
AZ Senate Candidate Jim Lamon on the Invasion at the Border

CLAY: One of the battlegrounds out there that could help to send Dr. Fauci a message, Arizona astronaut Mark Kelly is hopefully gonna get his butt whooped by whoever ends up winning the Republican primary to take him on this fall. One of those men who is running in the Republican primary is Jim Lamon. He joins us now to break down the situation in Arizona. We talked earlier, Jim, about the fact that 500,000 got-aways — that’s people who we know got away — came across the border so far in this fiscal year. What are you seeing on the ground in Arizona? What are people telling you that they care about the most, and what do you expect to happen come November?

LAMON: You’re exactly on point: 72% of Republican and persuadable independents, the invasion at our southern border and the resulting crime rates is the number one issue. I hear it every day, and we’re running strong on that. You know, 52,000 a week, guys, coming through in total! As you mentioned, many of those got-aways. But even the ones that they do catch are “processed” not arrested. I have the endorsement of the National Border Patrol Council, Brandon Judd, very active on the campaign trail with us, Tom Homan, et cetera. In addition to that, the Arizona police and sheriffs.

We got Sheriff Lamb, Sheriff Rhodes, et cetera, that have done town halls with us in the last couple of weeks. Guys, they very, very much want a fighter, someone not beholden to these globalist interests like my competitors. They want someone who’s gonna fight. I’m a veteran, six-year paratrooper officer as well as the business guy that’s created thousands of jobs in this race. You know, it’s neck-and-neck, myself and this Masters kid, but the border guys, law enforcement, sheriffs, people of Arizona want somebody tough, and that’s why we’re gonna bring it to them.

BUCK: We’re speaking to Jim Lamon. He’s running for U.S. Senate in the state of Arizona. Jim, it’s, Buck. You see the Biden administration thinking about giving some kind of ID card. They’re just gonna unilaterally do this without any legislation, just executive branch wants to give out ID cards to illegals in the country, including those who have just arrived in recent weeks or months, they say, “to make it easier to process individuals.” What do you think they’re trying to do?

LAMON: Let’s turn it on its head. Let’s make it easier to deport them. But these guys are getting… The logic has absolutely gone anti-American. All of this is intentional; 52,000 a week come in invading our country, getting taxpayer benefits when they process them at the border — again, the ones arrested. Their goal is to get them shipped into the U.S. fabric of the country as fast as possible. And, guys, this includes terrorists. I’ve been down there a dozen times, probably, to the border during the last 62 weeks. Guys, I’ve been there when it was Russia Day.

Literally dozens of Russian military males coming through the border. Strapped, sharp, clean cut. They’re not coming here for American benefits, while they’re gonna get ’em. They’re coming here to do harm. Country needs to wake up and I intend to do everything in my power to shut down business in the U.S. Senate ’til we get this under control. We have got to save the sovereignty of our country. The Remain in Mexico policy that Trump put in — his executive order — Biden tore up. I have to do everything I can, guys, to get that codified into law so the Border Patrol can get back to during their job and turning everyone away, for them to get their case adjudicated across in whatever the home country was. This invasion has gotta stop, guys. It’s gonna take this country down.

CLAY: Jim, we’ve been talking about the Biden administration’s lack of business savvy and basic business and economic comprehension for some time. I know you come out of the business world, so I want to get your read on that. But they changed the definition of virtual everything — woman, changed the definition who can get pregnant — now they’re trying to say that if we have two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth, that isn’t a recession.

LAMON: Mmm-hmm. (chuckles)

CLAY: What do you think about the economic policies and just the economic understanding and comprehension of the Biden regime so far?

LAMON: We can tell zero business days of experience from Biden, Kamala, Buttigieg, Granholm at energy. All of these guys are politicos, lawyers — as, by the way, is the case with Masters, my opponent. These guys have no clue how to run the great American economy that so many of us work so hard every day to live by the rules, pay our taxes. Deliberate destruction, not just of the energy sector but many more. It’s gotta be reversed. We have to stop this stuff, get America back for the people. That’s my intent.

Guys, I have been energy field, power industry for 35 years, also built some of the most modern, efficient coal, gas, and solar power plants in the country. These guys have ruined our energy sector but it’s very straightforward to get it back, get back to all of the above and get it back on steroids. Become energy dominant so we can not only supply our own needs but export around the world coal, natural gas, et cetera. And let’s put 30% excise tax when it leaves our border, goes straight to paying down our kids’ national debt.

Things like woke supply chain where you can’t off-load a container from a ship to a truck in the California ports unless it’s less than 5-year-olds, that kind of craziness. This whole thing about spending into oblivion in D.C. has gotta stop. We spent $4 trillion. Guys, that is plenty of money. You know, we’ve got a huge spending problem. I’ve never built a business on debt. We always did it on our back, sweat equity. Billion-dollar companies. I intend to do the same in D.C.

The people in Arizona have had enough of it. We’re gonna do our darnedest in sending me to the U.S. Senate in order to be tough. I’m not taking a single PAC dollar, not a single lobbyist dollar. I said, “I’ve built big companies. I can afford to do this to the American people, for my kids and grandkids and theirs,” and I intend to be darn tough, guys. Now, Clay, I know that you’re a Tennessee guy, but I played (laughing) a couple of years of linebacker with Coach Bryant in Alabama; so I know something about being tough, and I’m gonna bring it.

BUCK: So, this is when I say, “Roll Tide,” I believe, Clay?

CLAY: Jim, you’ll appreciate this.

LAMON: (laughing)

CLAY: I took Buck… He’d never been to an SEC football game. I took him to Ole Miss-Alabama last year.

LAMON: (laughing)

CLAY: So, I’m a huge monster college football fan, SEC fan growing up in the South in particular. What’s your best Bear Bryant story, for Buck out there who has become an Alabama fan now based on the experience he had in Tuscaloosa?

LAMON: In those days we finished up the bowl games around New Year’s Eve, right, New Year’s Day. And then we had exactly one week off, and we started again. You’re already in the ultimate shape of your life. (chuckles), but Coach Bryant only carried 75 on roster and we’d have a few hundred show up, and it was back down to 75 in about three weeks because whatever level you at, you just achieved another level of that being in shape.

And simply put on the pads — and at the time, my playing weight was six four, 248 — and I could run from Tuscaloosa to Atlanta, I think, and not be out of gas because it was the ultimate experience of if you want to be the best and the elite, go there and do that, and that’s what I intend to take to the U.S. Senate. (chuckling) I just want to take a little note about for the people in Arizona, the competitor of mine, this Masters, 34-year-old kid out of California, took a slot (laughing) on the women’s practice team when he was at Stanford! He was early into the men in women’s sports era while I was, of course, same time in my life, sweating it out in the great fields of Tuscaloosa.

BUCK: Jim Lamon running for U.S. Senate in Arizona. Jim, thanks for being with us. Appreciate your time, sir.

LAMON: Clay and Buck, thank you, and look forward to getting this country back. Jim Lamon.

BUCK: Yes, sir. Thank you.


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