
Clay and Buck

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Andrew Cuomo Charged with Sexual Assault

29 Oct 2021

BUCK: This Cuomo thing… Former Governor Andrew Cuomo — bringing it into New York State here for a second. The sheriff is on TV right now saying they’ve got a solid sexual assault case against Cuomo. They’re really… We’re talking criminal charge here, folks, for groping a subordinate, and looks like they’re pressing this.

We might have the former governor arrested and brought up on these charges in a way that they’re gonna take this all the way. This is… Honestly, I did not see this coming. I mean, I know we had seen some of the allegations, but they’re taking this guy… They’re taking this all the way against him right now, Clay. This is pretty remarkable.

CLAY: A fall from grace the likes of which, frankly, we’ve almost never seen in the history of politics. To go —

BUCK: Eliot Spitzer. I mean, there are —

CLAY: But Eliot Spitzer was more of a local story. Cuomo was… Like, there was talk of ripping Biden out of the presidency.

BUCK: Oh, yeah. When you add in the height to the fall, I don’t know if there’s ever been such a fall.

CLAY: That quickly.

BUCK: Yeah.

CLAY: It’s really kind of unprecedented to think he might go on trial facing jail time, which I don’t think anybody would have thought. It’s crazy. And, by the way, not jail time for probably his most heinous act as an elected official, which was the way that he handled nursing homes in New York to say nothing about any other misappropriate behavior.

BUCK: There are people who buried relatives because Cuomo is a stubborn, thuggish moron — that actually happened, lots of them.

CLAY: Yes.

BUCK: But he’s not going away for that. They’re #MeTooing this guy and #MeTooing in the more Weinstein sense of this. It’s not just he was inappropriate but they’re looking now criminal charges. The sheriff, Craig Apple, Albany County, New York, is right now on TV on Fox News saying we have a solid case against Cuomo. This — to your point, Clay — is remarkable.

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