
Just Say No! If This Isn’t Tyranny, What Is?

BUCK: Here we are heading into the winter holidays, and we see that there is case and hospitalization records being set in a lot of different states. Nationwide cases are over — for the seven-day average — over 130,000 right now. And you have a lot of worries about hospitals filling up again. You’re hear everything you heard before which would seem quite strange because over 61% of the population is fully vaccinated.

You have to add on top of that a considerable percentage of people who have natural immunity, which is real and scientific and they be with the apparatus of Fauciism, ignore, they ignore it, they don’t care, because that complicates things. Wait. You mean if you had it you could just show that and you don’t have to get the shots? But, you know, everyone has to get the shot over and over again. This is the new regime that they have created. And some of us have been saying is exactly where they’re going all along. It’s not a surprise to those of us who understand the nature of a person, a perma-bureaucrat like Fauci and the way the Democrats have embraced a mass anxiety disorder on the left, which has been created by covid fearmongering, right, fear porn.

There’s a mass anxiety disorder. They weaponized it against Trump in 2020. And now they can’t turn it off. I see this all the time — adults walking outside with their little kid 5 years old, whatever, 10 years old, masked up. What is that all about? You see this in New York City. People standing in line outside to get tested. Now, some of that is because they’re gonna fly. Some of it is because they actually have symptoms. But a lot of people are just, “Oh, if I get tested then I can stop worrying.” If you’re not ill, why are you so worried? Especially if you’re not ill and either have natural immunity or vaccinated, where does all of this concern come from?

Well, you have to recall that they’ve been wrong about so much in the Fauci apparatus. They’ve told you so many things that aren’t true that now it’s hard for people to know what exactly they should believe, at least anyone who has a memory and pays attention. We in the first hour had part of a covid emergency including Fauci. It goes on. There’s even more of it. These are things that people in positions of authority and power have told you in the past. And these are the people that are mandating shots, these people that are demanding vaccine passports. These are the kinds of things that they have said.

WALENSKY: (music) What they can’t do anymore is prevent transmission.

GATES: You know, we didn’t have vaccines that block transmission. We got vaccines that help you with your health, but they only slightly reduce transmission. We need a new, new way of doing the vaccine.

FAUCI: The level of virus in the nasal pharynx of a person who’s vaccinated and infected is the same level as the level of virus in the nasal pharynx of an unvaccinated person.

WALENSKY: Reports from our international allies, including Israel, suggests increased risk of severe disease among those vaccinated early.

FAUCI: And if you look at Israel, which has always been a month to a month and a half ahead of us, they are seeing a waning of immunity, not only against infection, but against hospitalizations and to some extent, death. A booster might actually be an essential part of the primary regimen that people should have.

BUCK: The primary regimen. Understand that all of what you heard there came after — and we played it in the first hour of the show today — their assurances that if you get the shot you won’t get sick, you won’t get it, you won’t spread it. That was wrong. That was wrong. But while they had their wrongness out there, there was this shift in the mind-set of the Biden administration, the Biden regime, the Democrats, the Fauciites. “We know what’s best. You have to get that shot or else. You have to do what we say or else.” And they were firing people from their jobs.

They’re ruining careers. They’re just in time for the holidays booting people out of their careers because they think it’s gonna make people safer. Well, who goes around and apologizes for that now? Why isn’t Fauci going on TV saying, “Look. We failed to stop the spread. We were wrong when we said the vaccination program would stop the spread.” And notice how I say this, oh, you allowed to say that? Look what’s going on. New York has an all-time high in cases, all-time high, the entire pandemic right now. You’re talking about stopping the spread? I mean, are they serious?

I just know that New York did it, because that’s where I live and people are completely losing their minds over this right now. Place is shutting down. Oh, my gosh. All the different, you know, holiday parties that I know that have closed down, some bars and restaurants are closing preemptively.

I had a friend tell me last night that out at — out in Brooklyn near him, they had restaurants is like 40 degrees outside here okay? They had restaurants that had all the windows and doors open and were telling people to mask up between bites and were checking vaccine passports at the doors. When is it too much?

The libs have lost it. And Biden is responsible for that anxiety disorder. Fauci and Walensky, they never tell people, “Calm down. It’s not that bad. We’re gonna be okay. Be reasonable. None of us are gonna live forever. Do things you can that make sense. If you’re sick, stay away from people. If you’re at risk, please get the shot.” We go back to normal life. We either force these lunatics to go back to normal life or else they will force us to live in this biomedical security state forever.

This is now the choice we face as you see this because I’m telling you look at the failure to stop the spread, look at what’s happened in this country and what’s happening specifically in the bluest of blue states with the highest vaccination rates. And instead of saying, “Maybe we should have taken a different approach, we should rethink this,” they’ve just instituted today in Boston the indoor mask mandate. They’re reinstituting in Washington, D.C., another city I’ve had lived in. Apparently I’m living in all these loony — Looney Tunes blue Democrat places only — I lived in Washington, D.C. They’re reinstituting the mask mandate I think tomorrow or soon. It’s soon. They just announced today they’re reinstituting it.

