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Blackface Trudeau Can’t Keep Track of His LGBTs and Qs

22 Sep 2021

CLAY: We have a lot of listeners up in Canada, actually, where Justin Trudeau has been reelected. But that didn’t come without a few extra blackface photos circulating.

BUCK: (impression) “Do you have a lot of OutKick fans, eh, up in Montreal?”

CLAY: Justin Trudeau… By the way, Buck, did the guy only go out in blackface costumes? It seems like there’s an awful lot of blackface of him and also I guess the Aladdin costume would be, what, brownface?

BUCK: Not even clear. By the way, I asked earlier, I am assuming OutKick is a big deal up in Canada, right?

CLAY: We do, eh, have a lot of Canadian readers, and I know Clay and Buck, we have a lot of listeners up there, ’cause that country is a lot like Australia, and it has spiraled totally out of control compared to freedoms. The funny thing is, I don’t even know how many letters we now have.

‘Cause it used to be LGBT, which was a lot to keep up with, but then they added in Q and Z and P and everything else, and (laughing) Justin Trudeau got all sorts of stumbled up trying to make sure that he was being as inclusive as possible. Listen to this.

TRUDEAU: I will never apologize for standing up for LGDP — Uh, L — GT — LBT… (annoyed sigh)


TRUDEAU: LGBTQ2+, uh, kids’ rights to not have to undergo conversion therapy.

BUCK: Can we just…? You know what you can really do? If you’re standing in front of Justin Trudeau, I assure you, he’s so woke, you could just start adding letters, and he would say them.

CLAY: Yes.


CLAY: You might as well just say the entire alphabet at this point. I want to hear that one more time just because it’s so perfect. I mean, this is a guy who should be an expert at making sure that he’s as inclusive as possible. He can’t even keep up with all the letters now.

TRUDEAU: I will never apologize for standing up for LGDP — Uh, L — GT — LBT… (annoyed sigh)


TRUDEAU: LGBTQ2+, uh, kids’ rights to not have to undergo conversion therapy.

BUCK: You need the plus so when you add the new letters you got room for them. That’s the point of the plus.

CLAY: It’s like, “Please excuse my dear Aunt Sally.” Is there a parenthetical involved here? I don’t even know. This is confusing for me already.

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