Bill O’Reilly Opines on Abortion, the Midterms, Crime and His New Book

BUCK: We’ve got the one-and-only Bill O’Reilly with us now. He’s got a new book out. He’s got 17 number-one best-sellers already — this new one is Killing the Killers: The Secret War Against Terrorists — and, obviously, Bill, you know from TV for many years. Bill, thanks for calling in.

O’REILLY: So, Clay dodging me, huh? Is that what I’m hearing here.

BUCK: He’s actually with the fam down in Florida.

O’REILLY: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That’s all right. I’m happy to talk with you, Buck. But you tell Clay when he comes back, I want to be back with him too.

BUCK: He looks forward to having a good, old-fashioned throwdown on all the topics of the day I promise you, Bill. I want to ask you first — and we played some audio I said back in October. On this issue specifically of Roe, you will see a ferocity and an underhandedness that will surprise a lot of people about the left, unless you were watching the Kavanaugh thing closely. I mean, just on this — I’ve been calling it — treachery, on this leak of a Supreme Court document of this magnitude, what do you see going on here?

O’REILLY: Well, you’re a hundred percent correct. The zealots on the far left, this is one of their key issues, and they don’t want any intrusion ever on abortion. Nothing. So you get a headache a half hour before you’re supposed to give birth, you can abort the baby. That’s what they say. And when it looked like the Supreme Court was gonna limit abortion, somebody leaked it out. Now, it’s up to the FBI to really find that person.

Do I have any confidence that will be a robust investigation? No, I don’t. But for us in America who want the best for every American, including pro-choice people, I think that everyone needs to calm down. So it looks to me like the states will have the power to regulate abortion after the June ruling by the Supreme Court. But abortion’s not gonna be banned.

It will be difficult to get in places like Oklahoma and Mississippi. But states like California and New York are even now writing new laws that say, “Come on up! We’ll give you the abortion here, and probably the taxpayer will pick up some of the tab for you.” So, that’s the likely outcome.

BUCK: What do you think this does to the…? Just looking at this from a political lens, putting aside the legal and the moral debates and arguments that this obviously brings up, but the Democrats were floundering, right? I mean, they were having a really tough time trying to come up with any explanation for why almost two, a year and change into Biden’s second year of his first term that the Democrat Party should stay in power, right.

Economy’s not good, the border’s not good, crime is high, biggest war in Europe since World War II, which should have been prevented. Anyway, a lot of things where they can’t spin it. So, Bill, do you think this is the mobilization point that they need or is it not gonna work out that way?

O’REILLY: Well, it will work to their advantage slightly. Some women in particular will go over and make abortion the centerpiece of their vote in November. But the economy is so shaky and people are getting hurt every day, that that’s gonna overwhelm the abortion issue, particularly when the ruling comes down and it’s not as Draconian as the corrupt courtroom media is making it seem today. So I think it’s a little bit advantage to the left in November but I still think they’re gonna get wiped out big time.

BUCK: We’re speaking to Bill O’Reilly, author of Killing the Killers: The Secret War Against Terrorists, which is just out now. As I said before, he’s got so many best-sellers now in the killing series — this is gonna be added to it, I’m sure — already. Bill, I want to ask you about crime because, you know, Eric Adams showed up at the Met Gala. Were you at the Met Gala by any chance, Bill?

O’REILLY: Are you kidding?

BUCK: You’re a tall guy so we would have seen you in the photos.

O’REILLY: No. Never in a million years would they invite someone like me to their little confab.

BUCK: Just saying, it would get a lot of buzz on the red carpet. That’s for sure. Just putting that out there to Anna Wintour to hear. But, you know, Eric Adams shows up; he’s got this “end gun violence” tuxedo on. Crime, since he took office… Now, look. I know he inherited a bad situation, but he’s the mayor, right? He signs up for this, and he comes in on the primary issue of turning it around.

I don’t think that I’m seeing a seriousness from him or, quite honestly, any of the Democrats in charge — name a major city — Chicago, Los Angeles, Seattle, Atlanta, go down the list, right? Philadelphia. Do you think that it just has to be a wipeout in the midterms before they turn the ship in the right direction here to get crime numbers down? How does that play out?

O’REILLY: Well, they’re not gonna get crime numbers down in New York for the foreseeable future, because the DAs in four of the five boroughs won’t prosecute crime. Adams can jump up and down and say whatever he wants, and police can arrest all kinds of people, but if they’re not gonna be prosecuted and the criminals know they will not be, that’s not gonna stop crime.

