
Biden, Journos, Big Tech Colluded to Rig the 2020 Election

CLAY: Right out of the gate, we’ve got so much to get to, in particular the unbelievable lies that are being told to you right now in the White House surrounding Hunter Biden and the fact that there are still — still, right now — media that are helping to cover for everything having to do about Hunter Biden. So I want to play a couple of things for you.

This is from the October 22nd, 2020, presidential debate. This is the final presidential debate between Biden and obviously Donald Trump, and I want you to listen to Biden say neither he nor Hunter has done anything at all wrong; this is 100% a lie. He lied to you. He lied to the American people. Listen…

BUCK: All lies, by the way, whole thing.

BUCK: All lies.

CLAY: The whole thing is a lie. The China thing is a flagrant lie because we now know his son, Hunter, got $4.8 million. This is not some right-wing conspiracy theory. This is coming out of the Washington Post, New York Times. Everybody is acknowledging it now.

And, to their credit, the White House was pressed on this yesterday and said, “Hey, you know, now that the data is out there, the checks have all cleared, everybody can see that your son got $4.8 million from China,” the White House is still trying to say that Biden didn’t lie about that answer in the — in the debate. Listen to this yesterday. Play cut 5…

BUCK: I mean, just total misdirection, Clay.

CLAY: Lies. Lies. Lies.

BUCK: Oh, yeah. “I direct you to the reporting.” The reporters all lied about this. Here they are talking about Hunter Biden back in the day.

JAKE TAPPER: There’s no evidence that Hunter Biden has done anything wrong!

KATHARINE HARLOW: There is no evidence of any wrongdoing between (sputters) by Biden, by Joe Biden or by Hunter Biden.

ANDERSON COOPER: President Trump has falsely accused your son of doing something wrong while serving on a company board in Ukraine. I want to point out there is no evidence of wrongdoing by either one of you.

BRIANNA KEILAR: President Trump wanted dirt on Joe and Hunter Biden. Trump’s claims about wrongdoing here are unsubstantiated. We have looked. Lots of outlets have looked.

CHRIS CUOMO: PolitiFact found no evidence to support the idea that Joe Biden advocated with his son’s interests in mind.

BRIAN STELTER: I’ve never read a memoir, uh, like this one before. This is Hunter Biden’s book, Beautiful Things. It’s breathtaking.

BUCK: “It’s breathtaking,” Clay. Let me say, that was Anderson Cooper saying, “falsely accused.” He’s asking a question during a presidential debate in which he says or maybe it was a presidential town hall, I can’t remember, but this is when Biden’s running, he says, “You’ve been falsely accused. Why don’t you speak about this thing?” This is the way they play the game.

This is how the Democrat apparatus does what they do, and this is bigger than just they were all lying. There was evidence. It was on the laptop. There was other evidence, too. TheHill.com, as I said, John Solomon, while I was working there, broke the Burisma stories back in 2019, not even in 2020 election year. It was known what was going on.

They suppressed it. They said it was conspiracy theories. They went on attack, and I think one of the reasons — there are two levels at which this really hits home. One is our Democrat-aligned corporate news media is a complete and utter joke, and anyone who ever says in the White House or whatever else, but the journos looked into this, is just absurd.

It’s ridiculous at this point. But then the other part is this is about a presidential election. They’re always telling us all — they’re lecturing us — about integrity and the need to support our democracy and democratic information flow and all this stuff. They basically cheated. I know it’s within the rules, but they subverted the information flow.

They decided to stop doing their jobs to suppress this story, and Big Tech actually shut down the story. I mean, imagine if a week before a presidential election, Clay, all the cable providers came together and were like, “You know what? Not putting any commercials on air for the other guy.”

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: And you could say, “Oh, maybe there’s some regulation by this.” You say, “Oh, but those are privately owned things, cable companies, cable news.” That would seem to us like it was unfair. It was tilting the battlefield in one direction. It’s exactly what they did.

CLAY: Well, and this is where I come down in a big way here, Buck. There’s a difference between a platform and a publisher, and this has been what has been missed time after time after time — and I say this as a guy who owned a media company. When you make editorial decisions, you are a publisher, and publishers are held to a different standard than platforms.

Let me explain it simply. If you’re just a platform… Let’s say most people out there probably somewhat familiar with message boards. If you’re just allowing everybody to come on and say whatever they want, by and large, within some content-neutral pattern and rules, then you are a platform. Twitter tries to argue, “We are a platform. Oh, we’re not picking sides.

