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Biden Regime, Brainwashed Libs Continue to Lie About Masks, Shots

18 Jul 2022

BUCK: This is what I was seeing over the weekend. I think that the libs in general are a little crazy, I think there’s something a little off about them, emotional instability, a lack of reason, a lack of accountability for their ideas and beliefs and how they actually play out in the real world.

But the devotion to mask mandates still that you see popping up here and there is something, Clay, that I do start to lose my cool a little bit with these people.

Because we all know that it’s never — it’s just like so many other things. They’re so passive-aggressive. Why can’t I just wear a mask now? Because we know as more cases happen, you’re gonna say, “Okay, that’s it. Everybody has to do it!”

The White House coronavirus response coordinator over this weekend, Dr. Ashish Jha, here he is.

BUCK: Can I just say, Clay, before we even get to the vaccine part, reduces it how much? If you’re gonna tell me it’s based in science and data, you should have a number.

Now, we might even argue over the number, but why do we never get told how much reduction? Because some of the better designed N95 masks in a laboratory setting real world studies think that the reduction in aerosolized virus is like 15%, 10%, and that’s best-case scenario. The cloth mask is probably .001%.

CLAY: And what we have learned is — I saw this — I don’t know if you saw this one, Buck — this guy named Jake Kane, who is, first of all, if your Twitter handle involves any degree that you have ever received, you are a huge loser. Let me just toss that out in general.

If you are listening to us right now and you put the fact that you have an advanced degree in your Twitter handle, then you need to seriously reconsider many things in your life. But this guy is amazing.

I don’t even know what some of these things are. Jake Kane, MD, MS, FCCM, FAAP. And his Twitter handle is @JakeKaneMD. This is what he tweeted.

CLAY: #CovidIsNotOver. Hashtag — I didn’t even know this was a thing. But it is.

BUCK: (laughter) There’s so many hashtags. By the way, the more hashtags, the more you know you’re dealing with a lib loon.

CLAY: #CovidIsNotOver, hashtag — I didn’t even know this was a thing — #tweetiatrician. I guess there are pediatricians who tweet and have mixed the — I don’t know. And #parenting.

So, I read things like this from Jake Kane, MD, MS, FCCM, FAAP, all of that is in his Twitter, like, name however you do —

BUCK: Does he have a Ukraine flag in there anywhere, by the way? No Ukraine flag. Okay.

CLAY: — says?

BUCK: He doesn’t care about Zelensky, so how can we take him seriously?

CLAY: He’s an advocate for kids; so, anyway, I mean, this guy is clearly a clown. But this is emblematic of the era of expert that we have created.

Your kids — I’m not a FAAP. I want to be clear. I’m not FCCM. I’m not MS. And I don’t have an MD. Let me just tell you this. Your kids are gonna get covid.

Every single one of you listening right now, you’re a Republican, you’re a Democrat, you’re an independent, black, white, Asian, Hispanic doesn’t matter what your gender is, doesn’t matter what your kids identify as, they’re all gonna get covid, every single one of them.

And we know, Buck, already most of your kids have probably already had covid. What were we at back in March, they said 75%?

BUCK: Yep.

CLAY: Basically, all kids had already had covid based on serology tests.

BUCK: I was saying, Clay, in the late spring of 2020 people need to understand that everyone is gonna get covid.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: That’s actually what’s going to happen. The same way that everybody gets the common cold, everybody’s gonna get covid.

CLAY: And both of us have had covid twice. I would venture that my kids, all three of them have had covid. Every single kid in America and pretty much around the world is going to get covid. It’s an inevitable. And they may get it more than once.

So, when I see this guy flipping out over the fact that his son got covid, I wonder, Buck, how many people out there think that their kids are not going to get covid and, worse than that for the kid, I think, because you’re basically sentencing them to home confinement.

How many people think they can stop their kids from getting covid based on the life choices that they make for those kids? The fact that people like this who have MDs, as this guy clearly wants you to know, would still believe things like this two and a half years into covid? Makes me question how we’re still here.

BUCK: And the White House — anyone who’s thinking about this — and I know if you live in Texas and Florida and Oklahoma and the Dakotas and the Carolinas and we have these, you know, wonderful audiences there and those great affiliates in those states, you’re thinking this is a coastal problem.

I am unfortunately here to remind everybody, they’ll bring the mask mandates back on planes, they’ll bring it back into federal buildings, they’re still firing people from the National Guard across the nation.

CLAY: Even in your blue city even if you live in a —

BUCK: That’s right.

CLAY: — red state. You know, you’re listening to us in Louisville or Memphis or Nashville or Birmingham. Like, you’re in a red state that could still happen to you.

BUCK: And they have admitted no wrongdoing, no being wrong. They still think that what they did, all of it, was worthwhile. Lockdowns worthwhile, masks were worthwhile, and mandatory, and they’re necessary.

CLAY: And worked.

BUCK: Vaccines. All — and — no, that’s what, I mean.

CLAY: They think —

BUCK: They think they did a great job. They’ve convinced themselves of this. And here is the White House — remember, this is the covid — official covid coordinator who they’re having do more talking than Fauci.

Listen to this.

BUCK: Okay. First of all, “it really will make a difference.” This person is out of his mind. I live in the most mask-obsessed place in the entire United States. It made no difference. All of my masks, N95, double mask, don’t touch me, I’m terrified neighbors got covid, everybody got covid. Made no difference whatsoever.

They can’t show any difference in the data because it doesn’t exist. And the fact, though, that notice he goes to the cities. He’s essentially telling the cities, hey, this whole color-coordinated thing, a Red Zone, an orange zone, who wants to live their life this way?

Only brainwashed libs who think that the government is really still protecting them. San Diego County, which I know it’s summer session, but schools, masks are back today in schools there, folks. Los Angeles County is like 10 days away from a full-on mask mandate. New York City, not far behind. Our not very smart mayor — not very smart at all — is a big believer in masks in New York City.

So this is where we’re heading. And when we get into the cycle of covid that’s going to go through the country, it will result in I think the restoration by Biden of the mask mandate. ‘Cause if they get crushed in the midterms, the game is over for them anyway, right?

So, they’re just gonna try to abuse executive authority wherever they can.

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