She’s a Monster! Miami Doctor Refuses to Treat the Unvaccinated
7 Sep 2021
CLAY: I wanted to play this clip for you guys. This idiot South Florida doctor is saying she won’t treat unvaccinated patients, and I want to build on that as we roll into the top of hour 2 because the amount of disinformation out there is totally blowing everybody’s mind. Listen this doctor talking about not treating unvaccinated patients.
DR. LINDA MARRACCINI: I understand people are free to choose. But, to me, it’s a problem when it affects other people. When it comes to the safety of others, when it comes to the global health problem, community health problem, um, at this point, I – I really say that this is – this is where it draws the line in the sand for me. And there’s been, you know, also millions of deaths globally. So, I mean, that’s not something to ignore! People are getting to where everybody knows somebody that died from covid. You know, this is a problem that really everybody needs to help out with and it’s affecting our collective, communal health.
CLAY: Buck, if she said the exact same thing, except instead of covid she had said it about AIDS or HIV, what would the reaction have been?
BUCK: Monster. She’s a monster!
CLAY: Right.
BUCK: She’s violating the Hippocratic oath. She’s violating her role in our society as a doctor. I mean, you treat people who are sick — and, Clay, we often bring up the natural immunity component. Remember, none of these people that are saying these things… Fauci said a couple days ago, “We are perilously close to prioritizing ICU beds!” Essentially, somehow, with over a hundred and…? What’s the number of vaccinated right now, 170 million or whatever the number is?
CLAY: It’s 75% of 18 and up have had at least one shot.
BUCK: So, well over half the country overall vaccinated at this point. And now we’re where northern Italy was in February of 2020 where they’re about to…? Look, I don’t think they are gonna have to prioritize ICU beds. But Fauci opens that up, and then people weigh in to say, “Yeah, and this should go to the vaccinated,” to which I want to say, “Put aside how vicious and wrong that is on just a moral level.”
Also, scientifically, what about people that have had…? What about you and me sitting here — and I know lots and lots of folks listening — who had covid? There is no scientific basis or evidence whatsoever for thinking that those with natural immunity are being reckless in comparison to those who have vaccinated immunity, which we know fades very rapidly.
CLAY: Not only that, I just can’t believe that any doctor, who we’re supposed to believe are the most intelligent among us… The logic that applies here: “People make bad choices in my opinion, therefore I don’t believe that they deserve my medical treatment.” I mentioned HIV and AIDS, Buck, but think about obesity, which is a massive cause of complication from covid.
Obesity is, in many ways, a choice in that you could eat healthier, and you can exercise more, and you will weigh less. That’s the very foundation of healthy living. You could think about smoking, right? I mean, the number of people who had severe health consequences from smoking or driving. Think about it, Buck. If you were driving drunk and you got into a car accident, do we want the hospital to refuse service to you because you were drinking?
What about in the extreme case, if you are a shooter, and you go out and you shoot multiple people? Do we want the doctor to refuse to treat you when you get shot by a police officer because of your life choices? I don’t want doctors looking at the medical chart and making moral decisions about who they treat based on lifestyle choices, whatever they might be of the people requiring medical care.
BUCK: And you and I recoil in horror at this very thought. I understand that a lot of the journos out there —
CLAY: Yeah.
BUCK: — CNN, the New York Times —
CLAY: That’s right.
BUCK: — they want that. Talk about tremendous power to socially engineer society to change the country we live in. You get to start making life-and-death decisions about who gets the shot, you tell them to get and not at the ER, in the ICU? Come on now, folks! This is madness we are devolving into here.
BUCK: Let’s get to Laurie in Colorado. Laurie, you’re on the Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.
CALLER: Good afternoon. Thank you.
BUCK: Thank you. What’s up?
CALLER: Hey, I wanted to mention to you kind of an unusual situation I had as a covid survivor. I had a sinus infection about a month ago. I’m a flight attendant. Sinus infections are very painful. And I went to an urgent care near show me, went in. And of course, they do the covid test. Of course, it’s negative. And the PA proceeds to lecture me on getting the vaccine.
And I said, “Well, you know what? As soon as it’s fully validated, confirmed, whatever, I’ll consider it. But let’s talk about my sinus infection.” She at the end of the conversation, she refused to give me a dose of Amoxycillin. And I’m sitting here going, “I can’t believe this is happening. I’m in my fifties, I’ll healthy; I’m only here because the pain is really bad now, because we wear masks all the time on the plane,” and I just looked at her and said, “You know I’m a flight attendant, right? I just need Amoxycillin.” Again, lecture: “You need a vaccine!” I said, “This has nothing to do with my sinus infection. I just need Amoxycillin. It’s been approved for decades. Let’s move on.”
BUCK: Right. So she wouldn’t give you the care that you needed and wanted unless you got the vaccine. It was like a quid pro quo?
CALLER: Exactly.
CLAY: What happened? What was the end result?
CALLER: It was a pointless argument. I even talked about antibodies. It was pointless. Cited research. Anyway, I went home furious and I called Teledoc through my insurance carrier; and, thankfully, that wonderful doctor, Matt, on the other end, I told him what happened, and he could not believe it. He said, “Which pharmacy?” He immediately sent a prescription for me. He said, “I have never heard of anybody doing that.” I said, “Trust me. I have the name of the medical director. I’m writing a letter to them.”
CLAY: Thank you for calling in. This is the point we were making earlier, Buck, about the idea that we are going to tell doctors that they are such moral authorities that they decide who and what they’re going to treat people who are ill is based on the morality of their illness. First of all, you could be a good person or a bad person and get covid. Right? The virus isn’t discriminating based on the overall health status, necessarily, or morality of anyone out there. You might just get exposed, right? And this idea that doctors should be making choices about who they treat? It’s pure madness.
BUCK: The medical profession has sort of gone the way of, dare I say, intelligence analysis after Iraq WMD and now the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle where people realize it’s very politicized. These are not gods. They make a lot of mistakes and it’s unfortunate because the one person… You could argue, okay, maybe a prosecutor. There are some roles in day-to-day life — hopefully you never have to deal with a prosecutor — where you really don’t want there to be politicization.
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: But I know that everyone wants to walk in their doctor’s office and have it just be this is a highly trained professional who’s going to help you be as well and healthy and safe as possible, not gonna give you a lecture about Trump or ivermectin or whatever.
CLAY: I think everybody with a functional brain agrees with that. And again, I would just say replace covid with HIV if people were refusing treatment because of lifestyle choices. “Oh, you didn’t use a condom while you were having sex? Oh, you’ve ended up acquiring a virus that is based in some way on a decision that you made in your life?” People would lose their minds. Yet you insert covid as the choice, and people are applauding doctors like this who are effectively becoming social justice warrior advocates (chuckles), instead of just trying to treat everybody fairly.
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