Anti-Mask Mom’s School Board Speech Goes Viral
28 Jan 2022
BUCK: I never like to play anything on the air when I can’t tell you the name of the woman and I can’t tell you where exactly this occurred, but it is going viral right now. She’s a mom, and if I get updates on information, I will certainly tell you. But she’s a mom who’s speaking out against the craziness of what is going on right now in schools. Daniel Fullam shared this on Twitter.
He said, “Don’t tell her I posted this, but it deserves to be shared far and wide.” I wonder if Daniel knew that this was gonna be shared for a few million listeners on the biggest radio show in the country. Well, Daniel, your wish is our command. It is being shared far and wide. He wrote, “My beautiful, smart, eloquent, brave wife spoke at the school board meeting this week. This is her speech,” and I wanted you to hear some of it. Play it.
Don’t tell her I posted this, but it deserves to be shared far and wide. My beautiful, smart, eloquent, brave wife spoke at the School Board meeting this week. This is her speech.
— Daniel Fullam (@daniel_fullam) January 27, 2022
BUCK: Amen. But just think, Clay. Think of those details she’s putting out there. Your desk has to stay within a white circle on the ground? We all remember schools. We had this little desks. You kind of put them in them, and, you know, sometimes they have a little place, so you write where your arm goes and everything else. Someone in a position of authority came up with that idea, Clay, and is enforcing it against children! They are forcing mental illness on our kids across the country where they’re doing this stuff.
CLAY: Buck, if you study history — and I know you are a history guy, and I am a history guy, and I know a lot of our listeners are — you often read stories and you think to yourself, “This can’t be real. How did this ever happen?” That’s what people in the future are going to say when they read about the way that we responded to covid, in particular what we did to kids.
There are going to be… Just go ahead and clip this and you can save it for 20 years from now. People who are listening to me talk about this right now, your grandkids one day are going to be studying covid, and they’re going to come to you and they’re gonna say, “Grandma and Grandpa, did this really happen? Did they really make kids wear masks for two years?
“Did they make people sit outside on circles in the freezing cold and eat their sandwiches? Did this all really happen?” and you’re gonna say, “Yeah.” You’re gonna be able… You’re living right now in an extreme, insanity-laden era that in the future you are going to say, “Yes, that all happened,” and what will happen, Buck, is most people will claim they always knew it was a bad idea.
Twenty years from now, there will be virtually no person in America — is my prediction — that says, “Oh, yeah. We did the right thing. Kids definitely needed to do all that.” They’re all gonna pretend, 20 years later, that they knew it was the wrong decision and they’re gonna pretend. Even the people who are the most die-hard advocates of masks, they’re gonna pretend that they were never adherents in any way.
BUCK: I’m sure it was the same thing when the Spanish influenza of 1918 dissipated after three cycles of running through the population of the whole world, and the people that had been mask maniacs than — because remember there were big fights. We talked about this early on in the pandemic about masking.
Guess what, folks? No difference. Didn’t change anything. Wearing a cloth mask then didn’t stop it, and I’m sure that was far less contagious… Well, I shouldn’t say I’m sure but based on what we’re seeing now from Omicron, I mean, it was probably more likely to be effective, if effective at all, then to wear a cloth mask than it is now. But to your point, Clay, none of the people that were pushing all that madness felt bad about it afterwards.
This is one of the problems with the consensus approach to science and also in public policy that involves science is that you know what the fallback is going to be. When there are studies that show — and there will be. There already are some, but there will be definitive studies in the next five years that show that lockdowns were a catastrophic error that did nothing, no benefit whatsoever.
We spent trillions of dollars, harassed people, had masked lunatics running around shouting at their neighbors and friends. People have gotten shot over this in some places, over masks! I had to wear… I took an Uber the other day. I had to take a photo of myself with a mask on because — yes, yes — I’m unmasked, and so I got a naughty strike against me.
