
Biden Says He Has Cancer, But the WH Says He’s Wrong

CLAY: In addition to the fact that our 79-, soon to be 80-year-old president, Buck, came out this morning early and announced he has covid — and, of course, we wish him well, and we hope he’s going to be fine, like the vast majority of people that test positive for covid…

BUCK: He’s going to be fine.

CLAY: He’s going to be fine. But yesterday, he hadn’t done anything for a couple of days after coming back from the Middle East. They shot him all up with whatever drugs give him more energy, and they trotted him out. Where was he, where was he giving a speech?

BUCK: Massachusetts at an old coal plant. And he gave a speech in front of what was looking like the surface of the moon. Because that’s what’s going to happen, folks. Unless we pass AOC’s Green New Deal, the whole new world will look like the nuclear apocalypse has already hit. That’s why climate change is so important.

CLAY: So, he has covid. But he is in the grips of such dementia-addled absurdity virtually every time he speaks now, you really don’t know what he’s going to say. And I assume he went off teleprompter again for this. And he ended up talking about how he got cancer, because when he was a kid, there was oil on the front windshields. And just listen to this.

The White House had to backtrack, and try to explain away the gaffes. I mean, it’s a tough job right now. Every time Biden speaks, they have to come up afterwards and clean up everything that he said. Here’s Biden kind of rambling about how he got cancer because when he was a kid, there was oil on the windshield.

BUCK: There’s so much there.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: It sounded like, that’s why I and so many like me, have cancer. Now, I know the White House is trying to say, that he meant he had had non-basil cell carcinoma or something, which is very common for a lifeguard.

CLAY: When he was a lifeguard also. From think out in the sun, effectively.

BUCK: I know tons of people who have had it. Usually, unless you have melanoma, and it’s really serious, people don’t think of that — removing a precancerous growth is usually not something you refer to as, “Oh, I had cancer.” The people in this audience, who have had cancer, have an understanding how serious that is.

But even before that, “I used to have to use my windshield wipers to get the oil slick from the air, off of my windshield.” Why does Joe Biden think he’s allowed to pretend that he grew up like as a chimney sweep. Or he was a coal miner, or something. He was not these things.

CLAY: He also said, I have cancer. Which would mean that he has it right now, which would have been major news, unlike covid, which he has. And they had to come back and try to clean all this up. But none of it makes sense. And it isn’t really connected. Because, again, the skin cancer that he had, I think is based on what he was hanging out with corn pop back in the day, as a lifeguard in local pools. So it’s all so strange every time he talks. And I just — I look at it, and I wonder, Buck, we’re almost to the point now, where when Joe Biden comes out and speaks, you have no idea what he’s going to say.

But also as the listener or the viewer, it’s like watching a kid who is trying to learn how to walk, trying to figure out if he’s going to be able to make it. When you have young kids, you sit on one side of the room and your wife is on the other side of the room. And you’re like, “Hey, let’s see if you can walk from one of us to the other.” Biden every time he speaks. He’s like that kid, that is learning how to walk. And you don’t know if he’s going to make it. Or if he’s going to fall halfway through. It’s really an uncomfortable situation, for the leader of the free world, to have put all of us and for the Democrats to have put all of us in this situation, and to still have 30 some odd months left, theoretically, of his tenure.

BUCK: Yeah. He’s not the president of the local Rotary Club. He’s the president of the United States.

CLAY: Yeah. And that would be tough, even if you were the president of the Rotary Club, you would be nervous when the old guy got up and talked because you knew something might go awry. But it’s not that important of a job in the grand scheme of things. This is kind of a big deal.

BUCK: The people who spent four years lecturing all of us about how Donald Trump was a danger to democracy.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: And a totally unfit. That was the word that was used. Unfit. And it’s worth noting, that every person, that any of you listening to this ever saw, on TV, or — I don’t really do radio. On TV. Or in print. At the New York Times. Or at CNN, or whatever. Who referred to Trump as unfit, offered up and supported with everything they had this clown, who is medically unfit.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: Who is medically unfit by virtue of age and physical deterioration, on top of the fact that the Biden crime families are also really corrupt. But we’ll talk more about that later. But this is their response? This is their version of what is a responsible choice for our democracy? Democrats that I know, and in private, Clay, they wouldn’t even try to defend they believe anymore.  They would be like, this is bad.  We’ve made a mistake.  But they will still vote for them.  They will vote against any other Republican, if he’s the nominee.  They don’t care. But they think he’s the responsible guardians of our democracy, sure.

CLAY: All the people who spent years lecturing us that we were going to be on the wrong side of history, went out and voted for the worst president of most of our lives. They have put themselves on the wrong side of history, by lecturing all of us about how we were going to end up on the wrong side of history for supporting Donald Trump. I would love if we could have some mean tweets right now. I would sign up for some mean tweets in a heartbeat, compared to Joe Biden destroying everything that he touches.

BUCK: And the people who also claim to be so concerned with everyone’s health, that they had to put through these unprecedented and now we know, unjustifiable mandates, and all these covid policies and all the lockdowns. Right now, they’ll also tell you, that somehow, Joe Biden is healthy enough and of sound mind enough, that he should still be making decisions of all kinds, but specifically, we’re going to go into a period here in the winter season where you’re going to have more executive orders on covid, you’re going to have more people, maybe there will be some lawsuits over it, but they’re not done. They’re not done with everybody. And Joe Biden is making the calls on this. It’s appalling, honestly. The libs are incapable of shame, Clay. I don’t know what else to say. Because this whole situation is shameful.

CLAY: I know the overturning of Roe v. Wade has gotten a lot of attention. But think about how controversial the Supreme Court decision to not allow Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate was, because tens of millions of people were able to avoid having to get the covid shot. I know way too many had to. But it doesn’t work at all. It is totally useless, and yet we’re still requiring people to get that shot in order to be employed.

BUCK: This was tyranny. Just so everyone can be clear.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: What Biden was doing, by mandating that every business with over 100 employees — they’re trying to legally massage it, but basically every large business in the country, and then every small business was going to follow, had to get these shots, or else they were going to pay crazy fines, and everyone was going to get fired. It was tyrannical, and they were wrong. It’s bad enough to be tyrannical, and maybe it’s a judgment call because there are some upside to it.

CLAY: Bad combo.

BUCK: This was tyrannical and useless. And that’s actually a great description of Joe Biden: tyrannical, wrong, and useless. There we go. Well done, everybody.


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