BUCK: It has been very interesting to watch MSNBC in full meltdown mode in recent days after the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict. There’s some reporting I saw today that some of the execs that run NBC Comcast are starting to think maybe it’s getting a little too crazy. And we’re talking about crazy on MSNBC. Joy Reid, very high up on that list, here she is, instead of saying I got everything wrong about Rittenhouse. Everything I said was basically untrue. I have no idea what I’m talking about. And, by the way, nobody got in a time machine and went back 10 years, hacked my blog and made it seem like I was anti-gay. That was just actually just Joy Reid writing and now running away from responsibility from what she just said. But anyway, here she is on Rittenhouse.
REID: Here is the question dividing America. Kyle Rittenhouse, hero or vigilante? Days after Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges including double homicide, the American right, including some of the most craven, open-inflammatory bomb throwers in the Republican party, celebrated the gunning down of three fellow Americans, leaving two of them dead, like it was the Super Bowl. Some of these professional right-wing trolls who get paid with your tax money as political representatives are now fighting over who gets to hire Rittenhouse as an intern.
BUCK: First of all, I hope she’s kind of talking about us.
CLAY: We don’t get paid by tax money.
BUCK: I know, that’s the problem.
CLAY: Maybe that’s us.
BUCK: Are we on her list of people she hates? That would be fun.
CLAY: If we’re not, I’m disappointed. But anyway, it just goes to show, would I have Kyle Rittenhouse as an intern? Absolutely. I’m sure he would show up on time, be very polite and do a good job. But my understanding members of Congress have already started to say they’re going to do that.
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