CLAY: We’re joined now by our friend Ann Coulter. Ann, I don’t know if you’re seeing it, but Buck and I, during the commercial break here, Matthew McConaughey is in the White House addressing the White House press corps about gun control. We saw previously BT — I’m trying to get this right, BTS — the Korean pop band, I believe, last week.
COULTER: (laughing)
CLAY: Is this kind of a sign that the White House has just given up on being able to message themselves and they’re bringing in different celebrities and letting them stand in front of the White House press corps?
COULTER: That’s a very good point. I mean, whether celebrities, actors and actresses are on our side or their side, I don’t think it ever, ever helps. But it just… I mean, it’s kind of fun. As I’ve said, I’ve said before don’t put it past Republicans not to blow these midterms. But, wow, are Democrats going out of their way to help Republicans, including with their gun grabbing, the hysterical feminists talking about how much they need to abort babies after the first trimester, this endless January 6 and endless fixation on Trump. And now (laughing), as you have alerted my attention to, having celebrities do their PR for them. That sounds great.
And there are actually, much to the chagrin of some of the Democrat-aligned media, there are people who say, “Hold on why don’t we do the following: Why don’t we allow teachers, for example, if they can conceal carry elsewhere to conceal carry in the classroom. That certainly won’t harm anybody, and it takes away no rights that might help.” And you actually establish in your most recent piece on your Substack that there are a number of mass shootings — they always say, will this ever actually stop anything. There are a number of mass shootings that have been stopped by lawful gun owners who happen to have a gun at the time of the shooting.
COULTER: Yes, yes. It happens all the time. I’ve been writing about guns at least since 1999, when I had a somewhat famous George magazine article that has now disappeared through history, but I think I have it. I think I’ll send it on Substack later today: “Ruger is a Girl’s Best Friend.” I went through an argument in a series of Substack posts yesterday. They get delivered directly to your in-box — and first seven days free — first responding to the…
As you say, there’s a pattern to this. The left runs in. If it’s a white perpetrator, they need to grab our guns and they come up with a bunch of stupid proposals that would have done nothing to stop generally either the particular mass shooting they’re talking about or any other mass shooting, but will create devastating consequences. And I’ll run through a few of those very quickly.
But the most important fact is, John Watts and William Landis, two renowned economists at the University of Chicago and, at the time, Yale, respectively, performed a massive study — this was about a decade ago — looking at all mass shootings over a period of more than a decade. And they looked at which policies helped, which policies did nothing.
Death penalty for murder with a gun. They listed of course red flag laws and waiting periods, blah, blah, blah. Everything that gets suggested after there’s any mass shooting by a white male. And there was only one policy in their study that reduced not only the number of mass shooting incidents but, quite obviously, the number of dead at any attempted mass shooting.
So, of course, the media buried the study, buried these cases, come up with nonsense objections to it. The other problem with trying to prove, no — I mean, as the current cliché has it, a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun — is that when a mass shooting is averted, I’ve written these columns over and over again. This one yesterday’s Substack post, were only the ones in the last year or two, it’s no longer a mass shooting.
CLAY: Ann, Buck and I… (laughs) So much for what is it, whatever the weed killer sponsorship we had lined up here. Buck and I were talking. CNN is now saying, going back to 1938, 80 years, this is the best environment that has ever existed for Republicans as we come up on a midterm. If you are in the Biden White House and they said to you, “Ann, we know it’s been a disaster.” Buck and I were trying to come up with our best spin zone for what they could do to try to forestall what appears is going to be a red wave wipeout for them. What pitch could you even make for the Biden White House?
COULTER: Oh, I know! I know! Propose more billions of dollars to Ukraine and watch all the Republicans vote for it.
CLAY: (laughing)
COULTER: That’s a good way to suppress the vote for Republicans. Like I say, never put it past Republicans to blow this. And beyond Republicans, and luring Republicans into taking moronic votes like that or spending all their time… I mean, even Senator Barrasso, I generally kind of liked him, he was one of the first senators who, “I’ve gotten to Ukraine, I’ve visited Zelensky!”
Can we get back to our country now? Not to be churlish about this, but as for the Democrats… And as for the Democrats, I know this always happens when one side wins big, the other party is finished forever. And then the other side wins big, that party is finished forever. But I will say at least right now the Democrats are in a bit of a pickle. And that is their base and certainly the base that Biden is responding to — (laughing), I think they know their base at least as well as I do — is crazy. And I don’t say that lightly. It’s weird. I was just tweeting before going in to you. This pushing of the drag queen story hour! Imagine. (crosstalk)
BUCK: Did you see the photos? Did you see the video? I sent it to Clay over weekend. And I was, like, this is just insane.
COULTER: Yes, and they can’t, they won’t stop. Disney, major corporation. They won’t do anything about the border. They won’t do anything about legal immigration, and I think it’s always worth pointing out what many conservatives will not point out to you: It’s not just illegal immigration. If you bring in the exact same people but say, “Oh, we’re doing it legally,” you still have the same problems of changing the culture, taking jobs away, filling up the emergency rooms and the schools, harming the people already here.
Americans for 40 years have been asked, “Do you want more immigration or less immigration?” and they keep saying they want less immigration! Not just the wall. That’s part of it. Yeah, of course, we don’t want gang members running across, but it’s legal immigration, too. Again, are Republicans doing anything about this? Not so as you’d notice. So plenty of room. Plenty of running room for the Democrats here.
BUCK: It’s remarkable. A mutual friend of ours who is a Democrat, I had a conversation with him recently about what was going on in San Francisco, and I said, “I’m going to need you to explain…” Now, obviously some Democrats have woken up to this because of the Chesa Boudin recall action is today —
COULTER: Yeah. Yeah.
BUCK: — and we had John Phillips on with us to talk about that, by the way.
BUCK: I said you’ll have to explain to our Democrat friends, explain to me how it’s in any way reasonable that as crime goes up dramatically in San Francisco, prosecutions have dropped dramatically in San Francisco. Explain! Riddle me that, you know? And there’s no answers. This is true in a lot of cities now. To your point that Democrats are crazy, that’s crazy.
COULTER: There’s another Soros prosecutor. All of these towns have Soros prosecutors: Houston, Philadelphia, New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles — no, they won’t prosecute criminals. There was just a horrible shooting in Philadelphia. They asked the mayor about it. (laughing) His response was… Well, would it be arrest criminals? Stop releasing them immediately. Put them in jail while they wait for trials? Get a new prosecutor?
CLAY: No doubt. She’s Ann Coulter, check her out and subscribe to her Substack, and you can also follow her @AnnCoulter on Twitter. Appreciate it.
COULTER: Thanks! Bye-bye.
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