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Clay and Buck Light Off the Coulter M80

22 Jul 2022

BUCK: We are very pleased to be joined by our friend here in New York City, Ms. Ann Coulter, 13-time New York Times best-selling author. Her Substack, you’ve got to check it out. You’ve got to subscribe to Ann’s Substack. She’s doing a lot of writing and some short-form videos there. Ms. Coulter, thanks for joining Clay and Buck. Good to see you.

COULTER: It’s so great to be here. I just realized, I forgot to tweet that I was going to be on. I’m doing a lot of writing right now. This is why you just have to listen to Clay and Buck. You never know when I might pop up.

BUCK: Exactly, you also share your podcast with your millions of Twitter followers after the show. We always appreciate that. We’re talking a lot today about the general state of the Biden administration right now. And we do seem — we’re always trying to tell each other, there has to be something we’re missing or anything else because it really looks like we’re at the phase where this can’t be the plan, right? Like just running Jan. 6 hearings — what’s going go on between now and the election?

COULTER: I am glad you mentioned Biden because one of my favorite things going on, right, which I did send out a Substack on because it’s so comedic is how all of his top advisors — we can see Biden giving speeches. It reminds me of Robert Mueller, or if you’ve ever had a family member with dementia in your life, you can see he’s really old. I’m sure listeners who see your show don’t need to be reminded he’s constantly calling Kamala “President Harris.” He’s constantly confusing, announces that he has cancer. And his advisors then leap forward, tell all of the New York Times reporters, oh, no, boy, behind closed doors he’s on. He’s asking questions. It’s the tales. He’s up until 2.00 a.m. He’s calling cabinet members. And yesterday I saw Ron Klain, who is the president; he’s the Jared Kushner of this administration, saying the exact same thing on MSNBC, not even with covid. You know, he’s got sniffles, but he’s at work, he’s asking really important questions. He’s talking to foreign leaders.

BUCK: Doing dead lifts in his spare time. Yes, he’s having a great time.

COULTER: They did this back when Gore was running against Bush, and Gore was such a gigantic dork. There was a front page story on the New York Times about how in private Gore has an unbelievable sense of humor. In his bath tub, he reaches comedic heights like you would not believe. This is not available for the public, however.

CLAY: Ann, you’re a lawyer. You’re trained. You probably at some point in your career had to be hired to advocate for positions that you didn’t particularly agree with. That’s what every lawyer has to do at some point in time.

COULTER: Uh-huh.

CLAY: Let’s pretend that you were in charge of Democrat strategy — not for the midterms because I think we all agree they don’t have any strategy there. And let’s also presume that Biden is going to get shunted to the side, although I’m curious if you agree that he’s going to be off on the side. Who is the Democrats best option to run in 2024?

Buck and I have sat around talking a lot about it. We kind of feel like it might end up Gavin Newsom before it’s all said and done. But if you were out there and you were the maestro, you were the Ron Klain of the Democrat party right now, and they gave you gobs of money and said, Ann, you have to come up with a strategy and a candidate. Who is out there that you think you could massage into some form of decent candidacy? Because it doesn’t seem to be like — the Republicans, I feel like, have a bunch. I feel almost every Democrat is incompetent right now.

COULTER: We have three — DeSantis, Glenn Youngkin and Greg Gianforte. You know DeSantis — I don’t bother giving his first name. He’s so big, you just need the last name.

BUCK: Could you call him Ronnie D these days? He’s got a lot of names.

CLAY: You’re in Florida so you’re all in on DeSantis as many people are. But for the Democrats, who is the pick?

COULTER: I’m actually in New York City and Los Angeles. But I did spend covid in Florida. I’m so glad you asked. This is my favorite topic. I can talk about it for hours, particularly with Democrats. They are so screwed.

CLAY: Yep.

COULTER: Even if we didn’t have DeSantis, Gianforte and Youngkin, and we do. Look at the Democrats. After Hillary lost, black voters, democratic voters took the position, no, there’s got to be a black person on the ticket. There’s got to be a black person on the ticket. As you will recall, Joe Biden was coming in sixth and seventh in the primaries, Democratic primaries for 2020. Then representative James Clyburn said to South Carolina, we’re voting for Biden. And black voters, Democratic voters, same thing, in South Carolina said, okay, then we’re going for Biden.

So I want to know, first of all, how the Democrats are going to gently move the first black female vice president out of the way. I don’t think they can run a white male. I really don’t — unless James Clyburn comes forward and supports one. But right now he’s supporting Kamala. This is why I think there is a small chance — it may be just — it can’t be done — that they do the “Weekend at Bernie’s” thing with Biden because he’s the last white male they’ll be able to nominate for president. And Newsom, no, I think he’s a nonstarter. He’s like the waiter at a chic restaurant.

BUCK: We’re speaking to Ann Coulter. Her Substack is “Unsafe.” You should all check it out. She’s writing and posting short form there on a regular basis. And Ann, the issue of crime is getting a lot of attention because of major incidents that pop up, including, for example, that you have Lee Zeldin attacked on stage on video on stage running for governor of New York. My home state.


BUCK: I believe our team told me, I think he was out on bail. I think technically he was released on his own recognizance, which is, all right, we’ll see you in the courthouse in a few weeks or something. Have we crossed over to the line of crazy? This is what happens, this is how Giuliani became mayor is that New Yorkers had a red line, even Democrats, of craziness. Are we getting close to the red line of pro crime crazy?

COULTER: Boy, I hope so. And unfortunately, I mean, I wish you and Clay were the ones running for office. As I always say, never put it past Republicans to ruin an election. I think talk radio and normal Republicans are thinking, well, these midterms are going to be fantastic.

