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Biden Heads Into Fall with Nothing But Failures

6 Sep 2021

CLAY: I think right now, as for many people, Labor Day represents a moment to think about where we are headed into the fall. What do you think the Biden White House was thinking when they saw all these full stadiums, all these people not wearing masks, and they knew in the Biden the White House that they failed at the border, that they have failed with covid, that they have…?

Again, I think it’s important to recognize this: There are more covid cases right now in this Labor Day weekend than there were last year in Labor Day weekend. Failed on the border, failed on covid — failed — failed with the murder rate continuing to skyrocket all over this country, failed on inflation, failed on getting the economy back up and running, failed on the $3.5 trillion budget because Kyrsten Sinema from Arizona and Joe Manchin from West Virginia have said they won’t support that.

Failed — and if there were an election today would get his ass kicked by President Trump. What does the Biden administration have to hang its hat on right now as we prepare to roll into the fall and the winter? He has a 44%, 43%, 45% approval rate, and we know that the polls almost always overstate support for Democrats. So if you’ve got NPR saying Joe Biden got a 43% approval rate in this country right now? NP-freaking-R?

If NPR says Joe Biden has a 43% approval rate, what is it really? Can’t get our troops out of Afghanistan safely. Can’t get our American citizens out right now because the Taliban continues to squash and control all departures. They’re demanding more payments in order to let Americans and our allies leave that country. We are negotiating with terrorists. The Joe Biden administration, short of the presidents who died — ‘casue they got pneumonia when they were given their address or they got executed, assassinated.

Short of the presidents who died in the first eight months of their term in office, no one has ever been more of a disaster than Joe Biden. And I say that as someone who is not rooting for Joe Biden to be a disaster. I don’t want America to fail. I don’t want America’s enemies to laugh at us. I don’t want China to be scrambling jets over Taiwan even more frequently because they know that we have a wimpy commander-in-chief who can’t do anything correctly.

I don’t want for Russia to be totally without respect for our commander-in-chief ’cause they know he has to take a nap every afternoon and that he can barely read off a teleprompter. I don’t want America to be in this position, but I’m telling you right now: As they prepare for the fall, the Biden administration has no answers at all. They have virtually no true allies. They have no real support.

Joe Biden goes out on the road; nobody shows up to watch him speak. This is, I believe, rapidly trending towards the worst first-year presidency certainly of any president of our lives and one of the worst first-year presidencies ever. And it was all eminently foreseeable. What are they saying? What are they thinking? How desperate are they? I’ll tell you next.


CLAY: So what is the Biden administration gonna do? I just ran through the long litany of failures that they are complicit in so far, headed for the worst first year in the history of — certainly modern history, one of the worst first years ever if you are a student of history. I mean, it’s gotten so bad that the New York Times had an opinion piece that said, “How has Joe Biden become so unpopular?”

The answer to this is he failed at everything. But when the New York Times has an opinion piece examining how Joe Biden has become so unpopular, and when NPR says Joe Biden’s approval rate is 43%, these are desperate times. So what is Joe Biden’s pathway? I’ll tell you what’s gonna happen. They are going to use the abortion debate. I’m telling, this is how desperate they are.

They are going to use the abortion debate in Texas to start to argue as their midterm case for the American public that they need to have a House majority and Senate majority because if they don’t, then women are not going to be able to have abortions anymore. This is their break-the-glass moment. They gotta get the fire extinguisher, and they’re gonna try to put out whatever they can.

And it’s gonna be messy, because the Supreme Court is going to hear actually not the Texas case but a Mississippi case dealing with abortion. But that is going to become the Biden administration’s entire hope for the fall. Now, they’re going to pivot. They’re trying to use the insurrection, remember? January 6th was gonna be their argument, and they were gonna use January 6th as sort of their cudgel to beat up on the Republican Party. They’re not gonna use that anymore.

They’re gonna try, but it’s not registering. They are going to try and terrify suburban women with the idea that you’re not gonna be able to get an abortion. Now, this is interesting. I saw an interesting study in the New York Times, and it said, do know what happen in Roe v. Wade were overturned? Because a lot of people don’t spend much time contemplating a world without Roe v. Wade as the law of the land as it has been since 1973.

What does America actually look like if Roe v. Wade doesn’t exist? Not that question different than what it looks like now, and I understand there are activists on both sides that are wildly committed to the battle over abortion. But what would happen is, states would get the right to decide whether or not abortions occurred inside of their borders. That’s what the practical impact of Roe v. Wade being overturned would be.

We would go to go back to a federalism setup — this is me putting my lawyer hat on — and states that don’t believe abortion should be legal would, for the most part, not have abortions taking place. And states that did believe it should be legal, would be having abortions taking place. There was a study in the Upshot section of the New York Times that I ready a while back that the total number of abortions would only change and decline by about 14%.

Now, the positive here — it’s like nobody actually wants to discuss it — the number of abortions that occur in the United States on a yearly basis have plummeted over the last generation. A large majority of that is because (and this is a positive) the number of young, teenage girls who get pregnant is every year getting smaller and smaller.

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