
Clay and Buck

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Biden Flies to Seattle to Whisper-Yell About Earth Day

22 Apr 2022

CLAY: Joe Biden is in Seattle. We want to give a shout-out, Buck, to one of our newest affiliates out there in Seattle. Imagine a lot of you are sitting in traffic as the president shuts down all of the roads around Seattle, flies all the way across the country (laughing) — can’t even make this stuff up — to talk about the importance of Earth Day.

BUCK: Oh, of course.

CLAY: Yeah. The amount of things that he has sent into the atmosphere in order to go as far as he could, basically — and, by the way, Buck, I’ll just say this. I don’t think it’s a good sign that they got Biden in what otherwise would be Democratic base areas where he’s now campaigning. If he were truly going to run in 2024, I would do, if I were in the White House…

Look, I’m smarter than almost everybody in the White House ’cause I’m not an imbecile. But I would have him in Wisconsin every day, I would have him in Michigan, I’d have him in Pennsylvania, I’d try to get him out to Arizona, and I’d put him in Georgia. Election’s decided there, if he’s gonna run again. I’d almost exclusively be in those five states.

BUCK: But is he actually good for the people in those states who are Democrats who want to win elections, Clay? I’m not sure. (chuckling)

CLAY: That’s a great point. That’s the point that they may only be able to put him in those states.

BUCK: That’s right: Friendly hometown audiences. That’s all he can do because you put him in a state like Michigan… Because here’s what’s gonna happen in Michigan, in Arizona, in Nevada, in Pennsylvania, anybody who’s up in this midterm, anybody who’s in a close election will be like, “Oh, I’m not a part…” Any Democrat is gonna say, “I’m not a part of that crazy trans agenda for kids, left-wing Marxist!

“I’m just a good old union Democrat who likes his guns and loves America.” This is the game they always pull. And then, of course, they go and they do whatever Nancy Pelosi tells them to the moment that they actually get into Congress. Unfortunately, people — I get it. People don’t spend enough time around and they don’t know how fluidly these politicians lie, especially when we’re trying to get your vote.

But Joe Biden is not a strong move for the Democrat brand right now, that much is for sure, and here he is speaking about Earth Day, and he does the… He’s really gotta drop the creepy whisper thing. You know, it’s like don’t smell ladies’ heads from behind for no reason. You know, he did that, there’s the photos of him.

CLAY: Oh, yeah.

BUCK: Not a good look. And don’t do the angry whisper thing when already you’re kind of like Mr. Magoo yelling at all the kids to get off your lawn.

BUCK: It’s amazing. He’s talking about windmills, just so everybody knows, and one of the funny things is he’ll bring up Nantucket, which is a tiny island off the coast of Massachusetts that is among one of the greatest… It’s like the Palm Beach of the Northeast. I mean, it is an enclave of tremendous wealth.

Very Democrat, by the way, Democrat dominated. They had some people there who I think including the founder of Google’s wife was one of the big people opposing windmills for green energy on the island. Why? ‘Cause they’re ugly and they’re actually noisy. When I say windmills, wind turbines, the giant ones.

CLAY: It also spoils the view.

BUCK: It spoils your view, it looks industrial, and they are essentially Quisinarts for migratory fowl. They kill eagles, they kill endangered species, they kill barn owls, they kill everything. Now it’s just, “Shut up, peasant. The windmills are going in your backyard even if you’re rich he’s saying or live in Nantucket or have your summerhouse there.”

CLAY: You know, I know that he said that he’s going to run in 2024 and we talked about this.

BUCK: Oh, he’s running. Do we have to have another bet, Clay? He’s running. I’m telling you.

CLAY: I don’t even understand how he’s going to be capable of standing up on stage and doing a debate. I really don’t. Biden, when you see him talk now, every week, Buck, it feels like he’s losing more control of his faculties. You can actually see him decline. It’s the exact opposite of if you had young kids and you go away for a week and then you come back.

I know parents know what I’m talking about, and you see your kid and they’re young, they truly do grow like weeds. It’s amazing how quickly they will grow, and you can see, sometimes. You go away for a week or 10 days from a young kid, you come back, and they look bigger than they did, and they are, than when you left.

You can almost see it. It’s the reverse here. You can see. I mean, I really feel like this, Buck: Every time I see Joe Biden speak, he’s getting a little bit month or so than he was the week before. It’s such a noticeable decline. And I don’t say that as someone who’s taking any kind of glee or joy or anything in it, and I think that’s vast majority of people out there. It’s just sad. It’s also simultaneously scary because this is supposed to be the leader of the Free World, and he’s not able to speak. He can barely communicate at this point.

BUCK: I still think that… First of all, I don’t know that he’s really that different than what he ran for president. We’re talking about a year, Clay.

CLAY: I feel like he’s declining just like a kid grows so quick.

BUCK: I think you’ve seen more of him because he’s president now —

CLAY: That’s certainly true on some level.

BUCK: — and because they hit him in the basement during the election. But if you really look back, a lot of this stuff, there’s similar patterns here. But the Democrats are so ruthless. I mean, I think if you did a poll of Democrat voters… Now, independents, obviously that’s where and, you know, you have to look at turnout and how could they win with Biden if they don’t have independent voters, that’s where they’re hemorrhaging support. Would Democrats vote for Joe Biden if he literally didn’t give a single speech for reelection, didn’t show up in public and we couldn’t even see him over let’s say Donald Trump? The answer is yes.

CLAY: They basically did it in 2020, Buck. They put him in a basement. That’s the only way he could win. I don’t think he’s physically able. I really mean this. I don’t think he’s physically able to campaign. Now, if they just put him in the White House and they say, “He’s too busy being president he’s not gonna be on the road at all,” maybe that’s the play, but he’s gonna be 82.

BUCK: If thye put aviators on him and have a string that moves his hand around and he waves at people in the crowd from a car. Democrats will still vote for him. They don’t care. They are ruthless.

CLAY: It’s Weekend at Bernie’s II.

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