As the Country Falls Apart, Biden’s Talking About Climate Change

BUCK: The whole country is kinda realizing — slowly but surely — that recession is coming our way, I think. That will be painful for a little while. You look at the numbers for recession, what it means. It gonna be some economic pain coming our way, as a country. And I think around the whole world, you’ll see this too. But don’t worry, the Democrats are still focused in on, not only the January 6 “insurrection…” The only riot, by the way, that they seem deeply upset about.

The riots that occurred all through the summer of 2020 that involved the attempted burning down of the federal courthouse in Portland. The attempted burning down of a 150 or 200-year-old church next to the White House. The burning down of a police station in Minneapolis. The looting of the neighborhood that I live in in New York City. All that, Clay, you know, that was just politics. People were angry. As Democrats say. But the riot of January 6, we have to get an ongoing theatrical releases from the committee investigating it. And here’s also the other thing they will talk about no matter how much we say, “We don’t care because we’re not irrational and we’re not filled with this propaganda.” Joe Biden is talking about climate change. Once again. Here he is.

BUCK: I just want to remind everybody, they’re looking for excuses, Clay, because of what’s going on on with the economy. And they will find ways… There have been serious Democrat — and when I say serious. You put that in quotes. There have been earnest efforts by Democrats to blame central American migration to the United States on climate change. The Syrian Civil War on climate change. I’m sure somebody out there is saying, that Russian’s invasion of Ukraine was pushed by climate change. Climate change is this thing that we’re all supposed to be terrified of that also was always a built-in excuse for anything that goes wrong when Democrats are in office.

CLAY: And it also is something that is totally a distraction, right? I mean, really, this goes to the essence of what we talked about a lot on this show. Because when it gets important. Some people say, “Oh, why do you read the New York Times?” By the way, the New York Times had an editorial the other day. “Yes, you can have kids, even though climate change is coming.” Imagine you are such a climate change demagogic buy-in person, that you’re choosing not to have children?

By the way, first of all, good, because I would rather have less crazy people having kids in general, right? If your decision is, “I’m not going to have kids because I’m terrified of climate change.” But they really don’t have anything other than distractions. This is why they’re going back to Trump. This is why January 6 is all about Trump, Trump, Trump. He’s not on the ballot. He hasn’t announced he will run in 2024. They don’t have any other reason to exist, the Democrat Party right now.

BUCK: And so many of the excuses and the distractions are also incoherent. You know, Joe Biden talking about climate change as this big challenge we have to face. They also will tell us, “Don’t worry, we’re not doing anything, to limit fossil fuel production domestically,” but they will go abroad to get it. As the governor of Florida points out, “Why is it okay for us to buy from Maduro’s Venezuela, what we could make here?” He’s pretty sure it’s the same planet we’re all living on. So if it’s a climate change issue. Play clip 13.

BUCK: Yeah. He was handed an energy-independent America. You know how presidents will saying, “Oh, I inherited a difficult economic issue.” He was handed an energy independent America — and independent — and somehow managed to turn it around rapidly, but I think the bigger takeaway, Clay, the things that are the shared frustration that we have all over the country right now. About what’s not going well, not going right. Crime. Actually, I might bring us back and talk about this. Rural America is also seeing a major crime wave.

CLAY: Yeah.

BUCK: I’ve been saying smaller cities. Smaller scale cities in town. The crime wave has actually been a national phenomenon well beyond the cities. We’ll actually talk about that in a little bit. But this stuff is the result of a bad ideas. Democrats want to say, “It’s climate change. It’s Putin. It’s happenstance. It’s circumstance.” It’s actually because they have bad ideas that they have implemented, and now people are suffering. It’s important that we all get through the truth on that.

CLAY: There are really bad options, right? When it comes to getting better oil and gas prices. One, United States. Two, Russia. We’ve tossed Russia to the curb. Venezuela, who is not a friend. Iran, who is certainly not a friend. And when you break all this down, where the available oil is going to come from, also Saudi Arabia. So we’re going on bended knee to all of the countries, that are kleptocracies that we have poor relationships with. When ultimately, wouldn’t you rather us be creating all of the oil ourselves, instead of trying to bend the knee to four different countries that are natural enemies of America? And, oh, by the way, suddenly Joe Biden is apologizing to Saudi Arabia, because we’re so desperate.

BUCK: It’s worth noting too geopolitically speaking, when the price of gas is high, a lot of the worst, most oppressive, most destabilizing regimes in the world are very happy, because their economies are one-trick ponies. Whether we’re talking Russia, Venezuela, you name it, they love it when the price of gas is high. So we’re doing them favors with this Biden regime.


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