
Biden Tests Positive for Covid After 4 Shots and Countless Lies

CLAY: I wanted to begin with you, this discussion of Joe Biden, who probably is, Buck, the most protected man in America in terms of the way that they tried to prevent him from getting covid, right? They have spent months, 18 months of his presidency, essentially hiding him from everyone.

BUCK: I mean, the staff is basically chewing his food for him at this point, but yes.

CLAY: Yes. So what’s interesting about this, in particular, is Biden has been awful, in terms of the Draconian restrictions that he has tried to implement through mandatory vaccination programs, that have not worked in terms of stopping the spread or keeping people from getting covid. Biden now has had his initial two covid shots, and two boosters. All within the space of about 15 or 16 months. And I want to flashback to the lies that Joe Biden told the American public.

Here is Joe Biden nearly a year ago, in July of 2021, saying on CNN, you’re not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations. July 21st, 2021, this was a CNN town hall, Joe Biden said this.

BIDEN: You’re okay. You’re not going to get covid, if you have these vaccinations.

CLAY: That is a lie. Buck, as recently as January, you’ll remember, during the White House’s self-proclaimed winter of death, when they were trying to mandate that everyone get the covid shot even though we knew that the covid shot wasn’t preventing or keeping people from getting covid. And let me say this about July 21st of last year. Buck, we were on-air, telling everyone already by then, the data was clear that you could still get covid and spread covid, even if you got the covid shot. So, Biden was spreading untruths even then.

I want you to listen January of 2022, when Biden said, this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

BIDEN: There’s no excuse. No excuse for anyone being unvaccinated. This continues to be a pandemic of the unvaccinated. So we got to make more progress.

BUCK: So they were wrong about everything.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Absolutely everything, top to bottom, left to right, front to back. Everything, they have been wrong about so far. And it’s remarkable, that there is no — no humility that comes from them whatsoever. No sense of, you know, maybe — if I could sit down with obviously Fauci and all the rest of them. I would have seasonal questions, that they would not have good answers for, we all know that. But even with the social media companies, with the Democratic-aligned corporate media, made them feel badly about shutting down conspiracy theories like… the vaccine does not work as well as advertised. Does any of them feel like maybe the suppression of the most important issues in the country at the time, the abandonment of free speech, in favor of the narrative, and enforced, shut your mouth, shut your face or you’ll lose your job, or worse, maybe they should feel badly about that? And they don’t feel badly at all.

Maybe the fact that they advocated for people to lose decades long careers or just lose their job that they started. It doesn’t matter. It had a huge impact on people. Over a vaccine, that let’s be very clear, because they’re going to lie about this now. They’re going to say, “Oh, but it still works so well. To stop hospitalization and death.” That’s if you’re within the booster window, and that’s only for a very small segment of the population, that is actually even at risk. I don’t even know how long that booster window is, or how good it is, by the way. They are now, folks. They are defending on their five-yard line. This is a red zone defense for them, Clay.

CLAY: Hey, look at you.

BUCK: Ooh. That’s right. And what we have to understand is that the initial reality here was the promise that if you got the shot, you wouldn’t spread it. And if that’s who they ran these needles into everyone’s arms. Including me, by the way. I had no choice. If you worked in New York City. People said, “Oh, just because you wanted to go to restaurants.” No, you couldn’t go into a corporate building. You can’t go into a studio. You had to be vaccinated. I had to be vaccinated to go into Fox for TV hits. You have to be vaccinated if you’re going to do your job here. And it was all based on, “if you don’t get the shot, you are a risk to other people.”

It’s not a choice you’re allowed to make for yourself. My body, my choice. They were wrong about this. They lied about this. And they should be ashamed about what they did. Instead, they’ll just go, oh, look at Biden. He’s going to do the genuflection, Clay. “So happy that I had four shots, almost got to my fifth. And shot six and seven really kick in.”

CLAY: Well, what he’s going to say, without these four shots, I would have been in a lot more danger. What I would ask all of you, we just played you those clips from July and from January from the president. If they are wrong about everything that they told you in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, and up ’til now. Why would you expect that a year from now, they’re not still wrong about everything?

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: In other words, at some point, you’re just a rational human being out there, and someone constantly tells you information that you later find out is wrong, and they cite the science all the time, as the reason why they’re right, and you can’t ask any questions at all, a year from now, what is likely to be known about these covid shots? Where are we going to be sitting? And Buck is right. Because they’re going to be on the fifth or sixth or seventh booster by then a year from now.

