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Axios Poll: Majority Doesn’t Trust Biden

28 Sep 2021

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CLAY: I think this is significant, Buck. Doing the reading — you and I, constantly reading — to make sure we have as much information as possible to do this show and to inform our audience to the best of our ability. This morning, Axios published a poll: For the first time in his the presidency Joe Biden is not trusted by the majority of Americans to tell the truth on covid, and this is massively significant.

And I’m gonna read you this finding, and I’m curious if you think it’s significant, Buck, in terms of Joe Biden finally starting to lose some support and that maybe the masses out there are finally starting to recognize that a lot of what he’s saying is not rooted in reality. The subject of this poll was, “Public Trust in Joe Biden to Provide Accurate Covid-19 Information.”

“Do you trust Joe Biden a great deal or a fair amount to provide accurate covid information?” Forty-five percent of Americans say they do. “Do you not trust Joe Biden or do you not trust him at all to provide accurate covid information?” Fifty-three percent, Buck, are now saying they do not. So. So 53% don’t trust him; 45% do on covid.

I think this is massively significant because Joe Biden ran his entire campaign from the basement of his house predicated on the idea that he would solve covid and he would talk to the American public honestly. And I think where you’re starting to see a massive downturn in support is this vaccine mandate has blown up in Joe Biden’s face.

Because people out there who are not vaccinated — I’m one of them — who were maybe not excited to get vaccinated but down the line might be willing to do so, I think, are rejecting it even more so now that there’s a mandate that’s been puts in place. This is being shown by the numbers of people who are newly vaccinated. They’ve dropped 20% since Joe Biden tried to implement his mandate and not allow people to make their own choice.

BUCK: It turns out when you twist people’s arms and refuse to ask or answer important questions — the most notable one being about herd immunity — I’m sorry, natural immunity, which is a part of herd immunity — people start to get suspicious and also start to resist the overreach and the power grab.

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