CLAY: NIAID director Fauci has tested positive for covid. Mr. Fauci, Dr. Fauci himself, the Fauchmeister, your fellow alum from high school.
BUCK: That’s right. Regis High School alum.
CLAY: He’s a five-time covid shot guy. We gotta read it, right?
BUCK: (impression) “Clay, I didn’t get the sixth shot in time. It’s on me.”
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: “Shot number 7 was waiting in the wings and I just delayed. I could have had shot number 8 if I had just gone in with a Groucho Marx disguise.” But, no, it turned out.
CLAY: “He had four shots…” I’m reading from the official release. “He’s had four shots, he’s fully vaccinated, has been boosted twice.”
CLAY: It says he’s currently experiencing mild symptoms. He will isolate and continue to work from home. He has not recently been in close contact with President Biden. Can we just talk about this for a minute? Is Joe Biden the only person in the entire White House who has not tested positive for covid at least once?
BUCK: I do not believe that Joe Biden has not gotten covid. I do not believe that.
CLAY: He either has the greatest immune system of all time or they have not been straightforward with us about him testing positive.
BUCK: You know, it was kind of a tip-off when we all remember — and this was 2020, folks, when covid was going to be the thing that destroyed the world forever. People were completely losing their minds, Donald Trump got it and remember the media —
CLAY: Oh, everybody blamed —
BUCK: — was saying, “Oh, ’cause he’s reckless and he’s not…” And he was in the hospital, he was back out in 24 hours. Remember that?
CLAY: Oh, yeah.
BUCK: Pre-vaccine too it. And you’re like, “Well, Donald Trump is fine. He’s in his seventies. It’s all about the odds, all about the numbers.” Most people even at that age are actually going to be okay with it.” There’s no guarantees in life, folks, as we all know. We’ve all been living through flu seasons. We’ve been living through day to day, you look at how many people are dying of stroke, of heart attack.
There’s no perfect security that they can offer you. But, anyway, Fauci getting covid finally here, I think it’s probably the second time he’s gotten it too, and I don’t believe for one second that Joe Biden has never gotten a positive covid diagnosis. He probably just has a personal physician in the White House run a test and then Hippocratic oath, can’t talk about it. You got more on this?
CLAY: No, no. I was just gonna say this ties in perfectly with that.
BUCK: Yes. We’ve got CNN Elizabeth Cohen, who is saying about the Moderna shot. You gotta hear this, folks, because I’m a pretty sure I’ve been kicked out of every major social media platform at some point for saying something like this.
BUCK: ‘Cause two doses aren’t enough, Clay. Let’s go with three! Not six does, seven. Seven little doses sitting on a branch.
CLAY: This is where we are now. Most people… Again, Dr. Fauci. four shots. still gets covid. Justin Trudeau, four shots, gets covid twice. You can basically can just run through the list of the most die hard “vaccinated,” quotation marks, proponents, and they overwhelmingly still test positive for covid. Most people, Buck, most rational people, if you do something multiple times and it doesn’t work, is your next thought, “Maybe I should do it a third time!”
Or are most people gonna say, to your point, if it didn’t work on the first four, what are the odds that five’s gonna work or six is gonna work gonna work or he seven is going to work? All of it is a sham, and I remember ’cause the last time I was in New York City, you and I were sitting right in the studio, and we had Alex Berenson sitting right next to us and this was in July of last year, basically.
BUCK: Yep.
CLAY: And he came on and everybody was fired up about how well the covid shots were gonna work. And Alex Berenson told us, “Guys, the data reflects that they aren’t going to work very well,” and he got banned on Twitter shortly thereafter for saying what was a hundred percent true.
BUCK: We were led to believe that the covid vaccine would be very similar to the — and people were making the argument, and I mean public health officials and the experts and the consensus creators —
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: No, of course not. Nobody’s… Now, people say, “Oh, that’s because of herd immunity built over a long time and the protection of the vaccine for everyone.” But the point is, you know, you never hear of a breakthrough infection, and if you do it’s a true breakthrough infection. The people who were saying, “Wait, hold a second. If covid rapidly changes as a virus, doesn’t that mean, if it’s a rapidly mutating virus — which we know it is — doesn’t that make it harder to come up with a one-and-done vaccine protocol of any kind?”
CLAY: Yes.
BUCK: And the answer was obviously “yes” but if you said that a year ago you were misinformation, disinformation, shut ’em down, you’re literally killing people and there are some people who are still so dumb that they will not accept that they were wrong about all of this, and we have to call them out. We have to shame their stupidity, at least, including The View’s own Sunny Hostin, who has it, in ten seconds, all about as wrong as you can be in 10 seconds.
HOSTIN: I hope it’s not DeathSantis over in Florida because I think he’s the fascist .
BEHAR: What did you call him, DeathSantis?
HOSTIN: DeathSantis. I think he handled covid miserably. I think he’s a fascist and a bigot.
BUCK: The fascist and a bigot thing, that’s just childish slander from somebody who really needs to read more. But explain this to me: How is Florida still anything other than the place that got it right?
CLAY: They got it a hundred percent right based on all the data, and it’s ironic that we’re at a position where you call someone a fascist who is defending your individual freedom. Right? Hey, you have… (laughing) You have the freedom to make your own medical choices. If Sunny Hostin wanted to move to Florida and get 19 straight consecutive covid shots and wear eight masks, she would have the right to do that. Ron DeSantis is not stopping her from doing it. He’s just saying that everyone doesn’t have to behave as ridiculously, absurdly dumb as Sunny Hostin.
BUCK: I gotta ask you, Clay: What’s the chance that Fauci decides to live stream some of his recovery?
CLAY: (laughing)
BUCK: You know, he hasn’t gotten a lot of attention recently. I think the Fauch could, you know, go on Facebook Live and (impression), “Here I am, everyone. I am obviously in isolation. I have a mild sniffle, not too bad, three out of five on the sniffle scale. But don’t worry! Your favorite awful totalitarian lab coat tyrant will be back.” I think he’s got something.
CLAY: I think he would do fabulously well.
BUCK: I think he could get some clicks.
CLAY: He hasn’t got very much attention. I just can’t wait for his official statement that he’s thankful for the vaccine and he’s keeping him from having serious health conditions.
BUCK: Clay, only barbarians fail to genuflect to the vaccine god when they are sick. You know this.
CLAY: I also just have to say, I wish Dr. Fauci had taken covid a little more seriously.
BUCK: Maybe if he had triple masked.
CLAY: I know. Kind of reckless that he managed to get covid. Makes me a little bit sick.
BUCK: (impression) “You live and learn.”
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