
Big Tech Rigged the 2020 Election, GOP Must Investigate

CLAY: The timing on this New York Times revelation — and I say “revelation” because it’s not accurate to say really it’s a revelation because any of you out there with a functional brain who read the story yourself, I think it’s Miranda Devine, Laptop from Hell, we had her on to talk about the book that she wrote entirely about the Hunter Biden laptop.

You had to be willing to suspend all usage of your brain to believe that this was not an accurate reflection of the Hunter laptop and emails because the amount that would have to be changed is so crazy in the details and the photos and everything else.

But I just want to reiterate what I said in that opening segment. Republicans are going to take back the House. I hope that Republicans take back the Senate. The purpose of controlling Congress should be to have an investigation about this. If we can spend as long as we are on January 6th, then the fact that there was Big Tech collusion to ensure that Joe Biden was elected president is a direct attack on our democracy.

And, Buck, we got all these Democrats out there who always want to, you know, grab their pearls and fall on their fainting couch and complain about how much our democracy is under siege, and they use January 6th as evidence of that, Big Tech companies chose the president in 2020 based on the way they allowed Joe Biden to be covered.

BUCK: There’s a fundamental dishonesty that also has to be remembered with those companies. They were built with the promise, not just to their customers, which is you, me, everyone who uses social media, but also to regulators and to the government that that would be platforms for free speech. They openly advocated for themselves as we believe in free speech. We’re essentially going to operate almost like a utility. Psych! Now they pick presidents. I mean, that’s basically what the woke left media apparatus has done now.

They’re just like, “Oh, yeah, forget about all that, we just want to be powerful and make all the determinations about who wins the presidential elections.” Gotta fight against it, folks.


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