
Biden May Trade Brittney Griner for the Merchant of Death

BUCK: ClayAndBuck.com if you want to read some of our transcript stories. We also put our TV appearances up there. Clay and I were together last night, Tango & Cash style. Do you have a preference, like are you more Sylvester Stallone in that one or Kurt Russell?

CLAY: I liked Kurt Russell I think a little bit more in that one than I did Sylvester Stallone.

BUCK: Fair enough.

CLAY: What about you?

BUCK: I don’t remember the movie that well, but, you know, I’m generally a Kurt Russell fan because of Big Trouble in Little China, which I also think is a movie you probably could not get away with making today —

CLAY: A lot of movies you couldn’t make.

BUCK: — among a lot of other movies that you couldn’t make. But we have it up at ClayAndBuck.com. But one story we were talking about was Brittney Griner just pleaded guilty yesterday.

CLAY: Yep.

BUCK: So for everyone listening, she’s a WNBA player. She’s a big deal in the WNBA, right? Is that fair? She’s a better known… The WNBA is not the NBA in terms of renown and money, but she is a WNBA player. She had a vape pen with, like, cannabis oil so I guess it’s like marijuana. I don’t know much about this stuff. Marijuana oil. It’s illegal to have. It would seem like a very, very small amount and now she’s pleaded guilty. I think she faces up to 10 years.

She wrote this big letter to Biden about how she only voted for him, she never voted before, she was so pleased to vote for Joe Biden. I think a lot of Democrats are having this moment of reality strike them in different ways, and I think for Brittney Griner it’s, “Joe Biden is not the person that the oh-so-smart media and intelligentsia in this country do the bidding of the Democrats pretended that he was.” He is an incompetent, and he also honestly doesn’t…

He has neither the strategy nor the stomach for going up against Vladimir Putin. We may see a trade — this is being rumored — for the Nicolas Cage character from Lord of War is based on, Viktor Bout, a well-known arms dealer known as the Merchant of Death. It was floated by Forbes yesterday the Russians are already kind of whispering, “Yeah, you can have Brittney Griner if you give us back the Merchant of Death.”


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