
Clay and Buck

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Befuddled Biden Falsely Denied $450K Payouts to Illegals

5 Nov 2021

BUCK: You may recall there was a story earlier in the week — I think it was on Monday it broke — about the Biden administration was allegedly or apparently going to be paying — via the Department of Justice — some kind of settlement to the families of migrants separated under the Trump administration, families separated from each other.

Not permanently, but separated for a period of time, $450,000 a person, up to a million dollars a family, and this was outrageous, more than people get for the family as family members of a service member killed in action, right? So when a service member overseas dies, we’re gonna pay the family of illegals who are separated for a while more.

The federal government is gonna do that with your tax dollars? It seems so outrageous because it was, and it looked really bad for this Biden administration that cannot control — does not want to control — the border, has a de facto open border. All you have to do is know a couple of tricks to get around the system; it’s open as can be. And so what did Biden say? It’s not true. It’s false. It’s not true.

Well, hold on a second. What’s not true is Biden saying that it is not true. White House deputy spokesperson Karine Jean-Pierre said so.

JEAN-PIERRE: It saves taxpayer dollars and puts the disastrous history of the previous administration’s use of zero tolerance and family separation behind us, the president is perfectly comfortable with the Department of Justice settling with the individuals and families who are currently in litigation with the U.S. government. The president was… What he was reacting to was the dollar figure that was mentioned that you mentioned to him yesterday.

DOOCY: What changed that from yesterday? You’re saying that he would be “perfectly comfortable” settling with these families who broke the law to come here. But yesterday he said, “That’s not going to happen.”

JEAN-PIERRE: Let’s remember how we got here when we’re dealing with families being separated. This is coming from the last administration’s cruel, inhuman, immoral (sputters) immoral policies.

BUCK: We’re not askin’ for a lecture, Clay. We’re not asking her to tell us something we’re not asking. They’re basically telling us Biden didn’t know, which I think that’s probably true, but that’s also not okay.

CLAY: It’s embarrassing, is what it is, first of all, to ever get to the point where there could be a contemplation of paying $450,000 to illegal immigrants, effectively rewarding them for coming and breaking our law. And $450,000 is what a teacher might earn in many jurisdictions for working nine or 10 years in a row. That’s not even taking some of the taxes out that they might owe.

This is mind-blowing insanity from the Biden administration, and the only thing that could make it worse, Buck, is for the president to deny it was ever going to happen and then have his administration coming back and say, “Oh, by the way, this is probably gonna happen. It just might be for a little bit less than $450,000.” Well, what is the president’s role?

I think this is where instinctively — to the extent that his brain still works — Joe Biden sees that and says, “That’s not right.” As you said, people who are killed defending our country as soldiers should not be getting lower payouts than people who illegally come to this country. So I think even in Biden’s befuddled, befogged brain, that registers something that is wrong.

The problem is, Buck, I really don’t know that they’re even letting Joe Biden make decisions in the White House. This is scary. We talked about the 25th Amendment with Trump. We never had a situation like this that I can remember with Trump, situation like this where Biden can barely answer questions.

BUCK: Yeah. They just got mad at Trump ’cause they thought he was mean. Biden actually seems legitimately confused.

CLAY: He doesn’t have any idea what’s going on.

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