, like, how many different versions of the booster are you gonna have get and for how long?
BUCK: It’s gonna be forever, folks. It’s gonna turn into the flu shot. That’s what’s gonna end up happening here.
BUCK: Kathryn in SoCal, Southern California, what do you got for us?
CALLER: Hey, as you know, Buck, I’m with you. I work in the school system here in Southern California. I had just found out that they’ll be requiring us to get vaccinated or be tested once a week. But I’m assuming further down the line, it’s going to be a force that we have to be vaccinated or else. I am not an anti-vaxxer. I am an anti-covid vaccine.
I have no idea what’s in this vaccine! I have done some research. My daughter is a nurse. She has been advising me not to take it. She has been working in the public health system calling patients from this, from the get-go, and she’s absolutely against it. There are many people that I know that are in the medical field that are against it.
BUCK: So Kathryn are you facing either get vaxxed or get fired? Is that the sum total of what you’re looking at here?
CALLER: Well, probably. I’m the lone reed in my office. I’m working with tons of liberal people, and a lot of them, I know if they find out that I am not vaccinated, I’m gonna be vilified.
BUCK: Oh, yeah. No, they’re probably gonna make you daybreak Kathryn, I wish we had answers for you. I appreciate you holding and calling in from Southern California. But, Clay, there’s gonna be more and more of this. Jill has been holding from Loveland, Ohio, for a long time. Jill, welcome.
CALLER: What’s up, guys? Right on! Right on! Rest in peace, Maha Rushie. But I gotta say I am a raging mama bear, because I live in Ohio where Governor DeWine, although a RINO, has left it up to the schools to make the decision and our daughter is going to be a first grader at a Catholic school that told us last week, “No masks, it’s optional,” and then last night, flips the script and said it’s mandatory, if we signed all our paperwork. We go to drop off school supplies on Monday! How can a private school that takes our money ’cause we chose to come to your school ’cause you share our values, how can they do this? The public schools are making this optional.
CLAY: Jill, let me give you a couple of ideas here, and I understand your frustration, your anger. I went and talked Tuesday. I’ve got two kids in school, public school. This has turned into a big flashpoint for moms and dads everywhere. One, I would look into whether your school has a medical exception or a religious exemption opportunity.
I know you thought a religious school, but it a lot of different states and communities have exemption forms that you may be eligible for. The other thing I would say is, Jill, I think you gotta organize the parents. What happens if you guys who are paying tuition…? First of all, you could leave and go elsewhere. But what happens if you just send your kids and say, “We don’t believe in masks.
“Our kids aren’t going to wear them,’ and there are a large group of you who are making that choice, I think you have to stand up against this authority. That would be my suggestion. Thanks for listening. And I know there’s a lot of people out there dealing with the same dilemma all over the place.
BUCK: Let’s open it up for everybody if you got thoughts on this. If you’re facing a choice like the one I am right now, basically vax or else. Vaccine or else, can’t go to my brother’s wedding. Okay, that’s what I’m faced with in New York. People say move. I can’t move the wedding; so this is where we are.
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