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Biden Handshakes His Way Through the Middle East, But Fist Bumps MBS

15 Jul 2022

BUCK: Never forget that they told you you should never shake hands again. Welcome back to Clay and Buck. Remember that in the early days? By the way, we’re not done, as they keep telling us. And for those of you who live in the red states, you know that after this midterm election, if Biden can, they’ll come up with new ways to harass you. You better get ready for those masks on planes, folks.

They’ll bring that back. These people are out of their minds. Biden’s policy during his Mideast trip has been a no-handshake policy, Clay. No shaking of hands, even though we have known now for over two years that it is not actually a contact-based virus. It is a fine aerosol mist-spread virus, meaning you can’t see it, it’s in the air, and people inhale it.

It gets in their nose, their eyes, and there you go. But Biden has been fist bumping, including the formerly called — formerly called by Biden — “pariah state” of Saudi Arabia. He fist bumps when he comes off the plane in the Middle East. I mean, this whole covid ritual thing is truly religious belief for these individuals. It is.

CLAY: I think he’s between a rock and a hard place here on the fist bump. Let me say this. I would love to know all… I’d love to see a transcript of the behind-the-scenes negotiations.

BUCK: I got it. That was a Mideast pun, by the way: Iraq.

CLAY: Oh, very good. That would have been very good. What’s the interaction going to be? “He’s not gonna shake your hand, but he’ll go with the fist bump instead.” So Biden, to your point, he’s caught between a rock and a hard place. He is now like in a really interesting spot because they don’t want the image of him shaking hands with Mohammed bin Salman, MBS — the basic default ruler of Saudi Arabia — because he called them a pariah state and said he wouldn’t basically have any interaction with them at all over the murder of Jamal Khashoggi during the course of his campaign.

So they don’t want the handshake for that reason. They also are trying to claim that because of covid, it’s not safe to handshake. Now, the reality is Biden’s been handshaking like crazy all throughout the United States over the last couple weeks and he shook hands with everybody in Israel, ’cause I think he’s not smart enough to remember that he’s not supposed to shake hands. Also, Buck, you know, even if you’re thinking to yourself, “Hey, I’m not gonna shake hands,” when someone extends a hand, you end up shaking hands.

BUCK: Oh, no, I shake hands, period. I’m not doing this thing.

CLAY: You’re in a position of “I’m not gonna do this,” it’s a natural reaction to shake somebody’s hand when they try to shake your hand.

BUCK: We need someone to ask, though, Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, what are the risks of Biden creepily sniffing people’s heads from behind? Is that a mechanism for the spread of covid? Can the covid go up through Biden’s nostrils when he’s sniffing women’s hair from behind for no reason, or kissing their forehead like a creepster? Is that a covid transmission risk? I just want an official statement on it.

CLAY: Is Biden the only person in his White House who hasn’t tested positive for covid after getting the covid shots, by the way?

BUCK: I believe he’s had covid. They’ve just lied to us about it.

CLAY: I think so too.

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