
Clay and Buck

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Biden Releases More Than 12K Illegal Haitians Into America

27 Sep 2021

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CLAY: We begin with what is the story that we told you we thought would get buried into Friday afternoon; instead, it got buried into Saturday morning. A lot of those Haitian immigrants that were gathered under the bridge in Del Rio, Texas — not just Haitian, but majority Haitian — around 12,000 of them have been released into our country. That is we have heard based on the statements of Secretary Mayorkas. Let us please hear cut 5 here as he explains what exactly took place.

MAYORKAS: They’re released on conditions and (sputtering) approximately, I think, it’s about 10,000 or so, 12,000.

CHRIS WALLACE: Have been released?


WALLACE: And of the 5,000 that are still in process?

MAYORKAS: W-w-we will make, uh, determinations whether they will be, uh, returned, uh, to, uh, Haiti, uh, based on our public health and public interest, uh, authorities.

WALLACE: So, it’s a total of 12,000 or could it be even higher?

MAYORKAS: It could, uhh… It could be even higher.

BUCK: It will be.

CLAY: Even higher potentially than 12,000 and will be for sure. Now, Buck, here’s what is the natural outcome of this. When you allow all of these Haitian illegal immigrants and other illegals through Del Rio, one of the first things they are going to do once they are in the United States is, one, they’re probably never gonna leave again.

Let’s start there. They’re gonna have kids, they are going to become residents of the United States in the shadow world of illegal immigration. But there’s no doubt that this is a far better place to be than certainly Haiti, but in any of the Latin-American countries they have gone to. So, the significant outcome here — and I think you know it and we know it and everyone who has a functional brain knows it is:

All of those people will get on their phones, and they will text their friends and they will call their friends and they will say, “Here is exactly what you need to do to also be able to get into the United States and get your kids and your families here.”

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: And so what has already been a massive influx, Buck, is only gonna get bigger.

BUCK: And this is not in any way a surprise. I mean, we knew this was gonna happen. We said… I’ve been saying on air that about 60% to 70% of the people that show up are gonna to stay. Think about what that means. For people who are listening right now who are legal immigrants — and there are a lot of them — legal immigrants to the United States, they had to go through the process.

I have a lot of friends, Clay. I’m here in New York City, right? So you have a lot of people who come here from all over the world, but I know in Tennessee you got people who are legal immigrants too. And they go through years and they gotta get their visa and the visa sponsor and they get the green card. They go through all this stuff.

It’s a lot of expense, time, effort, and eventually, if they want, they pass the citizenship test and they do all these things. What you have going on here is people will say, “Wait, you mean if I just show up, I’m gonna get let into the United States and I get to stay?” The answer is yes. It’s actually not a complicated thing, either.

The real secret — and I’m not giving anything away because they already know this the cartels know this — is show up as a family unit; you cannot be separated. You have somebody who says that they want to go through the asylum system. You’ll be released into the U.S. pending a court appearance, you probably don’t show up for that court appearance, the courts are backlogged to the point where a few years ago it got up to about seven or 800,000 pending cases they hadn’t gotten to yet.

It’s gonna be… It’s a huge backlog still. I don’t know what the current number is I’m sure they don’t want to publicize it so some of these cases get delayed a year or two anyway so if you show up a year or two… Let’s say you want to show up you see, “Maybe I actually can get an actual asylum claim,” although under U.S. and international law and you go to a third country…

So if you go to Brazil, you’re living in Brazil. You’re no longer an asylum seeker as a person of Haitian origin at the U.S.-Mexico border. You’re supposed to go claim… his is about safety. This isn’t about, “I want better welfare benefits or a better job market,” and to the point we made before, Clay, I’m sympathetic. I get it, right?

I’d rather be in America than Chile, personally, as an American but also just looking at it from an economic perspective. But even if they show up to that hearing, by the way, there’s a separate hearing, an additional hearing that would be a deportation hearing. Do you think they show up to that one when they don’t get the asylum?

There’s also no interior enforcement even when there is an order of deportation. Clay, the border is open, which is why there’s already reporting of Haitian migrants, more of them, who are on the way. Think of it! By the way, even if you’re in that 30% — ’cause that’s what I think the number is gonna that are actually sent back I should say — you try again.

Think about what the odds are here. You get a second shot at this; you learn the system a little better; you know what to do. No punishment for showing up a second time. They’re not gonna do anything to you. So why not?

CLAY: And what’s interesting as well is this ties in with all this covid vaccine mandate madness. You know who isn’t getting vaccinated for covid when they come into the United States? All the illegal immigrants. You would think if you were truly obsessed — which is what the Biden administration claims that they are — with the idea of getting shots in arms, wouldn’t you at minimum require all of these illegal immigrants to get vaccines before you release them into the country?

