Another Lie: Biden Tells Fake Story About 10-Year-Old Rape Victim

Update to This Story : An Illegal Alien Did Rape A 10-Year-Old In Ohio

BUCK: They’re not gonna focus on polls in this White House.

BUCK: That was the press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. People, it’s KJP. There’s AOC. Is KJP now the common moniker?

CLAY: The common moniker?

BUCK: Yeah, I think we can start to say KJP, use the initials. Because Karine Jean-Pierre is a bit of a mouthful, and you’ve got to hit the accent properly, Clay.

CLAY: Not gonna work for me. But she’s saying don’t worry the polls. They’re not worried about the polls. They’re just gonna deliver. Now, what’s interesting about that is what exactly are they delivering for the American people? That’s where the next question should be or that’s where the direction of the conversation should go. The answer that everybody sees is they’re not. They’re not delivering. And that’s why they’ve turned directly into what the left sometimes calls culture war issues.

When they’re losing on them or they think it’s a liability they call it a culture war issue, because they want to blame something else, but you have guns and abortion. These are two… It’s like we’re reliving the nineties here, watching the show The West Wing with Aaron Sorkin, a lot of guns and abortion stuff on that show. At least in the first season. I never watched beyond that.

You know, if we could get a federal handgun control law is gonna stop all the violence. I remember… If you want to really solid dose of liberal sanctimony circa, you know, 2000, you turn on The West Wing, you’d get it really fast. But here is Joe Biden specifically on… Well, actually, let’s do the abortion discussion first because Joe Biden is out there telling people — and recently cited this in a speech — that there was the case of a 10-year-old girl who was unable to get an abortion in Ohio, and this is to support the Democrat push for a federal codifying of abortion at some level.

Here’s Joe Biden.

BUCK: Clay, this is obviously meant to have real emotional impact on the American people. The problem with the story is that according to the attorney general, the chief law enforcement officer of the state of Ohio, there is not any evidence whatsoever of this having occurred. Are we missing something here?

CLAY: No. I think you’re right. You may have noticed also that Joe Biden misspoke there. He was the girl was girl was gonna “terminate the presidency” when he meant “terminate the pregnancy.” So Joe Biden can’t even use the analogy correctly.

BUCK: He can misspeak, but he didn’t correct it. He says these things, it’s like he doesn’t hear them, but keeps going.

CLAY: And the data reflects that this has never happened. And for those of you out there who haven’t paid attention, they have been grilling Republican politicians on what their position is on this particular hypothetical, even though it appears to have not occurred because a rape of a 10-year-old would be a crime. So the attorney general of Ohio was on with Jesse Watters last night on Fox News and said not only is there zero evidence that this has occurred…

And there would be an obligation on behalf of a health care provider to report this if it occurred because it’s a crime. And the second part of this is, if you are in that situation in Ohio, you would be able to get an abortion. In other words, a 10-year-old girl — God forbid, that happens — ends up being pregnant via rape, she is allowed to not have that child. So, everything that Joe Biden said in that event discussing abortion laws around that 10-year-old is all a lie.

He got every single aspect of that wrong, and this emblematic of what’s going on right now. Of course, the White House wanted to have a disinformation board, Buck. But they never want to actually get called into account for all of the failures they… You probably saw last Friday when Biden said “repeat the line” after saying “end quote” during his speech on Friday. They came out and said, “Oh, no, he was saying, ‘Let me repeat the line.’” No, he wasn’t! That’s not what he said at all. He said, “repeat the line.” So they lie all of the time, and most often it’s never actually disputed at all.

BUCK: This reminds me. I remember I read a while ago that the Soviets, after the period of the purges under Stalin in some of the archives of the KGB and the internal security apparatus, instead of just… Originally they were blacking out names, effectively just striking through names that they wanted to pretend didn’t actually exist anywhere, and then they got to the point where they were using little razor blades to formally remove the name from the page.

Just going to extreme lengths to change the record in the most thorough way possible, and it seems like this White House is willing to lie in official White House transcripts in order to convince people that what we all know was said is not in fact what was said. It also reminds me, do you remember the AP got into trouble years ago during an Obama speech because they transcribed… He cut off, clipped some words at the end, and they actually transcribed them as missing the G at the end or whatever.

I think he said like “stop crying” or “stop cryin'” and they did an apostrophe; people consider that to be wrong. You do not actually report the way the president said it. You don’t actually report it in a way that they said it, because for them it’s not about the truth, it’s about the perception that driven by all this. And Joe Biden all along has been essentially a presidency that has rested on the ability of the Democrat-aligned media to create a perception of somebody who’s — as I’ve said — is not a nice guy, and he’s a jerk, and he’s a liar. This is the guy who is telling people — does he ever express any sorrow for all the people who were fired for his dumbass vaccine mandate? No.

CLAY: I would also say, in regards to this 10-year-old girl story, the complicity of the media deserves to be discussed to a large extent because they allowed the existence of this story to be accepted as fact, and then built upon the existence of this story accepted as fact as evidence to build further stories the very foundation upon which…

And I saw CNN’s Dana Bash went after Kristi Noem over how she would handle this situation in her state if it happened in South Dakota like it happened in Ohio. Well, that entire foundational question is predicated on a lie. And I don’t think we can underrate that they want the story to be true because it advances their narrative, even if the story is not true at all.

BUCK: And it is worth asking: Why is it that the national media focus is on — the untrue but let’s put that aside — the extreme circumstance of a 10-year-old who would have been assaulted and that’s the story we’re supposed to focus on, not, what about the vast majority of abortions that are conducted in the country, which are by people who are adults and who have consented and who just decide we don’t want you to have baby?

CLAY: Right.

