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An Authoritarian Cautionary Tale from Australia

11 Oct 2021

BUCK: We have our friends in the Land Down Under, Australia, always showing us what will happen if we just give up and let the Fauciites run amok, right? What will happen if all of a sudden we just say, “Fine. We’ll do what they want. We’re not gonna fight back anymore.” Things will get really crazy, and here is a video — and I couldn’t really confirm or verify this much.

This is on social media. It all seems legit, though. The police seem like police. They’re acting like cops in Australia. They approach a guy about him being at a protest against lockdowns six months ago — six months ago — and that is something that is a criminal offense that they now want to talk to him about.

BUCK: “Because it’s illegal.” Did you hear that? It’s illegal to protest lockdowns, because by protesting lockdowns you’re violating lockdowns. That’s the way things are in Australia. They will send law enforcement officers with guns to your home to ask you if you were out peacefully protesting six months ago because it was a violation of covid orders.

That is how crazy a Western democracy — that is very similar culturally and otherwise to our own — has gotten. So don’t think that, oh, they’ll get tired, that Fauci and the rest of his little minions will get tired of the tyranny here. They revel in it. They love it. They think it’s fantastic.

If they could get away with more, they would. And that’s why Southwest Airlines collective action… Gosh, it sounds like something the left would do. I love when we take their tactics. I love when we take enemy tactics and use it against them. That’s why it’s so important.

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