BUCK: Right. It’s a public safety issue, they would say, or public health issue. But don’t they want to protect these migrates from the super-dangerous coronavirus. That’s going around all over the country? But they don’t. Why is that? Because actually this is… Isn’t it such interesting question. They want to coerce everybody.

They want to get you fired from your job or you can’t fly, or you can’t… They haven’t done the flying thing yet, but you know what I mean, they’re using all these mechanisms a lot of social pressure. Again, some people. But other people get this pass, not just the Haitian migrants, by the way. Other people in our society, it’s okay if they don’t want to get the covid shot. Why is that?

CLAY: I’ll tell you this, Buck. I think they’re not doing it because they’re afraid that judges would strike it down. And then if you can’t give the vaccine to illegal immigrants coming into the country, why in the world should you be forcing actual citizens to get the vaccine? So I think the reason why they’re not vaccinating all these illegal immigrants is because they know that if they tried to do it, it would get challenged.

And then the courts may rapidly strike that down because it would be a mandate that they’re actually enforcing as opposed to right now what the federal government is doing is trying to force others to mandate it as opposed to address that themselves. The other thing here, Buck, when we see the drones and we see the 15,000 or the 12,000 on or the 10,000 or whatever it is under a Del Rio bridge.

The other thing that we are teaching all of these potential illegal immigrants is, “Come in a massive group because the Biden administration will be so eager to get that area cleared out that if you show up in an overwhelming human tide, your odds of getting into the country probably increase, because politically, the Biden administration just wants to do whatever expediency they can to keep the news from continuing to show those immigrants.”

BUCK: Of course. It does add immediate political pressure to process them, and this is the huge separation where you have Democrats will say — the Biden administration will say — “We’re sending more border agents. They’re not sending this them to create greater border security, to stop the drug flow from happening. The real primary purpose perform is expedited processing!

CLAY: Get ’em in faster.

BUCK: Yeah, get ’em in fast. Bring ’em in. This is like if we were at… We’re going to a football game this weekend, right?

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: If you put more people but not as security to keep people from running into stadium but to take the tickets faster or just to wave people in faster, that’s actually not going to have the intended effect if you believe in trying to create some kind of a secure perimeter and that’s what’s going on with the border right now.

There’s just a fundamental difference between what Biden and the Democrats and the left want to be going on there — and, honestly, also what they say. They still lie to people about this. They’ll always fall back on this boilerplate. They’ll always things like, “Oh, it’s a nation of immigrants,” and, “We’re doing this within the rule of law or within the system,” and they blame Trump.

It’s all these distractions. They don’t want this to stop, and it’s not going to stop. It hasn’t all year. You had record numbers — about 200,000 plus a month, June, July, August, give or take — and it’s gonna keep going. When you start looking at the numbers, Clay, it’s gonna be close to two million illegal immigrants in the United States this year!

Remember when there were about a million migrants that went into — and they were invited, by the way — to Germany? Remember they made their way to Germany and Angela Merkel all the sudden had a real issue on their hands because German people were like, “Whoa. We’re gonna have two million this year,” and everyone’s acting like: “Eh, you know, nation of immigrants.”

CLAY: And it’s important to emphasize that basically Trump had stopped this.

BUCK: Yes.

CLAY: It’s not only that we’re going to have two million. It’s that the growth rate is so astronomical compared to what the Trump administration had been capable of doing, which is where we had started to see, Buck, net outflows. People were budget going to be their native countries more than they were coming in by the end of the Trump administration.

BUCK: You mention this about the vaccines, and that’s another place where you see this. But there is a very strange the thing in this country where because of the political incentive, Democrats have almost a separate category of law that applies to illegal immigrants, right? Democrats will make excuses not just for the difference in covid policy, right?

You go to a college football game? “You’re a superspreader.” Fifteen thousand people in an encampment at the border? “Oh, we’d never say superspreader!” Well, the virus doesn’t care what the political rationale is but beyond that all kinds of things when weather it comes to even filing taxes, document fraud, all these different areas of law where there’s an excuse for illegal immigrants.

‘Cause Democrats want to. It’s true with the covid stuff well as well. It’s true with the way they’re hiding the numbers from us on a regular basis. Clay, they knew. They knew that when this first happened, they just had the slow roll that it was gonna be 12,000 that that he already let into America. “I don’t have that number right now”? Bull crap!

CLAY: We told you it was gonna happen over the weekend. We thought it would happen Friday afternoon going into the weekend — and, by the way, the way media worked almost no one will actually mention this at all and it’s just insanely frustrating to see and know that all we’ve done is incentivize behavior to continue on an even more epically large scale.


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