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Biden and AOC Flail Away on Communism

16 Jul 2021

CLAY: After Jen Psaki bombed on the question about whether or not communism was a bad thing, Joe Biden — you know things are going bad, Buck, when Joe Biden has to clean up somebody else’s mess. Things have gotten so awry and so uncomfortably awkward that Joe Biden has to step in and clean up somebody else’s mess. So Biden yesterday was asked whether or not communism is basically a bad thing in Cuba. And here was his response.

BIDEN: Communism is a failed system, a universally failed system. And I don’t see socialism as a very useful substitute. But that’s another story.

CLAY: So there’s Biden finally saying communism’s a bad thing. It is kind of funny if your job as spokesperson and of all people, Joe Biden has to clean up your mess, you probably bombed on that question pretty badly. And I still think — we played this yesterday — I still think that Jen Psaki talking about the work that they’re doing with Facebook, I think she’s kind of fallen apart there at the briefing desk. They might need to bring in another 18-year-old singer, Olivia Rodrigo or whatever her name was to try and get the administration’s message out in a more effective manner.

BUCK: Can we also just compare, for example, the way Biden’s (impression), “You know, communism is — it’s not great, you know.” You know, he’s talking about communism like it’s a little bit of a cloudy day or something.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: It’s like, (impression) “Oh, I thought we’d have sunshine. ” And when he talks about voter ID laws in Texas, he’s like, they’re trying to destroy the country. It’s like the Nazis are invading our shores. I mean, you could see the ire, the rage that Democrats can summon against their political enemies exceeds anything when it comes to actual enemy ideologies, groups, nation states around the world. It’s not even close.

CLAY: It is wild to think about that Joe Biden — was it on Tuesday? — came out and said that voting rights was the biggest threat to this country since the Civil War. And almost no one said, “You know what? That’s insane.”

We came on in that Tuesday — think about how much has happened in a week — that Joe Biden came out and said, voting rights legislation is the biggest threat to the nation since the Civil War. And I think we came on this show and said, you know, the Nazis kind of a big threat. The Great Depression kind of a decent threat. All these things. And yet that story just kind of vanished.

BUCK: I mean, Clay, there was a telegram between the Germans in World War I and Mexico about an alliance where they would have carved off the lost parts of Mexico, places like Texas, and given it back. I mean, we faced a lot of challenges since the Civil War. I don’t think having to show ID for your mail-in ballot which you have, like, a month to do before the election, I don’t quite think it’s up there. I don’t think it’s up there with the internment of Japanese-Americans. People forget. Woodrow Wilson imprisoned people for opposing the war, World War I, and the draft. People actually went to jail — you know, the First Amendment didn’t count, apparently.

CLAY: Anybody who has ever studied history — I know — and again, this is not hyperbole. He’s trying to make that as literal fact. And so many people just accept it. And it’s all madness. But this is where we are, where we have to get multiple days in order for the president of the United States to say “communism is bad.” Can you imagine, Ronald Reagan, if during one of the press briefings, he would have immediately fired anyone on his staff, as well he should, who was asked the question “Is communism bad?” and they didn’t just say “yes.” It’s crazy.

BUCK: It’s such a Bidenism to say, (impression) “No exaggeration,” when he is exaggerating.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: Or to say as he did — my favorite Biden line in that speech too was (impression) “I’m not telling you to be scared, but you should be scared.”

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: This guy — it’s reason number 3,517 why he’s just not very bright. But, you know, this is who they’ve made president. This is what we all have to deal with.

Speaking of not very bright, we have AOC also weighing in on this one in a moment. We’ll get into that. I mean, you know, Biden, you know, Biden’s not a commie. He’s a a whatever the Democrats need him to be. AOC is a socialist. I mean that’s very obvious. She can call herself whatever she wants, but she is supportive of socialist ideology, sociality regimes. If she had her way, America would leap toward some of the very same policies you’ve seen in places like Venezuela that have destroyed that country. You know what destroyed Venezuela? Social justice and price controls.

CLAY: It’s really unfortunate, too, because I’m not sure what AOC has to pull off anyway.


BUCK: We mentioned to you Ms. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has finally weighed in. There was a bit of silence, a deafening silence, if you will, when it comes to the crackdown. There’s video circulating. Men in government uniforms, all in black, bludgeoning people out in broad daylight in the streets for the crime of protesting and wanting freedom. No, they don’t just want shortages to end. They’ve had shortages for 60 years. This is Cuba we’re talking about. They want freedom. Here is what Ms. AOC had to say about the situation.

CLAY: So there’s AOC, as she says, outright rejecting the policies of Joe Biden. But here is what I think is one of the major choices that has to be made, Buck. If you disagree with a government, you have to decide whether you are going to isolate and reject the choices that that government is making or whether you are going to bring them in closer to you in the hope that that proximity is going to lead to change.

And this is interesting because China, we tried to do the latter, and it totally failed. We saw Barack Obama travel down to Cuba, go watch baseball games with dictatorial leadership there in Cuba, and that also failed. And so I think we’re left, with the carrot and the stick diplomacy. It’s really the stick that’s the only way that’s gonna work with Cuba. Is that a crazy approximation of those situations in general and the way to go about improving the life for the people who live there, is that you have to make a choice for one side or the other?

BUCK: Yeah. I mean, the Obama administration decided that they weren’t going to do what has been done before, which was to demand certain basic concessions about human rights, and that was the price for normalization. They said all right. We’ll just give you stuff. Cuban regimes intransigent, we’ll give you stuff.

It’s not even a little bit surprising. It’s annoying, and it shows you what we’re dealing with the Democrat left in this country, is that the problem right now on the island of Cuba is the Cuban government. To focus on American government policy for the last 60 years — this is what the left always does, right? Oh, why was Syria in the midst of a vicious civil war where the Assad regime was murdering its own people in large numbers. Oh, well, let’s talk about, you know, the British and French mandate in the Middle East, and let’s talk about the history of what happened in, you know, 1917 or whatever the case may be.

No, right now you have commie thugs bludgeoning people in the streets and shooting them because they’re illegitimate, they should not be the government of Cuba, and the American government apparatus and people with platforms should speak that basic truth without this throat clearing but, “Oh, oh, you know, the embargo.” No. No. Enough of embargo crap. This is about Diaz-Canel and his army of thugs not allowing people to have basic human rights and decency. Look. If I had my way, if the Cuban people wanted to get armed up and I were in charge I’d say let’s start dropping big crates of M4s and see what happens.

CLAY: It is fascinating that the Democratic Party is so enthralled to the left-wing. This is why Jen Psaki didn’t want to condemn communism, ’cause she didn’t want to open up the door for the AOCs of the world to finally decide to speak out and blame, of course, United States policy for 60 years of failure in Cuba.

There’s a lot of talk about the great health care system, right, from all the left wingers and everybody else. You know what they do is they take the doctors and the nurses that they produce in Cuba and they send them to other countries. And, you know, Biden actually talked about this. He said for the AOCs out there who are wanting for the embargo to be less significant, they don’t want to share the covid vaccine directly with Cuba because there’s not a belief that the real average Cubans are going to get those vaccines. They might be sold elsewhere. They would certainly go to the elites.

This whole fundamental, broken communist government, I feel like so many people like AOC are so young, and they have such a poor understanding of overall history, that they’ve bought into a totally misguided suggestion and idea of what communism represents. It’s easier, I think, for those of you who lived through in some way the Cold War.

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