BUCK: The Biden administration does not have a good year to look back on and probably has a bad year ahead of it as well, although not as bad as the last 12 months, maybe. I don’t know. We’ll see. No one can predict the future. But they’re just looking for something to make it seem like they’ve got a plan. They are trying to convince people that they know what they’re doing — and there are a couple things.
One is — you may have seen yesterday — Biden actually said (impression), “At the founding, you couldn’t own a cannon.” You actually can own a cannon even today! It is federally regulated. You have to… It’s a dangerous device. There’s some regulation. But you can own a cannon. That’s one part of it. So wrong. But there’s a lot more wrong, and, Clay, this actually turns into a legal and liability issue that is pretty amazing they push it this way.
Here’s Joe Biden, because the crime issue is something the Democrats have to come up with an answer for going forward. “Why is crime so bad? What are you gonna do about it?” Defund the Police is idiotic. Everybody with, you know, any sense whatsoever knows that and should have known it from the beginning, by the way.
But Democrats, they pander. They’re demagogues. So they went with it when it was useful for them in the 2020 election year. Here’s Joe Biden, though, calling for an end to the exemption that gun manufacturers get from lawsuits. There’s so much wrong in this one. Play 1.
BIDEN: They’re the only industry in, uh, America that is exempted from being able to be sued by the public. Only one. Imagine had that been the way with cigarette manufacturers. (sputtering) Where the hell would…? Where the…? Where the heck would we be? We’d be in tough shape. Why gun manufacturers? Because of the power of their lobbying ability. It’s gotta end. End! They gotta be held responsible for the things that they do that are irresponsible — and, folks, you know, it’s the only industry in America, as I said, that’s exempt from being sued. And I think… I find it to be outrageous.
BUCK: Clay, can we just start with that’s not true. So, the president of the United States — speaking of misinformation — it’s not true that if you buy a shotgun and you go out and there’s a manufacturing defect and it flows back and you get shards in your eye, you absolutely can sue a gun manufacturer. What he’s saying is you can’t sue a gun manufacturer because someone illegally uses a gun, which is fascinating because you also can’t sue a car manufacturer if someone tries to mow people down in the street with it.
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: Nor can you sue Wusthof knives in Germany if someone stabs someone to death with it. This is pretty straightforward stuff.
CLAY: When someone illegally uses a product, the illegal use of the product is not the person who created a legal product’s problem. It is really embarrassing what he’s arguing. And, by the way, the thing that jumps out to me when he’s talking about who can’t be sued? You know, you can’t sue these people who made the covid vaccine.
Maybe there’s some people out there that are saying, “Wait a minute, I’ve got reaction from taking the covid vaccine; I’ve got myocarditis.” Maybe some of those people who took and listened to the creators of that vaccine, I mean, this is significant, when back in February and March remember everybody was saying, “Hey, if you got covid shot, you won’t get it and you won’t spread it.”
That changed a lot of people’s behavior, and it was a lie. It was not accurate. So, when you want to talk about big companies getting an unbelievable bequeath from the government, Buck, think about this, have we ever had a for-profit corporation have the government try and mandate that people have to consume their product? This is a radical thing that happened with the covid vaccine that almost no one discusses.
Think about it. You run a business. If the government mandates that your product has to be taken by every single person… That’s what Joe Biden tried to do. Every single person in the country! That’s an unprecedented boondoggle. Think about that for a minute. That’s what happened.
And, oh, by the way, if you also weren’t able to be sued for the results of your product and its impact upon the people and you weren’t able to sue based on the misrepresentations — based on the lies — about how effective that product would be, that’s the very essence of capitalism being captured by the industry that’s supposed to regulate it. That’s a conversation we should be having. I ain’t hearing nobody talk about that.
BUCK: I just sit here and say, “It’s really not clear to me…” Joe Biden was a guy who barely graduated from law school, at the very bottom of his class and has been known in politics for a very long time as just being kind of dumb. Everyone who understands who’s a sharp character even from the other side, you know, whatever your politics are, knows Joe Biden’s not that smart.
So, I can’t tell here, Clay, if he’s making such an obviously disingenuous argument or if he just doesn’t understand the difference between criminal liability usage or… So, it’s tough. I don’t know if he’s so dumb or so dishonest. I go back and forth. But this does raise the issue of the Democrats have realized, finally, they gotta do something about crime.
Because Republicans, if they’re smart — and I know a lot of Republican Hill staffers listen to this show and so get your folks in Congress, get your folks in the governors mansions, get your folks across the country to dial in on we got a huge crime problem at a time when crime should actually be at all-time lows, really, if you look at what should have happened during covid. Clay, they’re gonna try to make it about guns. We gotta make it about reality, which is enforcing the law needs to happen.
CLAY: That’s an important pivot. I don’t think Joe Biden is dumb on this issue. I think he’s recognized that the way to pivot is to blame guns, not people, and then you try to argue Republicans are responsible for the crime wave.
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The Democrats are making fools of themselves and have no idea how to change it.