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Blue Cities Become Killing Fields as Crime Surges

6 Jul 2021

Unfortunately, the real fireworks this Independence Day weekend was the explosion of crime across the country, especially in perennially brutal blue city Chicago, whose mayor says racism, and not defunded police, is the problem.

“We’ve had a bloody July Fourth holiday, more than 150 people killed, proving there are other things to think about than whether the flag is important to someone or not,” Buck said, noting how issues such as both patriotism and lack of diversity are used to deflect the everyday huge issue of literal survival on our nation’s streets.

Clay declared the sprees in blue cities among the major issues of our time: “Since last year, our cities have turned into killing fields the likes of which we have not seen in the 21st century. Independence Day is just more proof.”

C&B BOTH stressed that the obvious reason, “to anyone with a functional brain,” is that defund the police is the culprit. But ravaging police forces gets away scot-free in what Clay declared “the most idiotic, dumbest political argument in 21st century politics that defund the police” is not directly responsible for the surge in crime.

Another no-brainer, Buck said, is that Biden, if inclined, could help: “He’s Mr. Fund the police. Why not then call on his Democrat friends to get with it!”

One close presidential friend should be murder boomtown Mayor Lori Lightfoot of Chicago. Clay recalled when, although calling for mask wearing, she hit the crime-filled streets maskless and lugging a bullhorn to jubilate in Biden’s election. However, in addition to her city being one of the most prominent “killing fields,” she is the biggest denier.

This is despite the Chicago Sun-Times declaring our nation’s birthday celebration “the most violent weekend of 2021” with more than 100 shot, and in another headline calling their hometown “Chicago, City of Gun Violence and Murders.”

Still, Lightfoot has a lead foot when trying to hightail it away from the gory reality. Other than forbidding white reporters from interviewing her one-on-one, she tells all others who do, as well as anyone else who will listen, that crime is being blown out of proportion and misunderstood since racism is the real bad guy. Then she continually declares that, if her logic is questioned, the interrogator must be racist!

As usual, Buck was easily able to leap over the hyperbole and provide the “critical takeaway” regarding the entire gruesome situation, not only in Chicago, but, more importantly, nationwide.

“That, then, brings me to an absolutely critical takeaway from all this craziness that we’ve been seeing from the left, I mean from the Marxist, insane left on these issues and, you know, dealing with police violence and acting like that’s really the threat that predominantly minority, urban communities are dealing with. That it’s law enforcement that’s causing all this stuff! When you see all this come together, you see the trajectory that’s been happening over the last year, you also have to recognize that it is overwhelmingly — and the data supports this, but also anecdotally you know this is true — well-off, white liberals…”

And then proving again why this pair was destined to be a top nationally syndicated radio team, Clay jumped in with the same conclusion.

“So frustrating,” Clay lamented. Buck chimed in, “It’s Bernie voters…” Clay agreed. “Yes,” said Buck, “who live in Santa Monica and whatever the fancy part of Chicago, you know, Park Slope and Brooklyn Heights and the Upper West Side, they’re the ones who have still ample police presence, who have private security for their neighborhoods, often, who have low crime in their areas, they think that they’re the ones who care about minorities by making it more difficult for the 99.9% of minority Americans living in these communities to go about their lives in peace without the possibility of, you know, bullets flying over their car at any point in time.”

Clay continued by finishing his partner’s thoughts: “It’s super insanely frustrating. Woke white people are this country’s enemy. I mean that a hundred percent. Woke white people have lost their minds. They’re the ones, by the way, Buck Sexton, I was reading the data in the Wall Street Journal this morning, they’re the reason Joe Biden got elected. A lot of people want to focus on everything else, what the turnout was. It was woke, idiotic white people, the same people who are arguing to defund the police.”

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