Then you look at Mitch McConnell and Kevin McCarthy, and are they talking about crime? Are they talking about the border? Are they talking about wokeness and what won the governorship for Glenn Youngkin? No. They’re just sitting back, oh, inflation, we’re going to be fine. Talk about it, Republicans. Lee Zeldin is.

BUCK: He says he’ll fire Alvin Bragg, the DA of New York, on day one. That’s one of his biggest talking points.

COULTER: Yes, and please, New Yorkers, please, please, you guys have survived with Republican governors before. They’re not crazy. It is New York. I mean, Giuliani as mayor was Mr. Pro-choice. There was Pataki, he wasn’t exactly —

BUCK: Wasn’t lighting the world on fire in any direction.

COULTER: You can handle a Republican governor. You got the democratic Senate. You’ve got the democratic House. Please just for the issue of crime vote for Lee Zeldin.

CLAY: Ann, what do you think or make of the sort of map of how voters are going to vote being remade? I don’t know if you’ve looked at the data. But overwhelmingly now Democrats are the party of the white, woke, college graduate. That is where they get the vast majority of their support and that drives much of their narrative. And you’re seeing now, I saw in the Quinnipiac poll, Joe Biden has a 19 percent approval rate among Hispanic voters. 70 percent are now turning away from Biden. He’s uniquely incompetent, I think, even in that respect. What do you make of the tectonic plates shifting in terms of where support for parties are coming? And are Republicans making an aggressive enough play in your mind for voters that might not have been Republican in the past?

COULTER: I’d like to make another bet with you, Clay, since I’m already winning my last one or two bets. And that is, no, I think Republicans are spending too much time trying to get the black and Hispanic vote. The way Republicans win is by driving up the white vote. And my bet to you is Republicans — 70 percent of the non-Hispanic vote, not a chance. They will not even get a majority.

CLAY: Okay, what’s our number?

BUCK: She said not a majority. Clay, you’re going to be buying a lot of —

CLAY: 50/50, all right. I will take that a majority of Hispanics will vote Republican in the midterms. If we get to 50.1, I win.

COULTER: Right, correct.

CLAY: And we have to find some data point that we can rely on.


CLAY: We’ll have a mutually agreeable, yes, I’ll put a …

COULTER: This is a steak dinner bet, and the steak dinner that you already owe me, so you can’t weasel out of it, I’ll say it on radio, I bet you that Trump will not be the nominee.

CLAY: I think Trump will be the nominee in 2020.


BUCK: Clay will be buying a lot of steaks.

CLAY: I’ve got a lot of steak bets out there. And I want to ask you this, this is not serious, I don’t know if you heard our last segment but Buck and I were talking about if a woman has a snake as a pet, that we would not want to date her. Now, Buck is engaged now. I’ve been married for a long time. And the other thing I was saying, I saw a really good looking girl with a skull tattoo on her back.

BUCK: Was the skull flaming, because that is an additional —

CLAY: I would be more — at least it would look a little bit artistic. This was a highly realistic version of a skull on her back. Is there, for men, is there something that a man, like, does, the equivalent of having a snake as a pet, skull on the back tattoo for me — you can think about it. I don’t want to necessarily have — you don’t have to necessarily answer immediately.

COULTER: Think about it? I can answer it.

BUCK: Not going to be a hard call for Ann.

CLAY: What immediately are you like —

COULTER: Even though I will lose fans over this. I’m sorry, you can get them removed — no girl, I may save some people — no girl should ever, ever, ever get a tattoo. I know that wasn’t the question. Your question, I’d say, really, tattoos, if you were in the military, you know, you’re a huge, hulking brute, okay, fine, you can have an arm tattoo. But beyond that, no, no tattoos for anybody, knock that crack off. You’re basically marking yourself I’m the servant class here in America; I will never rise above being the busboy.

CLAY: Oh, my goodness, every tattooed man in the community right now is Ann Coulter has —

BUCK: Clay Travis takes the heat for this, everyone.

COULTER: I think if you’re really buff you can pull it off as a male. No female, and I have female friends who have gotten them, males who have gotten them. And they spend a lot of money getting them removed. Remember what outfits were like, or you can look back and see like the disco outfits in the ’70s with the lime green leisure suit. What if you were forced to wear that your entire life? You’re going with a fad right now, is that going to look good a decade from now? Two decades from now?

CLAY: That’s why I’m fashionable. I wear shorts and T-shirts and jeans all the time. I’m never going to look fashionable. But nobody will ever put a photo up of me and be like can you believe Clay Travis ever wore that? Because I don’t think T and shorts…

BUCK: This is where we can count on Clay to light the Coulter M80. Right at the end of the segment.

COULTER: I have one more for you before the end of the segment because I’ve done this. You see the guy’s apartment and there are no books.

BUCK: I’m pro-books in the apartment.

COULTER: I’m not including a few almanacs or dictionaries. No, no, I want some bookshelves.

CLAY: This is one of those things, Ann, where guys would say, “I read but I usually read magazines.” I’m like no, no, dude you don’t actually read anything.

BUCK: Your comic book is not what anybody is looking for here. Clay, you’ve got a read, which is going to save us from the avalanche of opinion that coming our way.

CLAY: Ann, I don’t even know if you should even be comfortable going downstairs now. These tattooed men, you’ve alienated they’ll be lining up on the streets.

COULTER: Right, but not the stubbly ones, and they’re the only ones who would be able to hurt me, right?

BUCK: Clay, for the love of God, do your read, sir. (Laughing).

CLAY: I don’t think the snake people will be angry at Buck and I.

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