BUCK: The Biden presidency in free fall in terms of poll numbers. Biden is not able to get a grip on things, it seems. He’s gonna have a press conference this afternoon — I think, unfortunately, after our show so won’t be able to bring it to you live or bring you our immediate reaction ’cause Clay and I would have a lot of fun with it, kind of like Mystery Science Theater back in the day. We could jump in and out of the press conference.
One day. But here we are with a Biden regime that seems not just out of its depth but intransigent, unwilling to adjust to the new information. Let me just give you a quick sense of some of the places we’re gonna go today. First of all, you have that horrific story out of Los Angeles where a young woman was stabbed to death by a career criminal. Brianna Kupfer, just murdered in a totally random, senseless, horrific crime by a career criminal in a city that has a DA who bends over backwards — he’s a lib, of course.
He bends over backwards — this is Gascon — doing everything he can to not punish criminals very severely. Clay and I will talk to you about the criminal justice realities of America over the course of the show today and how, where’s Biden on this? Why not give a speech? Why not give a speech where he actually discusses how he’s gonna have federal law enforcement working with local law enforcement to take violent crime down, to take the bad guys off the street and to tell DAs to punish them?
No, no. Instead what we’re gonna have today is a push for “voting rights,” which even using that term… It’s not voting rights. It’s tilting the scale toward Democrats in elections, because you know what matters to them more than inflation, skyrocketing crime, a porous southern border, the most illegal immigration we’ve had in memory? You know what matters to them more than all these things and a weak economy and the Omicron surge that has made a mockery of Fauciism?
Staying in power.
Nothing matters to them more, Clay, than staying in power, and this is where I think we have to not overestimate the abilities of the other side strategically. They know that they have nothing really to stand on right now, and so it seems to me like because they know they can’t actually win in a contest coming up of the American people casting their votes in the midterms, the plan is just to — and I think it’s a desperate plan. I don’t think there’s a lot of sound strategy behind this. You mentioned to me that people are starting to say, “Maybe some of Biden’s top advisers — even the stealth president, so to speak — is in a position where he, Ron Klain, should take some of the blame.”
CLAY: I don’t think that there is a grand strategic vision motivating Joe Biden right now. I don’t think that Joe Biden would be capable — and I think most people listening will agree with us, and I bet you’ll agree with me. Biden is not capable to sit down and map out a grand strategic game plan. There just isn’t that ability with him from a purely functional, cognitive perspective right now. Playing chess against Joe Biden would be a destruction.
I’m confident my 14-year-old would wipe the board with him if they played a chess match. He’s not able to think strategically. But, Buck, what you and I have believed is that there is a grand strategic design behind many of the moves that Joe Biden has made from whatever you want to describe as the Biden regime. And Ron Klain, who is his chief of staff, would be the head of that strategic plan.
If that is true — if Joe Biden were cognitively aware of what’s going on around him — he would recognize that he has been not only led astray, he’s been embarrassed. And I don’t know that we talked enough about what a slap in the face Kyrsten Sinema’s filibuster speech was last week and how embarrassing it should be for Biden. He was going to Capitol Hill, Buck, after he made that speech on Tuesday of last week — eight days ago now — calling everybody who disagreed with him George Wallace, Bull Connor, or Jefferson Davis.
He really thought he was putting the screws to the Republican Party, and then as he is preparing to drive to Capitol Hill and make his “you’re with me” speech to the Senate Democratic caucus, Kyrsten Sinema, Buck, didn’t even wait for him to get there and give him the respect to hear his argument! She went on the Senate floor and basically put three gunshots into the idea — tap, tap, tap — of the voting rights bill and changing the filibuster.
So that when Joe Biden actually arrived on Capitol Hill, all of his domestic agenda was dead — thanks to Joe Manchin for Build Back Better and now thanks to Kyrsten Sinema for the filibuster — and that’s a level of disrespect that his own party is putting forth on Joe Biden. That’s the kind of disrespect you get, Buck, when you’ve got a 33% approval rating, according to Quinnipiac.
And whoever puts you in that position to fail like that, in my opinion, if you are a real leader, you have to look around for better leadership and advice. Joe Biden’s not a real leader. I don’t know that he’s capable of even picking somebody to be his strategic leader. But they have given him awful advice to govern from the left wing of a party when he barely has a majority at all. And right now, it’s all blown up in his face and his own political party is revolting and leading the revolution against him.
BUCK: I think it’s also important that we — I mean the general “we,” everyone across the country — not make the mistake of thinking that Democrats right now and the base of the Democratic Party processing information the way that all the rest of us do. Meaning that as more data comes in — whether it’s about masking and vaccine passports or crime or just the realities of the Biden presidency — they’re going to shift.