So D.C.’s having a mask mandate, Boston’s havinga mask mandate. Do any of the people that are pushing this — and I completely reject and very much get angry with people say, oh, there’s no cost. It’s like the Fauci thing. It’s just an extra step. (impression) “You know, if you can’t breathe normal, it’s not a big deal because, you know, just blow your air a little harder and event” — you know, no.

No. It is a big deal. It is a very big deal because part of this I think is the people that are most subject to irrational anxiety over covid by masking up all the time they’re creating a physical manifestation of that fear that is also uncomfortable for them; and so it’s elevating — I get agitated when I have a mask on. I get very agitated at people that tell me to put it on too. But I actually feel physical agitation because this is not — I don’t want to breathe through a cloth. Think about what they’re doing. Think about this for a moment.

They’re doing this to little kids. And they’re still doing it. And they’re instituting these policies now — have you ever seen anything so insane? They’re gonna do this — I guarantee you the cases will not come down over the next two weeks in Boston because of masks. Guaranteed. How do I know? Because look at every other time they’ve done this. And they always to fall back on, it could be worse.

Well, we can’t live our lives trying to prove the negative all the time. Could be worse than what? Than what we’re already seeing, all time high cases with mask mandates in place?

In the Netherlands they’re going into full-on lockdowns. They’re putting in place you can’t have more than two people in your home except on Christmas and New Year’s. They’re doing all the things that have not worked because this is what government does. People who are in positions of power who are supposed to do things to protect the public when they actually don’t have answers, which they do not, when they actually don’t have ail way of shutting all this done, which they don’t, what do they do? Whatever they feel like. And they tell you it’s for your own good. And they’re not accountable.

Don’t you see that all along the Fauciite bureaucracy has been an end run on our system of governance?Because it is the administrative state handed the powers of the accountable elected politicians who, as we know, it’s always tough to even hold them accountable, but the administrative state and the politicians supporting it, the Biden regime play this game.

Who’s really responsible for the vaccine mandate? The Biden people point and say, “Oh, we’re just listening to the experts.” Then we get angry at the experts as we should ’cause Fauci’s an evil little fascist and he should have resigned or been fired a long time ago. We say, “Okay, well, what about them?” And Fauci says, I’m just science. It’s the politicians who are making the decisions here to shut down your business, to make your kids mask up between bites outside in freezing cold weather in New York and wherever else they’re doing this. I think they’re doing it in Portland recently.

So how do we get around this? Friends, it’s time we just start saying “no” to a lot of things. Otherwise it continues on. Otherwise this is the world we are gonna be living in for years to come. I mean, they’re actually saying things like, this is — they’re changing the definition of “fully vaccinated.” There’s a bill right now they’re trying to push — again I’m sorry I’m so focused in on New York. And for those of you who live in Texas and Tennessee and Florida, God bless, and you are in a much better — and every other red state listening. Those are just ones that come to mind. But if you’re in a red state you’re in a good shape. If you are in a purple state, you know, you probably have some things go — if you’re in a blue state like me — New York, California — you’re dealing with just lunatics in charge. They’re completely unreasonable.

I mean, I ask you right now you hear the arguments I’m making. Do you think that if Fauci — and he’s a doctor, knows — if he came on this show and actually talked to me and I was able to ask him real questions, would he be eviscerated, would he look like a complete fool? You know the answer is yes. That’s why he’s smart enough not to come on the show. I would just ask real questions. He won’t have real answers. You ask him about natural immunity he’ll say something like, (impression) “We don’t know how long.” And I’d say, how long do the shots last? How much data do you have on boosters and how long do the boosters last? (impression)”I am science.” That’s what he would retreat into right away, you know, like a scared little turtle going back into the shell. That’s what would happen with him and that’s supposed to be the grand expert. That’s supposed to be the guy who knows the way forward for this country. He’s a joke. I mean, a very unfunny one, unfortunately.

Who can defend these policies? Who can defend right now — I mean, I’m being told in my own building where I live, you know, you gotta mask up when you get into an elevator but you don’t mask up when you go into a restaurant because you’ve proven you’re vaccinated.

So I say, well, then why don’t we just tell everybody in the building who’s already vaccinated that they can prove their vaccinated. “Oh, no, we can’t do that.” Why? Why do we think this is stopping any cases anyway? It’s all so stupid. But you see, they can’t admit it because what would that mean about what they’ve done all along?

They fired people. They fired health care workers from their jobs for refusing a shot that does not effectively stop the spread. They fired people. They humiliated them, and they thought they were not only being righteous in doing so, they thought they were saving lives. Really? Saving lives? Natural immunity not allowed, religious exemptions, shutdown time and time again. And you have people like the half-wit governor of New York saying maybe we should just have a statewide mandate in place for as long as it needs to be.

Friends, we are getting a lesson in why the Founding Fathers set up this country with the checks and balances and with the system of government they did and how fragile even that is because of the tyranny that we are experiencing. If it is not tyranny for people to fire you from your job for something that is based on a false premise, to make you physically uncomfortable, to confine you to your home, to shut down your place of worship, to have your child freezing outside in the cold eating and masking between bites because of the anxiety of lunatics on the left who have seized power with false promises about protecting everybody, what is tyranny? Ask yourself that question.


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