Sam Brinton, the non-binary dude Biden put in charge of nuclear materials, has finally lost his job.
Why did it take so long for him to be fired? We all know the answer.
Meanwhile, former Navy Seal Chris Beck, who was held up as a hero by the left, has changed his mind on the whole gender thing and is now speaking out on the harm being done to kids.
When are we going to just recognize this is mental illness? How many lives have to be ruined?
Clay speaks on a panel focusing on gender relations at the University of Chicago Institute…
Miss Buck on The Will Cain Show? Watch it here.
Watch Buck break down how Trump caught the left flat-footed and unable to respond as…
Miss Clay on Jesse Watters Primetime? Watch it here.
Meanwhile, we're talking about billions and billions of wasted dollars -- and it's all YOUR…
Watch Clay and Buck as they delve into the big winner coming out of the…