And what they’re hanging onto, as tightly as they possibly can, is what Biden is going to say, I didn’t die. Because I got the covid shot, but what the data is reflecting. I was reading what Alex Barenstein is sharing from around the world data, what the data is increasingly showing, is that each of these booster shots last for a shorter period of time, and does a less efficient job of protecting you from dying.

In fact, in some of these countries now. The people who are dying, are double vaxxed, triple boosted, quadruple boosted at super high rates. And they’re not sharing that information. And what I think everybody out there listening to us now. And I think people have already made this decision, Buck. What you have to recognize is that you’re all going to get covid. Every single one of you is going to get covid, if you haven’t already had it. I really believe that. And there’s almost nothing you’ll be able to do, to keep yourself from getting covid.

BUCK: By the time people could even get vaccines, at least 70 percent of the people country had already had covid. Probably even higher than that. I’m talking about vaccines 1.0. You know, you get that shot. And it was, no, you’re safe. And all these libs were taking photos of themselves crying. I haven’t been outside my living room in — in a year. And now I can finally — it’s like, you’re 25. You know, if you were a senior citizen with real health issues, you know, I understand. My parents stayed inside a lot at the beginning of covid. I get it, but there were 25-year-old libs who were more likely to die from a lightning strike, who were in tears, because they got — but the point is, by the time you could even get a shot, because remember, they did it — they made it so that it was tiered. Right?

Some people could get it earlier, and remember, they prioritized peoples in the schools getting them. There were all the teacher’s unions. The White House under Trump actually, there was a big fight with Fauci and the rest of them, early on. Before the transition actually happened. About what the policy should be. I was told of this by people working at the White House. Because they said, we have to get it to seniors as soon as possible.

CLAY: That’s what DeSantis did.

BUCK: And the libs were like, no, let’s get it to — you know, the essential workers — the grocery store store workers who are in their 30s. And teachers who are at an average age of 32 because they’re at such risk. Because those are Democrat constituencies. There are so many awful decisions made here. And no one has been fired? Where is even the mea culpa? Where is the mea Fauci? I’m so sorry I ruined everything for everybody within with no upside.

Instead, we get the genuflection — you’re totally right. “Oh, it would have been so bad if…” -Trump had covid. No vaccine. He was fine too. We’re noticing a pattern here. Guys in their 70s in reasonable health — I mean, Biden, yesterday, was — was muttering gibberish about how he thinks he has been cancer or something.

CLAY: Yeah, we need to play that for people too.

BUCK: If he’s fine, you know, your odds are pretty good, folks. I don’t know what else to say. These libs are out of their minds.

CLAY: I knew all the way back, Buck, when they said, this doesn’t get talked about a lot. When they gave Pfizer and Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, and everybody who made the covid shots, immunity forever for being sued for their shots, because we did that. And it doesn’t get talked about very much. I got really nervous. Because do you know how often drugs that come on the market, end up having awful impacts? Even with decades of testing, we still get things wrong. And we rushed this covid shot out. Without a long range plan for what its long-term impact was going to be.

I had my fingers crossed about this, from a data perspective, Buck. I just hope, we hit on this, and we’ve talked about it for months. I just hope that the covid shot isn’t actually going to end up making covid far worse than it would have been if we had never had a covid shot at all.

BUCK: And to be clear, if you had even brought up the possibilities of how vaccines can over a long-term have problems that are unforeseen or go wrong, if you brought up any of these concepts, a year ago, last summer. You became public enemy number one. And the biggest news outlets in the country and the social media giants, would seek to de-person you and destroy you, fire you. These people are horrifying. The people who pushed this, and did this. And abandoned all the fundamental principles of freedom and liberty in our society. In order to tell — in order to make us do things, that they assured us, they 100 percent knew the answers to. They were wrong.

CLAY: Yep. And this is why it’s so important that we hold them to account. Politically within it’s the only mechanism we have, to hold them to account in a few months when you can vote on this. The Democrat Party deserves the biggest ass kicking it’s ever gotten in history, based on its covid wrongness alone. Period.

The one thing I would say that I’m super optimistic about, when it pertains to covid. I know you felt this way too, Buck. I felt like a long time we were screaming into the wilderness, because there was hardly anybody who would pay attention to what we were saying, in terms of the data. The fact that only 2 percent of parents have gotten their six-month to 5-year-old kids covid shots, is the most telling statistic that I have seen about covid in a long time. Because every single parent cares more about their young children’s health than anything in the world. And overwhelmingly, 98 percent so far of parents are saying, I’m not putting this shot into my kid’s arms. And it’s the right call.


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