“We’re not choosing what stories are getting attention. We just are a platform that allows people to come and share their opinions,” for instance. Facebook tries to argue the same thing. But Twitter in particular is a publisher because they decide all the time what trends and what stories they are going to allow to circulate and which stories they are not going to allow circulate, which opinions are permissible and which opinions are impermissible.

Buck, you know this. You’ve seen it with the way that your accounts get treated. Our accounts at Facebook regularly… Whatever we got dinged at Facebook — and I’ve talked about this under oath in Congress, testifying in front of Jim Jordan and his committee. The number of times that we had stories that were considered to be unacceptable, our traffic would suddenly decline by 90% at Facebook.

It would cost us massive amounts of money at OutKick, because suddenly we don’t make the ad dollars that we were anticipating. You can see it right on the charts, “Oh, you did this,” and boom! Your traffic just falls off the cliff. It’s crazy, the power. They are publishers.

They’re making choices about what people see, when they see it, what they see, and they rigged the 2020 election. They did; 100 billion percent, the tech companies rigged the election in favor of Joe Biden, and now they want to try to argue that somehow democracy’s under attack when they were the primary purveyors of that attack.

BUCK: They built these companies promising, promising to everybody. Remember Google for a while was even “don’t be evil” and then felt like Google doth protest too much. They built these companies under the promise that they would be free speech, free information-flow entities; and then they used to lie, for years they were lying about how, “Oh, we don’t have a bias against conservatives, and that’s not true” or “that was a mistake.”

I realized, why is it only happening to people on the right? Why exactly? It became too apparent; then they said, “Yeah, you know what? Sorry. We call the shots. You guys don’t get to actually have free speech on these platforms anymore,” and for people that say it’s fascinating, the left is always, “You didn’t build that! Where would you be without the government making roads and electrical lines and all that stuff.” They’re always, “The government can control anything,” and then on this issue, it’s, “Oh, no, no!”

CLAY: Build your own internet.

BUCK: “Big Tech is sacrosanct. Build your own internet. You don’t get to say anything about them.”

CLAY: “They’re a private company.” One of my favorite lines. “They’re a private company. If you don’t like it, leave.” That’s the altering all the time.

BUCK: And a lot of libertarians are useless on this too. Libertarians are like Santa Claus. They only really exist if you talk about them too much.

CLAY: Yeah, and you know what? Let me say this for the libertarians out there. You coast Donald Trump the election in 2020. There needs to be a libertarian vote exchange, and let me explain. Buck, I’ve argued this for a while. If you’re in a competitive state you have to make a choice, Democrat or Republican and how you vote.

If you live in California or you live in New York and you know exactly how the election’s gonna turn out — if you live in Alabama, it’s a red state; you live in a blue state — you should be trading saying, “Hey, if you’re worried about libertarian support, in states that aren’t competitive, vote whatever you want.”

But if you look at the numbers in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Libertarians — who I don’t know how in the world you could not have chosen Trump over Biden — you guys cost the election to Donald Trump by voting Libertarian.

BUCK: Libertarians — and I mean professionally. I don’t want people writing, “I’m a Libertarian, and I love liberty.” No, I’m talking about the professional Libertarian class, folks, in the media, most of them have been either MIA or just worthless on the issue of covid and covid lockdowns ’cause they live in hipster areas, and they don’t want to upset their neighbors. So they were kind of, “Yeah, whatever. I guess science means we have to mask up.” There are exceptions. There are exceptions, right?

CLAY: I have a lot of libertarian tendencies, Buck, but I’m also rational.

BUCK: I do too but I believe so believe in liberty. I don’t believe that liberty is whatever your neighbors in Brooklyn or Santa Monica tell you it is because you’re scared at a cocktail party ,which is what I see with a lot of libertarians, but, nonetheless, I think back to the Big Tech role in all of this, the Big Media, the big Democrat corporate media lied to everybody about Hunter Biden.

And that’s why we play you those clips. You know we’re not making up. They just completely lie. How is it that Clay and I knew the laptop was real and that Hunter was getting money from a China and Trump was saying, “Hunter is getting money from China and from Ukraine,” and the media response is (sniveling), “That’s not true”?

CLAY: Worse is, “We can’t confirm it.” How hard is it to confirm? Have you seen the photos of Hunter Biden on the laptop? These would have to be… It’s impossible to fake. I’ll just say it. It’s impossible to fake many of the things that are on the Hunter Biden laptop.


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