So now I have to take photos of myself every time I go on point here being, Clay, they’re just gonna say, “We were just taking orders,” so to speak. “We were just listening to Fauci,” and, by the way, I checked. It’s in New Jersey. That that woman was speaking in River Vale, New Jersey, right across the river from where I am here in New York City.
CLAY: Well, good for that woman for speaking out, Buck, but for people out there who remember, I made my own speech — and speech is an exaggeration because you only get whatever it is, one or two minutes, to be able to speak. But back in August in my kids’ school district — I’ve got two kids in elementary school that are in public schools, and thankfully we won that battle.
My kids have not had to wear masks in our school district all of this year, and it’s made a big difference for them in terms of their growth and enjoyment of school. I feel so awful for all of the kids out there and all the parents who have to put masks on their kids and have to send them into these awful learning environments. The fact that we have allowed this to occur is the biggest American public policy failure since Vietnam.
We are gonna be paying the consequences for what we’ve done to our kids for a long time in the future. It is just so devastating to even think that we have allowed this to happen. And, Buck, people say, “Hey, what do we need to do?” I think we have to make the consequences so severe by, at the latest, November — and I don’t know if you agree with me, Buck.
But I think at some point in the summer, the cases are gonna come down substantially and Joe Biden’s gonna try to declare victory in an effort to try to forestall whatever red wave is coming, and he’s gonna try to say, “See? We finally beat covid! We’re through the worst of it.” Even if he’s wrong, it will rise back up during December and January, seasonally like we’ve seen before. But I will be very surprised if at some point this summer, he and his health apparatus don’t decide to try to declare victory.
BUCK: I think you’re right. One part of this, Clay, this whole time… I was thinking about this recently. The one time when I was surprised and wrong about where I thought it was going was at one time that I really finally believed the consequences, which was when they rolled out the vaccines in March, April, May, and they said, “It’s 95% effective.” I thought to myself, “All right, we got a little bit more time to go here, but it’s gonna be okay.”
“We know vaccines work in other contexts. We’re gonna get to herd immunity’ this is gonna be gone.” I was willing… The time that I was the most wrong in two years ago of this — really the only major time when I was wrong — was at one time that I actually believed the so-called scientific consensus on this in thinking that the vaccines, initially, were going to — I don’t know — be vaccines? That actually you get once and you’re done and then you don’t have to worry — and as soon as the data started to come in, this is what you get for believing “the experts.”
CLAY: I remember having that conversation with Alex Berenson when he was months amazed where everybody else was. You and I were in our studio — when I could still go to New York City, by the way. We were in the studio in New York. We had Alex come in, June or July, I don’t remember.
BUCK: I think it was July.
CLAY: July. And he told me, and he laid it all out. I’d encourage people to go back and listen if you can track down that interview.
BUCK: We should pull some of it just for nostalgia and also for accuracy’s sake so people can really hear it.
CLAY: You remember, Buck, when he was saying all that stuff about the vaccines it was right before was he banned from Twitter, and he was way out in in front of where the consensus was. And virtually everything he told us in July came to pass. But that what was when everybody was talking about, “Hey, it’s a hot vax summer! Everybody’s going out and livin’ their best lives.” The belief was that covid was basically gonna disappear, and Alex came in and he said, “Not so fast. Look at the data that is going on right now in Israel. Look at what’s going on in Europe. This thing is not going to go away.”
BUCK: The Fauci CDC, NIAID, Democrat Party consensus — and it was even beyond the Democrat Party; look, I said a lot of Republicans — believed that was if we got to where we are right now in terms of these shots, Clay, it’s all over. It’s done. We’re finished, forever.
CLAY: Zero. Zero issues.
BUCK: That was the promise, and so just to give a sense, everybody, of how wrong they can really be, the one time I was like, “Okay, look, this is like boiling water, right? It either is or it isn’t. They’re either doing it or not.” Nope! Turned out that was not the case.
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