BUCK: Defend that. Let’s actually have a conversation about what’s really going on, people who are 25, people who are 30, people who are 35, saying, “I just don’t want to have a baby right now.” That’s the actual abortion conversation that needs to happen.

CLAY: Not wanting to have a baby in the third trimester. Focus on the 30-year-old who decides she doesn’t want to have a baby when she’s seven or eight months pregnant, not the 10-year-old because —

BUCK: Well, even the Mississippi law, though, is 15 weeks, right?

CLAY: Yeah, right.

BUCK: And the vast majority of the American people are actually on board with the 15 weeks. It’s not just third trimester.

CLAY: Yeah, no doubt. The data reflects… But if you’re going to be using hypotheticals, that you will see use a 10-year-old, first of all, thankfully, almost no 10-year-old can get pregnant, right? The number of 10-year-olds that are capable of getting pregnant is infinitesimally small, thankfully. And then to be pregnant by a rape? I mean, all of these are incredibly detailed, awful aspects of a pregnancy. And it appears that there is not evidence to support that it actually occurred at all.

BUCK: Does Joe Biden care? Is he gonna update the story? She gonna follow up and say…?

CLAY: Is he even gonna be asked about it by anybody else? Of course not. The media doesn’t for the most part do their job. It’s embarrassing.


CLAY: I wanted to play this quick cut here. When a story like this, which is virtually unverified, came out of the Indianapolis Star about this 10-year-old girl having to cross state lines, Ohio would have allowed her to have a abortion — because she had been raped — under state law, according to the Ohio attorney general. But I want you to see how quickly this spread with virtually no confirmation that it was real. This is CNN with one of their hosts grilling South Dakota governor Kristi Noem about this hypothetical. Listen.

CLAY: We can cut this off. I just wanted everybody out there to recognize — because some of you may not have heard this story recognized how much it infiltrated all of the discussion surrounding abortion. Buck, this was was everywhere. And now it appears, at least based on the Ohio attorney general, who would have had to investigate anything like this, and medical professionals would have had an obligation to turn this over in the event of a rape to let it be known that this had occurred, that this crime had occurred. There’s zero evidence that it actually did happen in the state of Ohio.

BUCK: I believe the initial source for the news report is also believed to be a health care practitioner who is a outspoken abortion supporter.

CLAY: That’s correct.

BUCK: So that’s quite a coincidence, too, isn’t it?

CLAY: When the facts all line up, it feels a bit like the Jussie Smollett case where the facts are all lining up in a way that would be incredibly beneficial in their mind to that argument. We’ve got a caller, I think, Buck, who wants to weigh in.

BUCK: Jenny in New Orleans. She’s an attorney and a mom of three. Hey, Jenny, you wanted to weigh in.

CALLER: Hi! Good morning, guys. Yes, I just wanted to weigh in. I’m an attorney and a mother of three, and when I first… This news story popped up on a liberal news feed that I don’t subscribe to but, you know, they pop up on your phone. And when I saw it, of course even being a conservative, you know, when I saw “a 10-year-old rape victim,” I was distraught! And then when I’m listening to your show today and hear that this is a fabricated story, it is just says (sigh) that the left has sunk to the lowest of the lows, to fabricate such a horrific story to prove an agenda.

CLAY: So, I should say, the corroborating evidence to support it does not exist, right? So how exactly this came to be a story? It came out of the Indianapolis Star, but Ohio has said there is zero evidence that this has occurred — and also that the child would be able to have an abortion in the state. So the underlying idea of they had to travel to Indiana, none of it is supported.

BUCK: A hundred percent. So everyone’s clear, Biden lied about the second part of the story, which is the need for travel of the 10-year-old that they reportedly said had been raped and was pregnant. The part before that about the actual existence of the story in the first place… So Biden lied. Even the part before that, as of now, the attorney general for the state of Ohio has said there’s no evidence.

There’s no evidence to corroborate this news report. If there is more, we will come back, we’ll update. If it turns out this did happen, but what Biden said is 100% not true. So that’s… Just be clear, that’s the part we can say is a lie. The part about whether this ever happened? It looks suspect based on the top law enforcement official in the state of Ohio in response to a news report. If it does turn out that this happened, we’ll come back and tell you that it happened.

CLAY: And I do think Jenny’s call is important, if Jenny’s still there, because, these are the kind of things, Buck, that echo through mom communities in a unique way. And when that happens, there are so many suburban women out there who are swing voters, right? I mean, there are a lot of people listening to us right now that are saying, “Hey, I’m gonna vote for the Republican no matter what.” There are also a lot of swing voters, and many of those swing voters are women, and they’re trying to use this abortion ruling as an opportunity to pull them away from Republicans.

BUCK: This is why we just have to remind everybody, “Okay. So what is CNN trying to say here?” CNN is effectively trying to say, “Oh, they’re so extreme that a 10-year-old who is raped has to have a baby, therefore we need laws in all 50 states that say for nine months of a pregnancy from an adult who consents, that’s a fundamental right.”

Right? You see, there’s this huge shift that happens right away. There… Okay, a lot of states have rape and incest exceptions, a lot of states. Minneapolis’s a 15-week ban. So why we even talking about this? Because they take an extreme, emotional incident and try to use that to expand to nine months for consenting adults for any reason or no reason. That’s what they actually want.

CLAY: That’s right, and they also want to scare moms into thinking if your 10-year-old daughter got raped, she’d have to have a baby.

BUCK: Of course.

CLAY: And that is designed to pull away suburban women like Jenny who’s an attorney — smart, mom of three — in Louisiana. These things echo and spread through the mom community very quickly, oftentimes even if they’re untrue or unfounded in corroborating evidence of fact.


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