
Biden Trashes “MAGA Crowd” as Most Extreme in American History

BUCK: I don’t know. At some point you feel like you’re caught between, “Is it more that…?” What is the bigger fraud — and I think you could argue this in a lot of directions — that Joe Biden is of sound mind as a function of age and cognitive deterioration to be the president? Is that the bigger fraud, that Joe Biden is an honest, lives-down-the-street, good guy, Amtrak Joe…? He’s actually kind of a jerk.

Or that Joe Biden is smart enough — particularly on legal issues, as somebody who was a lawyer and then a senator for 40 years — to actually have something worthwhile to say on important matters of law, constitutionality, jurisprudence, you name it. I don’t know which is the bigger fraud. You can argue that in any of those realms, I think there’s been a constant media campaign of (dare I say) disinformation, Clay, to try to convince people that things are true about Joe Biden that are just not.

And this is one of those moments where he put a whole bunch of things in together. And maybe Clay can give us a little bit of your legal analysis of Joe’s legal analysis, because I don’t even think Joe knows what he was trying to say on this one. Here is the president on that Roe v. Wade leak. Oh, and, by the way, what he calls “the MAGA crowd.”

BUCK: Can I just say…? I know that he went back said in recent history I think after that, but “the MAGA crowd,” I guess by that he means the Republican Party. He’s trying to tell us this is the most extreme Republican Party because finally the Supreme Court has weighed in on what is obviously the correct constitutional — and they haven’t even made the decision official decision. The pro-life movement…

The conservative platform that’s been the pro-life movement for decades and decades now. So there’s nothing that should be surprising about this. But, Clay, can you explain to me, what is he even talking about. Keeping LGBTQ kids out of school? Like, what is he even…? What does he think he’s saying?

CLAY: I don’t even know. And this goes, again, to why I question his mental faculties to such a degree. If he wants to fearmonger based on this opinion, that is hard because — as we said, Alito — in his opinion, specifically says that he’s not going to go after other things. For instance, if you really wanted to fearmonger here — and maybe Joe Biden will eventually fearmonger better than he did there — you wouldn’t say gay kids are gonna get pulled out of the classroom.

You would say something like, “Oh, next they’re going to take away your birth control.” Something like 90% of Americans believe that birth control is fine for people to use. I am one of them. Chances are that many of you also agree with that. What is clear here from Joe Biden’s arguments is, he hasn’t read the opinion himself, which is an indictment because if you’re going to be commenting on this — certainly as the president of the United States — you should read the draft opinion.

And his argument doesn’t make any sense there. And then to go on and say that the MAGA crowd is “the most extreme in American history”? Let’s think for a minute about some of the things that have existed, political party-wise, in American history. And also think about what the MAGA crowd believes in: secure borders, respect for police officers, putting America first, finding people with good, secure, safe jobs — including people in manufacturing industries that have lost their jobs overseas.

Giving people the ability to put America first, raising wages — black, white, Asian, Hispanic — to level that we haven’t seen in modern history? Trying to call that — and I saw where he’s trying toit “the ultra-MAGAs” or something. They’re trying to label… The clear attempt here is a desperate ploy to make Donald Trump a figure in the midterm elections to drive up Democrat turnout. But here’s the problem, Buck. That’s the exact same campaign that Terry McAuliffe ran in Virginia.

And Glenn Youngkin soundly defeated Terry McAuliffe. Do you remember that, Buck? We talked about this last fall, when they were bringing in all the heavy hitters — Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, if I remember — coming across the Potomac River, showing up for those rallies with Terry McAuliffe saying how bad things would be if Republicans took back control of the Old Dominion there, and they tried to make Donald Trump a figure that that election.

And do you know what happened? It didn’t remotely work ’cause he wasn’t on the ballot. That’s now a sign of desperation six months out. I believe ultimately that’s what Joe Biden is trying to do, but he’s doing it in ham-handed fashion because, let’s be honest, he’s got dementia. I was reading in that Politico article you and I were talking about earlier the fact that he may run in 2024. Buck, they said many of the rooms they can’t use at the White House to do public events because they can’t fit his teleprompter in it.

