BUCK: Yeah, we understand, Mayor Pete, that an airplane is actually much safer in terms of virus spread in the air than a hotel ballroom. But the White House Correspondents’ Dinner is for fancy, fancy Democrats this year. They’re all gonna be going there. They’re all gonna be dressed up.
BUCK: They call it Nerd Prom ’cause they’re so self-effacing, Clay, ’cause they don’t actually have enormous egos and think of themselves as the Masters of the University. They actually are nerds. No, nerds actually know stuff. They shouldn’t call them nerds.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: Journos, they are not nerds ’cause nerds actually have to be knowledgeable in an area. That’s the whole point. But notice here the smug — this is the transportation secretary, folks. He’s supposed to be know about things like how safe are planes, how safe are buses, how safe is the White House Correspondents’ Dinner? Apparently, Clay, the virus does not spread at the Vanity Fair cocktail party. Something about the White House Correspondents’ Dinner champagne kills the virus on contact, apparently, I guess.
CLAY: By the way, Joe Biden’s going, but he’s taking the virus seriously ’cause he’s not staying for the dinner portion of the correspondents’ dinner. And Mayor Pete, remember when he was the bright, shining light of the Democrat Party that he was going to be the guy to lead them into the future? Boy, he just keeps taking one body blow after another.
Bret Baier just fileted him. (laughing) This was an in-person interview. Credit to Bret Baier, but, man, how is Mayor Pete not prepared for this, and how is his fallback, “Well, I think people know the difference between a ballroom and an airplane,” when the airplane is far safer.
BUCK: Yes, not even close.
CLAY: He could have said “airport” if he wanted to not just completely throw himself under the bus. But this transportation secretary who’s never actually done anything of any substance in the transportation arena. We know he got his job only because — to your point earlier we were just discussing, if we had to do a draft of people in the Biden administration.
One reason why the Biden administration is so inept is because it was an identity politics-fueled cabinet that Joe Biden selected. It was not about whether people were accomplished. It was about whether they checked identity politics boxes. And as a result, everybody’s just falling apart.
BUCK: True.
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