The most recent polling on this makes it clear that, yeah, 95% plus of Republicans think Biden is doing a terrible job. But you could say, “Well, they’re Republicans — 80% plus of Democrats think Biden is doing a good job,” which is absurd. This is brainwashing-level insanity that you’re looking at here. The indicator that has them all so worried is that independents, the people who can be swayed politically speaking to vote for or against Joe Biden as a candidate.
His support with them, Clay, has gone from roughly in the sixties to the lower thirties. It dropped in half. So the people who are not emotionally invested… This a problem with being a Democrat today. They’re emotionally and psychologically invested in Joe Biden at the expense of reason, fact, and experience because he’s not Orange Man Bad, so we should be thankful for Grandpa Joe.
That’s really the attitude. Independents, who maybe believed ’cause the whole media was telling them — and look, I get it, by the way. You and I live in the Matrix of the news cycle. We’re plugged into the Matrix all day long. You and I are always tweeting and going on TV and doing this stuff even when we’re not on radio. For most folks, if the entire media says, “Joe Biden is just gonna be a moderate, he’s gonna be a return to normal,” they’ll say, “Ah, well, that doesn’t…”
I’m talking about independents, now. “That doesn’t sound so bad. Maybe I’ll give this guy a shot.” Those people are already saying, “Oh, my God. What have we done! What is this guy doing to our country?” And that the focus right now in the new year with the clear failure of their covid policy. We’ll talk more about the 400 million N95 masks and all that in a few moments here.
But with this clear failure on the things that people care about — the economy, safety on the streets, and inflation, right? These are the things that really get people motivated right now politically across the country. These are top-of-the-heap of concerns. They’re doing this whole “voting rights” thing, and they can’t even show us any! This whole voting suppression/racism speech that they constantly give is a figment of their imagination.
This isn’t a real thing to people who aren’t essentially professional Democrats who are paid to go on TV or paid to be political consultants or run for office. No one actually thinks this is happening, but they’re obsessed with it, because, Clay, their first order of business isn’t the safety of the American people or the American economy. It’s, “How do we, the Democrats and the regime,” which is not just Joe Biden and the people around him “stay in power?” and everything else is secondary to that.
CLAY: What has happened here is, first of all: There’s not a single person that can be pointed to in the entire nation by the Democrats and say, “This person was unable to vote because of existing laws.” Not one person. I talked about yesterday, Buck, that I’ve lived all over the city of Nashville, which is a big city. Inner city neighborhoods, I’ve gone and voted. Suburban neighborhoods, I’ve gone to vote. That’s emblematic, I think, of many people that are out there listening to us right now.
There’s no difficulty when it comes to being able to vote. So they’re selling, one, a falsehood. Second part here, though — and I think we have to keep hammering this home — even with all of the crazy changes that were made in 2020 because of covid, absentee ballots the likes of which we’ve never seen before, mail-in ballots the likes of which we’ve never seen before, altered-on-their-face laws which were not permissible under the existing state laws, emergency ballots.
All these things that occurred in 2020 that have not occurred for the rest of our democracy. The Democrats are panicked because they lost the down ballot votes. Remember? They lost House seats. But only, Buck, did they win the presidency by 40,000 out of 150 million cast. Even with the rig job that was in place with Big Tech covering up all the Hunter Biden stories, with the Google rig jobs — with everything that was being given to Joe Biden to beat Donald Trump — 20,000 people in Wisconsin, in Georgia, and Arizona changed their mind and Donald Trump is the president.
That’s one NHL arena, that’s one NBA arena full of fans out of 150 million plus who supposedly voted, right? That is why they are so panicked because they know that they’re gonna get destroyed in 2022 which will take away their majority in the House and probably their majority in the Senate. And then in 2024, Buck, they are looking — I really believe this — at the right nominee, the right time, at a red tide, that’s gonna sweep them out to sea.
BUCK: I honestly was saying this frequently because I don’t believe, Clay, that the job of anybody in media, conservative media, talk radio should just be to always be talking about fire and brimstone and everything’s terrible. I remember telling my audience before we teamed up in 2019, “Guys, this is about as good as it’s gonna get anytime soon,” under the Trump presidency.
Meaning America is prosperous, peaceful. We’re kicking butt; things are amazing. And you and I both agree. If you go into an election in the fall of 2019 instead of the fall of 2020 pre-pandemic, I think it’s a walk in the park for Donald Trump. Under normal circumstances, it was really an amazing three, going into the fourth year obviously of the pandemic, but an amazing three years of just upside for America.
All the stuff that we were supposed to be worried about were figments of Democrat imagination: Russia collusion and the rise of the white nationalist threat to the heart of America, all this stuff that they were saying was just media conjecture. And then we got hit with a pandemic and they exploited it and now they realize that there’s some real buyer’s remorse — voters’ remorse, perhaps you could say — from the American people who decided to go along with this. And that’s why, folks, they’re gonna get desperate. Don’t think that they’re gonna say, “You know what? We were wrong. They were right.”
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