BUCK: (laughing)

CLAY: They can’t have this man — in that article, in that Politico article.

BUCK: I’m a guy who likes a big TV, I gotta say. And in New York sometimes you get that flat screen, it can be tough to get it up the stairs in your walkup or whatever. But when the teleprompter is too big for the president, that’s not good.

CLAY: I’m gonna read that quote from Politico at some point in the show. But it’s talking about the fact that we may have a Trump-Biden rematch. And to me what Biden is trying to do is draw Trump in as a figure in this election. The problem is Trump’s not on the ballot. That might work in 2024, and it’s certainly something that will be much debated over the next couple of years — who the Republican nominee should be and whether 82-year-old Joe Biden can run — but, I mean, he is reading these attacks off of a teleprompter, Buck, and they’re still nonsensical. He can’t even clever them, and more important, they’re just lies.

BUCK: And let’s also remember, not only you have two things that I think are a huge challenge for the Democrat brand right now ’cause I know we’re talking about Biden a lot, and it’s the midterms that are gonna determine the House, the Senate, and the different state races. Biden’s not on the ballot, but he’s the leader of the Democrat Party right now. He is the president, it is the Biden regime, and you look at two things that are huge problem.

We talk a lot about the results, which is the most important thing. Same way results are the most important single part of the discussion, I think, about school shutdowns, right? ‘Cause we don’t have to get into the, “Oh, but philosophically…” No, no. You guys shut down the schools, you hurt kids, and the covid issue was irrelevant for the kids ’cause they might have gotten covid elsewhere.

It didn’t matter. The Biden administration, you look at the results, but also look at the promises for a moment. Do you remember this, Clay? In New York City, I mean, it was embarrassing. I’ll be honest with you. It was embarrassing. People were driving around, and it was like world war — when they finally announce for Biden, it was like World War II had just ended, the ebullience, the joy, the happiness in the streets it was, “Oh, my gosh,” as though it was the end of dogs and “cats living together, mass hysteria.”

All of a sudden, we were coming together in a way — the Democrats, obviously, who voted for Biden — that was gonna unite us as a country and normalcy return. Clay, they pushed to fire huge numbers of people from their jobs for not getting a shot that most of those people didn’t even need.

CLAY: Yes. Thousands of people, tens of thousands of people — military, teachers, workers in all different sorts of government jobs — lost their employment for a shot that they Defendant’s Exhibit need at all.

BUCK: Yeah. I’m just saying they promised to unite the country, steady hand, adults in the room, competency. And so when you look at the promise and now the results, the gap is enormous, right? I mean, you know, they promised me filet mignon and a side of bearnaise sauce with some asparagus… I haven’t eaten lunch. I’m obviously hungry.

CLAY: By the way, that’s what I’m having when Hunter gets indicted.

BUCK: Oh, yeah?

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: You are gonna go with the wagyu there, fancy man? We’ll see how it goes.

CLAY: I think whatever the most expensive steak version we can find anywhere. But I like the sauce.

BUCK: I’ll even let you get the blue cheese crust on top. Or, rather, I’ll get it because Hunter’s not getting indicted. But my point here is they showed up with a bunch of rotten eggs. Have you ever actually seen rotten eggs? It’s happened to me once or twice. Very gross. Like, the actual results of the administration versus what they promised, that gap is enormous.

And I think that really factors into the psychology that we’ll see going in the election. I really do, ‘cause the promise wasn’t, “Oh, we’re in rough times and it’s gonna be tough going forward. All I can offer you is blood, toil, tears, and sweat.” It was, “We’re gonna unite the country. It’s gonna be awesome! Gonna be a booming economy. Joe Biden is gonna be so great!” Joe Biden’s an imbecile.

CLAY: Amen.


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