That’s what you’re seeing in San Francisco and Chicago, the anarchy of lawlessness, because the criminals know they’re not gonna be punished. “So why not carjack? Nothing gonna happen to us. We’re not gonna go to jail, and probably not even have to go to court. Not gonna have to sit in the jail cell ’cause there’s no-bail laws in New York!”

So Adams, I mean, you know, he could do certain things if he really wanted to. And I said quite simply, “You want to send a message, Mayor Adams? You want us to believe you? Clean up Penn Station. You can do it in two days.” I could do it in two days. Buck, you could probably do it in a day and a half. You send the cops in, you sweep these people up, you say, “You can’t stay here.

“It’s a public health menace that you’re here. Get out.” You bring in sanitation to clean the place up, and, presto! You got a brand-new train station. Adams’s gonna do that? No. Unless he sends a message that he’s serious, the crime cycle will increase in New York City as it has in Chicago, L.A., for instance, Portland, Oregon, on and on and on and on.

BUCK: Bill, I did want to ask you about the new book here, and this topic particularly one that resonates with me ’cause I was somebody who quite honestly… My dad’s a Manhasset guy, Bill, by the way.


BUCK: So we got some Long Island stuff in common.

O’REILLY: Right.

BUCK: I grew up a New York City kid. I figured I would go work for some company or something; 9/11 happens, and I go, “I’m gonna get into this fight somehow. I’m gonna figure out some way.” I found myself in the CIA Counterterrorism Center, deployed to Iraq, deployed to Afghanistan as a forward-deployed analyst. This changed my life.

Right? It changed so many lives, obviously, but this changed my life, this War on Terror. What are you getting…? What are you talking about in this book that people need to know about that maybe they either haven’t learned before or is it mostly just an overview of everything? What’s the thing you won’t people to take away from it?

O’REILLY: All right. You’re gonna love this book when you read it, Buck, okay? And Travis is gonna love it too. Every page is gonna tell you something you don’t know, even though you yourself are an expert on this topic, because we were able to talk to all of the national security people from the Bush administration on to end of the Trump administration.

And we got the inside story about Afghanistan and Biden. That ends the book. The raid on Bin Laden begins the book. The anniversary was yesterday. Most of the stuff that we have in the book has never been put out there before. Much of it is classified information to this day. What Americans need to know is, the War on Terror is now heating up. Al-Qaeda’s reconstituting in Afghanistan.

ISIS is reconstituting in western Iraq and northern Syria. The Biden administration is not paying attention to this theater because they’re tied up with Putin and Ukraine and all of that. But these boys are hell-bent on getting in here and blowing up as much as they can blow up and killing as many innocent Americans as they can.

Now, to counter that, we have unbelievable weaponry, and we describe it. And this is what’s constraining Putin in Europe. He knows we have these weapons. Putin himself knows we can vaporize him in two hours if we choose to. These weapons are unbelievable. They’re deployed now in space. We take you through them. These space weapons are actually run out of Nevada. Did you know that?

BUCK: Can neither confirm nor deny, Bill.

O’REILLY: Okay. Well, very few people, Buck, know it, but we were able to trace it down. This is what vaporized al-Baghdadi, Soleimani, the leaders of Boko Haram and we take you through it. We put you there. And the final thing I think Americans will respond to is Kayla Mueller, 26-year-old humanitarian worker from Arizona, kidnapped by ISIS in Syria. Okay?

ISIS demanded a ransom, baited her parents, we got the emails, her parents cooperated with us. Al-Baghdadi himself raped Kayla and ordered her murder. When you read her story how harrowing it is and then you see how we got Baghdadi through coerced interrogation — which the left screamed and howled doesn’t work. It works, and it’s still being done. And on this book is one of those things you’ll never forget. It is the best reporting I have ever done in my entire career.

BUCK: Killing the Killers: The Secret War Against Terrorists, out now. The author, Bill O’Reilly. Bill, always appreciate you making time for us. Come back soon. We’ll make sure Clay’s around, by the way. He will not… No Clay absence in round two, I promise.

O’REILLY: Okay. Once you guys read the book, I know you’re gonna have very interesting questions. I’ll be happy to come back any time.

BUCK: I will have this read before our next chat. I can assure you of that. Thanks so much, and good luck to you.

O’REILLY: Okay. Thank you, Buck.


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